Changing Avatars



『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』, Female
Blog Posts:
I have seen plenty of people changing avis all the time, daily, weekly, monthly... Constantly you could say.

Others, have been with the exact same avi ever since I first met them... Others never bothered to set an avatar in the first place.

For me, changing avatars is always a hard thing, I really like almost all pictures I have used as avi, and I want to keep using them for as long as possible.

At the same time, I want to use all the other lovely pics that are waiting on my folder...

It's really hard, you know? I want to use them all, but I never want to change!!! >.<

Sometimes I wonder how can some people never bother to change their avi... And how others change theirs quite often very easily...

Hmmm... Maybe a magical explanation will come to me in due time... I don't know... >.>

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    1. doomeye1337 Aug 12, 2017
      It's interesting because I notice you tend to use Sakura even though you do change your avis relatively regularly. I've only used three avis so far : one was a placeholder when I wasn't using the forums much, one was banned, and then I decided to don Kyubey as the perfect incarnation of "cute yet disturbing"

      I'm probably just too lazy to change on the regular as when I do invest a bit into it, it has to be perfect for me or it's a no-go.

      Interested in other peoples' reasoning as well :p
      brasca123 likes this.