short story #1


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The life of homeless people is cold at night and it's hard, the asphalt to sleep on. Finding a bench is one of the better solutions for a bed and the constant eyeing by strangers is something an anxious hikkikomori couldn't endure.

Julius was born on the street. When his mother gave birth to him from an illicit affair, his heartless human garbage of a father tossed her away in a snow-white, freezing cold winter after breaking one of her legs. Just because he didn't want to have a bastard son, he would much rather have this son of his unfaithful wife find an early end in the harsh winter.

Honestly speaking this might have been a lucky outcome in an unlucky situation for the back then yet-to-be-born Julius, as his father was a very bad character who controlled the lives of all the people around them and giving them no freedom of thoughts nor acts.

The only reason why people would follow him was because he was a very rich and influential man, in fact he was the fourth richest man in Lanastadt city.


Julius' mother was crawling from the gates of the hellish residence where her ex-husband now, resided. She nearly fainted from the indescribable pain of a broken leg, which she tried to resist at all costs, lest she would die together with her unborn son, once she lost consciousness

The blood, which was seeping out of her broken, wounded leg, stained the white snow red and beautifully blossoming flowers of blood decorated the white garden of snow flowers, creating a magnificent view to behold in the eerie atmosphere, which was overshadowed by the bright moon and by the snow flakes it littered, which fell from the sky.

In a moment of absolute absence of sound and pain, due to the adrenaline as well as the last bits of life forces in her burning up, she looked around her to look and take in the scenery for a last time. Breathing slowly, flashes of her life went by in bits and pieces.

From her birth, to her first candy to her first lost teeth, to her first kiss, her first love, her first boyfriend, her first husband and finally her first child, everything from her 22 years of life was played on repeat and showed in front of the eyes in her mind.

Tears streamed down her eyes, as she, with the care of a mother, placed her hand on her belly, feeling the movements of the being in herself, her child, her son. Because she couldn't move any further, because all the energy that she could muster up in the end dissipated, she cried out from helplessness: "I am sorry, my son. I am sorry that mother couldn't save you. Julius..."


Darkness manifested in her mind, she had found her eternal rest. Slowly her stilll lingering warmth in her blood and body would dissipate, until it would get colder and colder till it would be frozen. Slowly the comfortable temperature around the baby would become more and more unbearable until it died along with its mother. It was struggling inside her and fighting to not succumb to death just like its mother did.

Setra, thrynki and Hotato like this.


    1. Setra Jul 21, 2017
      And it's hard, the asphalt to sleep on. :LOL:
      L4 likes this.
    2. Hotato Jul 20, 2017
      Can't wait for the next!
      L4 likes this.