Adventurers Guild Adventurer's Guild - Receptionist Desk

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Games' started by shad12ow, Aug 25, 2016.

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  1. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    ((Please tag the same receptionist that granted your quest.

    I'm gonna read it now, and then appraise it, but please tag the right person next time.))
  2. MagnanimousLight

    MagnanimousLight Active Member

    Jul 18, 2017
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    OCC I am so sorry, I just wanted to get it done and tagged the first receptionist I saw :/
    Naraku and AliceShiki like this.
  3. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Great Plain|#SD3|D-Ranked|Slay 3 Orc Leaders [150 G]
    Great Plain|#GD1|D-Ranked|Gather 5 Rainbow Slime Gel [120G | 1 x Rainbow Gel]
    Great Plain|#GD2|D-Ranked|Gather 10 Nectar [120 G | 1 x Butterfly Honey]
    "Welcome back uhn..." *peeks at her card* "Fae-chan!

    Hikari will take a look at it!"

    *reads the report*

    "Eto... Hikari does think Fae-chan did a good job with the orcs, but... How did Fae-chan get the gel and the nectar...? Hikari didn't ser anything about it on the report...

    Hikari is sorry, but Hikari will have to fail those.

    Fae-chan's reward will be of 250G.

    Please work harder next time!"

    ((The description of how you killed the orcs was pretty nice and well made, I liked reading it, it was pretty nice, sneaking up and giving a swift kill, while also interrogating them, it was good.

    But... You wrote nothing about how you got the nectar and the Rainbow Slime Gel... Like, nothing how you found it, or how you harvested it, or about how you dealt with the slimes... It really felt like a lazy job...

    We don't require an epic quest on how you got flower nectar, but at least write something about it, instead of "I spend my time searching for the Rainbow Slimes and Nectar"...

    I hope you enjoyed writing it though! >.<))
  4. NiQuinn

    NiQuinn 『Optimistic Pragmatist』

    Nov 15, 2016
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    Reading List:
    I walked into the Guild Hall and found that even this building wasn't spared. Though the damage couldn't be compared to some of the buildings I saw in the outer districts, it was still enough that I had to wonder how bad the fighting here was.

    While I was wondering how the Guild was going to settle with repairing all that damage, I walked to the receptionist's desk and submitted my quest report.

    • Great Plain|#SC1|C-Ranked|Slay 5 Cyclops [150 G]
    • Great Plain|#SC2|C-Ranked|Slay 5 Hard beetles. [200 G]
    • Great Plain|#GC1|C-Ranked|Gather Cyclops Eye [150G | 1 x Earth Orb]
    • Verdant Forest|#SC1|C-Ranked|Slay 2 Serpent women [180 G]
    • Verdant Forest|#SC2|C-Ranked|Slay 3 Forest Mole [180 G]
    • Verdant Forest|#GC1|C-Ranked|Gather 10 Giant Forest Beetle Carapace [160 G | 2 x Pristine Carapace]

    As usual, before leaving for my set of quests, I dropped by the Tavern to get some much needed rations. Thankfully, it wasn't very fancy this time around and was more a practical set of dried goods. Waving goodbye at the staff, I excused myself and went on my way.

    Great Plains was my first destination. The quests weren't that difficult of a list to do and it greatly helped that I already had some experience with cyclops so I wasn't that apprehensive about it. Truth be told, the caution was there but at least, I already knew what to expect from the giant brutes so there was no use to worry.

    For now, I pushed the task of slaying the cyclops aside and focused on hunting for the beetles. The main reason for doing so was due to the fact that they could be found close to human habitation because they had the tendency to go for the farmlands with its high content of nutritious food. They were pests, plain and simple, and were usually burrowing under the soil to scavenge for their meal. Farmers in the plains hated them with a passion.

    It didn't take me long after leaving the confines of Frontier Village to reach the area where the crops were planted. There were locals doing their business there and the early hour of the day was their busiest as they checked the health of their plants and made sure no parasites or bacteria had harmed their crop.

    Normally, any farmer would have been cautious at seeing me, a newcomer to the area, and would act wary at sighting a face they didn't recognize especially since areas like these weren't exactly a tourist attraction. However, instead of suspicion, the local farmers had waved at me with such a welcoming atmosphere that I felt uncomfortable. It wasn't very wise to be so trusting. I had no place to reprimand them though. In fact, I should feel rather glad that there weren't complications upon getting here.

    Not wanting to waste their time any longer, I told them what I was here for and I was enthusiastically ushered to go further out to the edges of the farmlands. Apparently, as I was informed by one of the locals, the hard beetles were thankfully not in season unlike the dolphins from the desert. That didn't mean they weren't a problem though. When the farmers said they weren't in season, it just meant that there weren't any adult hard beetles in the area. At worst, the biggest one I could probably find today would be no bigger than a medium sized dog. That in itself was problematic enough. Much to the relief of the farmers, the beetles at this stage were easy enough to dissuade with a hard thwack of a rake. A good hit usually made them leave but to kill them was nigh impossible.

    Therein was the reason why I was welcomed without much trouble. Most, if not all, of the strangers who came here were Adventurers or mercs off to hunt for the pests. It was a huge weight off their shoulders whenever someone like me came for their beetle problem. That being said, I quickly reached the end of the farmlands where tilled soil met sturdy fence that kept it segregated from the wide expanse of the plains. Hardly enough to keep the beetles away.

    After telling the farmer thanks for walking me this far, I insisted that I would be fine on my own. The man didn't push to stay as he still had a lot of work to do in his own field that was situated closer to the village. The area I was in was closer to the river to the west and I could see a house with a water wheel not too far from where I was standing. Beyond that was an endless carpet of green that was quite peaceful to look at. It was a quiet morning and I appreciated the serenity of it.

    As much as I wanted to just sit back and relax to take it all in, I knew that it was bad to waste time especially with the farmers expecting me to do what I came here for. With a last look at the plains, I set off to do my work. By this point, it was automatic for me to feel out my surroundings with my mana and ignis sensitivity. Even now, I was still quite amazed at how much stronger it was compared to how it was before and the more I actively used it, the more that second imprint in my mind seemed to dissolve which I found quite interesting.

    The reason why the first imprint vanished was because, if I was right in my assumption, the imprint was there to discourage me from using my miko skills. The only thing that would break the compulsion was to decide with complete conviction that I needed to return to my roots and get back to using my miko skills again. So, what would it take to break this weakening, second imprint then?

    Setting that problem aside for now, I made a concentrated effort into finding my quarry and was pleasantly surprised to find two quite quickly. One was a few yards away to the north, quite a distance from the fields, while the other was merely a few feet from where I was but deeper to the ground. Then, a dilemma. How was I to attack these huge bugs?

    Back in the desert, the sand made it possible for the my Ignis Volley to dive through and attack the dolphins. This was solid ground. My ignis stakes and arrowheads were not made to pass through tangible matter. I was still not skilled enough to change the ignis midway from its original design. Originally, ignis was an unseen force that resided in the earth so it wouldn't have been a problem to customize the ignis to its original state and somehow manipulate it as a weapon. However, I had no idea how to do that yet. It would have been great if I was able to make a net somehow and scoop out those beetles to get them above ground. That would take a different level of mastery since one had to somehow change the ignis' property to accommodate the beetle but ignore the soil. How in the world could I do that?

    Sighing at my thoughts, I tried to go about this in a different way. Because my ignis stakes lacked penetrating power on certain tough surfaces, I had to customize them into arrowheads which successfully did the job. In fact, I was rather pleased with its performance even against the wyverns. However, animal hide was different from solid ground.

    I decided to try it out. Forming a stake-shaped ignis, I then sent it down to the soil and watched as it struck land, stopped in a harsh jolt, and vanished. Sure enough, it didn't go that deep. Tried with the arrowheads and it was mostly the same result. I could think of only one way this could work. It would be incredibly tricky manipulation but I had to try.

    First, I tried to form the ignis into a sharp cone that had a length of six inches and a diameter of four inches on the flat end. Afterwards, I carefully modified its shape to have a spiral ridge from the cone's sharp point that circled around until it reached the opposite end.

    The whole process took longer than I liked and reminded me of how one molded clay. Instead of hands, however, I had to use my mind to carefully 'sculpt' the makeshift drill I was planning to try out. Now came the tricky part. Just because I had successfully formed the object out of ignis, that didn't mean it would stay that way automatically. I had to keep it in that form the same way I kept my stakes and arrowheads remain in their solid state - by making my mind actively keep it that way.

    After succeeding in forming the makeshift drill, I was mildly surprised at how much focus I needed just to make sure it stayed in its form. Thankfully, I was using the natural ignis in the environment and not my own else it would have been extremely exhausting. Biting down on my lower lip in determination, I concentrated and watched as the ignis cone started to rotate slowly. When it picked up a bit of speed, my focus split between making sure the drill was in tact and making it rotate causing my concentration to falter and the drill lost its form. Then, I tried again. And again. then there were more trials and errors after that.

    Suffice it to say, it took quite a bit of time of experimenting but I eventually did get the hang of it. Except, after finally getting one problem out of the way, I now had to add another layer of difficulty. Next order of business, push the drills toward my targets underground.

    The action proved to be another challenging feat as I found myself having to adjust drill speed and pressure at the same time causing more disruptions to my concentration. After a while, I realized that I was making this a tad more complicated than it should be. I had been trying to think too meticulous and precise about the minute details that it was affecting the performance of its intended objective.

    Making a few adjustments in how I handled the drill, it eventually showed good results. By this point, it was getting mentally draining to keep on trying the same thing over and over again. Thankfully, the outcome was gratifying so I felt it was well worth it. There was nothing better than seeing all your efforts bear fruit.

    As I had been doing all this experimenting, I noticed that some of the locals were now watching me with a good dose of curiosity. Most of them were teenagers and were probably children of the farmers off to help with the family chores. They hadn't minded me at first but having stood here for so long had roused their curiosity.

    I ignored their gazes and proceeded with my task. With Ignis Volley, it was close to impossible to shoot at my target without a proper visual. Even now, I wasn't sure if I would be able to reach the beetle underground with my newly formed drill. It was useless to worry. Better to try it first before declaring it to be a useless feat.

    Once I was confident enough with my control over the drill-shaped ignis, I sent it towards the ground and watched as it started to penetrate through soil. At least, in this part of the trial, the drill was successful on the first try. I slowly increased its rotation speed by increments and pushed it down harder to increase movement. This time, it didn't take too long for me to get the hang of it. Not wanting to waste another minute, I decided to go for it.

    Sensing that the beetle had moved a little further ahead, I sent the drill without preamble to where it was. The deeper the drill went, the better feel I had with my new tool-slash-weapon making it easier to control. Having only a few feet left to my target, I pushed at the drill with everything I had causing its speed to go faster. Since I couldn't see the insect and could only pinpoint where it was, I decided to go all out in hopes of doing as much damage as I could. When I felt the drill finally reach the beetle, I maneuvered my custom weapon and imagined it piercing through the insect's tough exoskeleton.

    Though I couldn't see what was happening, the beetle's position suddenly changed and it seemed as if it was trying to run away. The fact that it was moving in a very erratic pattern made me hopeful that I had injured it. With my drill still very much present, I abruptly changed its route and let it go after the runaway insect. Two times I missed but the third might have nicked it as it suddenly changed course again. This time, however, it was heading to the surface. Instead of aiming to attack the bug, I ended up herding it towards a direction that was advantageous to me. Not even a minute later, the beetle finally escaped to open air.

    The insect was as big as a medium-sized dog and, according to these farmers, the beetles during this season were of the younger variety. I would hate to encounter an adult version of this. In the midst of these thoughts, I saw that I had been successful in injuring this pest. It had two gaping holes on its exoskeleton - one to the right near its head and the other was to the left near the rear end. It was through-and-through. A muddy green liquid was oozing out of the holes which I assumed must have been the beetle's blood. Even though the injuries looked quite serious, the insect was still very much alive. Bugs, no matter the size it seemed, were hard to kill.

    That didn't matter. It was out in the open now. This became easier for me. Taking out one of my daggers in a swift, practiced slide, I then raised it high and slashed down a Soul Cleaver towards the beetle. The attack flew swiftly and, before it could even properly react to my presence, its head was decapitated. Afterwards, the rest of its body collapsed and it was slightly disturbing watching its spiky legs still twitching. One down, four more hard beetles to go.

    Unlike the first hard beetle that I killed, the rest were easier to hunt. Herding them to the surface seemed to be the right strategy because it was faster to kill them that way. The second beetle had been quick but the third was a no go. Though I did seem to have killed it by accident judging from what I sensed from underground, there was no way for me to get it up to the surface to get my proof of kill for the quest. The one after that was the same. I was more careful on the next three and managed to succeed on those beetles.

    With that quest out of the way, I finally said my goodbyes to the local farmers but not before they gave me a basket full of assorted vegetables. Though I did try to decline the gift, they had insisted so enthusiastically that it would have been rude of me to not accept it. After saying my thanks, they finally let me leave.

    My next destination was to the west where I first encountered the cyclops. Aside from coming across some slimes, wild rabbits, and even a few goblins, nothing major had happened during my trek. Due to that, it didn't take me long to reach the general area where my next targets were. I roamed around for a bit until I found some signs of some cyclops activity recently. Making sure to be extra alert of my surroundings, I proceeded with a good dose of caution.

    It took me almost fifteen minutes until I found my first cyclops for the day. Luckily, I had come across one that was preoccupied with its gigantic, stone club. Readying my Ignis Volley, I unsheathed my daggers and went into action. Firing a continues barrage of ignis arrowheads, I made sure to slice through tendons as I aimed for its knees and ankles. It was a success. With it now being unable to stand because of the heavy injuries its legs had sustained, the cyclops roared in anger and tried to swing the club at me even though I was still a good distance away. Not really caring for it, I just pelted it with a nonstop array of Ignis Volley until I was successful in slicing through some major arteries causing the cyclops to bleed incessantly until it passed out from blood loss.

    I hurried to get to get to its side and, without hesitation, stabbed it through the heart once I reached its body. Better safe than sorry. When I was sure the cyclops was dead, I took out its eye, got my proof of kill, and went on my way. It went the same way with the rest of the cyclops I hunted except that I didn't take their eyes this time around. Sooner than I thought was possible, I finished the cyclops' related quests. With all of my Great Plains agenda over, it was time to head further West to Verdant forest.

    Double-checking my items, I sheathed one of my daggers but kept the other one out and ready in case it was needed. Seeing the Adventurers Graveyard off in the distance, I made a note to avoid it. I wouldn't want a repeat of last time if I could manage it. Vanishing for months like that wasn't pleasant.
    Upon getting closer to the edge of Verdant Forest, I was suddenly overcome by an intense longing for home. I had been to Rainforest Vale but that was so very unlike the forests in our mountains. Here, the feel of the trees was much more familiar. The anticipation grew and it actually made me hurry along to reach my destination.

    I reached the edge of the forest without trouble and didn’t hesitate to cross the boundary of trees and noticed that there was actually a smile across my face. Immediately, the healthy smell of trees greeted me and it calmed my heart a great deal. The smile wouldn’t leave my face. This really was a great place. For others, I’m sure it must have been intimidating. For me, the crunch of dried leaves and twigs I made with every step was music to my ears.

    Feeling incredibly nostalgic, I found myself distracted and started to forage for some herbs. I felt that it would be such a waste not to. It didn’t take me too long to find some interesting plants and take them away. I avoided young sprouts and focused on the riper ones. I even went so far as to take some fruits that were borderline rotten. They would be fine in my item pouch after all.

    I wasted almost an hour of simply foraging and exploring Verdant Forest. This came to a resounding halt, however, when I suddenly felt a potent aura of death a few yards away. I already had a dagger out for safety but I decided to unsheath the other one as well. My steps became careful and silent as I scouted on ahead.

    The closer I approached the area where I felt the death aura, I became even more cautious. Piles of corpses. Probably no less than twenty. This wasn’t that far from the edge of the forest. It was odd to come across something like this here. I was now at a distance that I could smell the rotten stench of the corpses. Taking shallow breaths, I adjusted my breathing to ready myself in facing the fetor. After inching myself closer and closer to where the smell was coming from, I finally saw it.

    There was a mound of corpses of numerous animals and even goblins piled high to one side while on the other, six serpent women were gorging themselves in earnest. The sight surprised me. Weren’t these creatures supposed to be located deeper inside Verdant? Why were they here?

    From this distance, I could hear them talking in their language and I didn’t know if it was my imagination but they sounded very agitated. The whole scene was so confusing. I chanced going closer and when I did, it was then I saw four humans among the pile of the dead. The killings were nonsensical. From what I understood of these creatures, they held a certain level of intellect. They wouldn’t have gone for humans this close to the edge of the forest. That was akin to calling trouble for themselves.

    Serpents were not known to eat more than they could handle. These many dead bodies were too much for these six serpent women. Or, were there more of them coming? This was bad.

    The likelihood that they would leave this area if I attacked was very small. They looked like they were settling here. Albeit, probably temporarily. Knowing that I couldn’t do anything at this point, I quietly left and made a circuitous route to avoid their area. It was during this careful retreat that I encountered some more serpent women. So, I was right after all. There were more of them in the area.

    Since I couldn’t really do anything to that centralized lair they had encamped in, I might as well take care of those I came across during my withdrawal from the area. The serpent woman hadn’t seen me yet so I decided to ambush the creature before it could notice my presence. It was a quick kill thanks to that. Being that it wasn’t wise for me to linger here, I decided to quickly leave.

    There were four more serpent women after that. Thanks to my Ignis Volley, they were much easier for me to handle since I could attack them from afar. After the fourth I killed, I hadn’t confronted any more of their kin. Again, I was very much confused. This was the first time for me to encounter their kind and they seemed to be quite aggressive. Had they always been like that?

    I remained cautious along the way. Going a bit deeper into Verdant Forest, I encountered more animals that would normally have been found further inside the woods. I didn’t like this one bit. Even more so when I actually managed to finish my forest mole quest as well as the gathering quest for giant forest beetle carapace from such random skirmishes in my trek. There was no rhyme or reason for these unnatural actions of theirs.

    With my reason for being here finished, I decided it would be wise for me to leave and head back to civilization. As much as I liked the forest, I didn’t like how the animals were acting. What was bothering me even more was that I couldn’t sense anything wrong around me. Meaning, the problem was located deeper into Verdant Forest and I was not eager to find out the reason for it.

    With that decision made, I turned to head back towards the edge of the forest. Though my senses were alert, there was nothing out of the ordinary which troubled me further. Why were the animals behaving strangely then?

    As if to answer my query, I suddenly stopped and looked at my surroundings. In the short span of five minutes of walking, I noticed my first hint that something was wrong. That tree, that particular rock, and those bushes. I passed them just a short while ago. Approaching a certain tree, I studied it quickly and saw moss on one side.

    Verdant was North of the Hemisphere. Moss grew where the sun would rarely reach. This part of the world, that would mean the moss was facing North. Using that as my guide, I headed East aiming to reach the Great Plains.

    After a short walk, I felt the grip on my daggers tighten. Same tree, same unique looking rock, and same batch of bushes. I was lost.

    Me? Lost in a forest? I was not pleased. I quickly ruled out mind manipulation after saying a quick mantra to check if my mind was compromised by some spell. That meant something in this forest was playing tricks on me. I was not amused.

    Concentrating on my kalman väki blood, I then focused on the feel of the land and spoke a short chant.

    “Ignis Fatuus.”

    Summoning a will-o’-the-wisp seemed simple but there were special conditions for it. Thankfully, due to my heritage, it was an easy matter. The four-inch-by-four-inch ball of what looked to be a floating ball of fire showed itself but I was mildly bewildered by how weak its glow was. Normally,

    will-o’-the-wisps didn’t like coming out during the day. Right now, it was the middle of the afternoon but the shade of the trees made it dark down here which was why I decided to summon it. However, why did it look so weak?

    Before I could even ask it a question, the will-o’-the-wisp rushed at me and actually sank into my chest causing me to make a surprised squeaking sound that would have embarrassed me had someone else been here. Immediately, I felt a warmth in my chest reminiscent to when one drank a hot drink during extremely cold weather. It felt like the warmth crept up to spread to my face and settled at my temples. By now, I could feel my face was flushed.

    “What in the -!?”

    Whatever it was that I was about to say vanished when I looked at my surroundings. Before her was the familiar forest and everything appeared the same except for a dark, creeping miasma crawling along the ground and spreading out in tendrils of black that resembled hair. It squirmed along the ground, up towards the trees, and it was spreading in a steady manner that was disturbing.

    It’s corrupting the forest.

    Came a voice in my mind that made me jolt in surprise. What was that? Was it the will-o’-the-wisp?

    It is. I’m sorry for intruding in your vessel but I didn’t want to change.

    “Change? What do you mean?”

    The black mist is corrupting the forest. My brethren were taken.

    “What black mist?”

    It’s from the Palace. Everything is being corrupted.

    “These things don’t look like a black mist. What are you talking about?”

    The mist is inside the forest. Those come from the mist. If you follow it, you’ll reach the Palace.

    “What Palace are you talking about?”

    The Palace of the Lord of the Forest.

    I was so confused now. “I don’t understand. I merely summoned you to help me find my way to the edge of the forest.”

    I can’t. The mist has taken too many of my brethren. If you hadn’t called for me, I would have been corrupted as well. I fled to your vessel to stay away from the corruption.

    My vessel? “You mean my body?”


    Then, a different concern entered my mind. The corruption was spreading? Did that mean the villages inside the forest were in danger?


    Thinking fast, I renewed my priorities. I was too far from any settlement that I knew of and had no idea which direction to go to. “Can you guide me through these tendrils?”

    Where are we going?

    “I need to know just how bad this is. I plan to go deeper towards the mist. Will you be fine if you stay there?”

    Yes. A pause. Don’t worry. I won’t eat your soul.

    I hadn’t even realized that it could do that. Before leaving, I readied some talismans and shikigamis for emergencies. That done, I started my journey to the heart of Verdant Forest.

    Additional Acquired Items:

    + Basket of assorted vegetables
    + Paralyzing herb x 8
    + Flammable tree sap x 3
    + Three types of edible mushrooms x 5 sets each
    + Tea leaves x 5 bundles
    + Candy sticks x 10
    + Wild blackberries x 10
    + Cherries x 10
    + Blueberries x 10
    + Cacao x 12

    Raid Loot
    + Moonlight butterfly spores - 10
    + Forest mole claws - 10
    + Sturdy vines - 10
    + Aromatic essence from Alraune - 10
    + Toughened thorns - 10
    + Treant bark 10
    + Wurm scales - 10
    + Forest mole hide - 10
    + Wurm hide - 10
    + Acidic dragon scales - 50
    + Thorn from core - 20
    + Dragon claws

    [OOC] Highlighted part was used as prologue for Raid.

    Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
  5. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SC1|C-Ranked|Slay 5 Cyclops [150 G]
    Great Plain|#SC2|C-Ranked|Slay 5 Hard beetles. [200 G]
    Great Plain|#GC1|C-Ranked|Gather Cyclops Eye [150G | 1 x Earth Orb]
    Verdant Forest|#SC1|C-Ranked|Slay 2 Serpent women [180 G]
    Verdant Forest|#SC2|C-Ranked|Slay 3 Forest Mole [180 G]
    Verdant Forest|#GC1|C-Ranked|Gather 10 Giant Forest Beetle Carapace [160 G | 2 x Pristine Carapace]
    ((*IC is fainted*
    *doesn't want to make an OOC appraisal*
    *decides to just not worry too much about it*))

    "Welcoma back... Eto..." *peeks at her card* "Lev-chan!

    Hikari will take a look at the report now!

    Hi-Hikari is really sorry to know that Lev-chan went through all that without even knowing what was happening!" >.<

    "At least Lev-chan came back in one piece...

    Ah, the rewards! Lev-chan will receive 1020G and the listed items.

    Take care now! Hikari hopes this kind of thing doesn't happen to Lev-chan again!"
    Naraku, leegood and NiQuinn like this.
  6. FuRen

    FuRen [Lime]

    Aug 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Gallant Mine|#GE2|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Wind Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Wind Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GE1|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Ice Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Ice Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD3|D-Ranked|Mine 3 Earth Crystals [100G | 1 x Refined Earth Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD1|D-Ranked|Mine 12 Mithril Ore [60G | 1 x Mithril Ingot]
    Gallant Mine|#GD2|D-Ranked|Mine 3 Fire Crystals [100G | 1 x Refined Fire Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#SC1|C-Ranked|Slay 3 Ice Golems [150 G]
    After a long time of being in closed door training after the event of the mysterious alchemy potion, I finally left and decided to take a few quests from the guild once more. But mostly, I am only trying to find items to improve my abilities further and to see how much my ability have improved after being in closed door training.

    The day I drank the mysterious potion, not only have I gained multiple blessings and a new form. I have also gained various knowledge, mainly those regarding Alchemy and Immortal Cultivation.

    From that knowledge, I realized that for a fox such as I to have gained nine tails would have taken me a numerous centuries. But from what I remembered, I have had these nine tails since the day I gained sentience, which was when I was still a few years old.

    Soon after, I disregarded such thoughts and decided to change the Magic System path which I used to tread on and moved to the Immortal Cultivation System path.

    Another curious thing I learned was that non-human entities such as I was supposed tread the Demon Cultivation System path, but I was still able to follow the Immortal path regardless.

    And so, following the Immortal Cultivation System, I spent time in closed doors training to start tapping into the centuries worth of cultivation. In the end, I was only able to use a few years worth of cultivation and leave the rest slumbering deep within the Qi Ocean in my body. Another unfortunate thing was that I was not even sure which stage of cultivation I was now in, as unlike the Magic System, the Immortal Cultivation System is not based upon the mastery of control and instead is based upon the depth of cultivation.

    Next, I proceeded to convert all my Mana from the Magic System into Qi from my Cultivation System. Unlike the Magic System, I was able to integrate the three elements of Fire, Water and Wind simultaniously into my Qi without having to keep them seperate. And so, I was able to keep, and even improve my control over the Fire, Water and Wind elements.

    But following that, I discovered that there are many more elements within the Immortal Cultivation System. Knowing that, I decided to first stabilize my newly gained cultivation and knowledge. Fortunately, regardless of my Ten-Tailed Fox or Faenum form, my cultivation would still stay regardless, which meant that the transformation only affected my physical strength and ability to use physical techniques and a few other special techniques.
    After I received the acceptance for my request, I quickly left for Gallant Mine.

    This time, I need not to transform to my beast form as I was able to run swiftly simply by using my Qi to move swiftly, moreso using the Qi which now held the properties of the Fire, Water and Wind elements.


    Not long after I left, I was able to smoothly arrive before the Gallant Mine. Though it has been a long time. I did not see much change in this could abandoned mine.

    Entering the mine, I could feel the cold wind piercing my body. Fortunately, by circulating the Qi which held the fire properties inside my body, I was able to keep myself from being too troubled.

    Following the first order of business, I used my Qi which held the fire, wind, and water properties to search for the crystals of corresponding elements, with water being used to search for the ice crystals. Naturally, I also took the trouble to use my old pickaxe to mine a few extras for my own needs. In the process of searching for the crystals, I constantly met with various small troubles such as the Ice Golem and Snow Goblins. The Ice Golem was not much of a bother as I required them for the quest and I was able to defeat more than enough for the quest, but the numerous Snow Goblins were very troubling and draining on my stamina, forcing me to stop and rest numerous times.

    But the biggest problem would be the Greater Ice Golem and the Lower Ice Elemental which I met coincidentally on the way.

    For the Greater Ice Golem, its high defense yet low speed was something I could still handle by attacking it with fire techniques while still keeping distance from it. But the Lower Ice Elemental that looked like a bird was able to constantly dodge my ranged attacks and attempts to cage it forced me to step forward and attack it head on with my Taiyōkō-sen.

    In the end, I could only let myself bear with its bone chilling coldness as I attempt to attack it in close range. Finally, after a few moments of struggle, I was finally able to defeat the Lesser Ice Elemental even as I was left with a slightly troubling injury. Though I know that the fighting experience after the closed door training would be helpful, I was still feeling rather indignant of it.

    Fortunately, the coldness was not too troubling and I still managed to recover by flowing my Qi around my body for some time.

    Another fortunate thing was that I soon also found a few source of Mythril Ores and Earth Crystals, more than enough for the quests, which meant that I could keep the rest for my own use.

    Following that, I returned without having to encounter another Lesser Ice Elemental nor Greater Snow Golem. In actuality, the fact that I even encountered them was weird as I was not even that deep into the mine.

    All in all, it was still a great trip after so long not going out.

    - Moved to Immortal Cultivation System
    - Extra 13 Fire Crystals
    - Extra 10 Ice Crystals
    - Extra 9 Wind Crystals
    - Extra 5 Earth Crystals
    - Extra 10 Mythril Ores

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2017
    Kuma Desu, Nahrenne, leegood and 3 others like this.
  7. shad12ow

    shad12ow 『Semi-Offline』

    Dec 5, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Gallant Mine|#GE2|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Wind Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Wind Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GE1|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Ice Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Ice Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD3|D-Ranked|Mine 3 Earth Crystals [100G | 1 x Refined Earth Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD1|D-Ranked|Mine 12 Mithril Ore [60G | 1 x Mithril Ingot]
    Gallant Mine|#GD2|D-Ranked|Mine 3 Fire Crystals [100G | 1 x Refined Fire Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#SC1|C-Ranked|Slay 3 Ice Golems [150 G]
    A curious look appeared on the Guildmaster as he read the report. He glanced at the adventurer in front of him a couple of times as he read the report.
    "Well, Inari. I see that you've way or another. Beside that, there's nothing wrong with the report. Here you go," said Shadow as he pulled out a satchel filled with gold, "your reward. All 570 Gold and also the permission to take the item reward from the quartermater. Take care now~"
    Naraku likes this.
  8. Quaesitor

    Quaesitor [Scholar]

    Jan 3, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Sandy Desert|#SD1|D-Ranked|Slay 15 Desert Lizardmen [110 G]
    Desert Village|#GD1|D-Ranked|Harvest 1 Basket of Magic Flower [75 G | 1 x Bundle of Magic Flower]
    Desert Mine|#GD4|D-Ranked|Mine 50 Copper Ore [60G | 8 x Copper Ingot]


    Note: Tene did not even manage to reach the mine due to problems at navigation, but came across lizards and flowers at random. The report is quite short too, as I am basically using it to set up my next side story and the rest of the content is of secondary importance to me.

    PoV – Tene​

    It has been too long since I last did some quests, so these three should help me to get into it again. After taking the three quests from Shadow, I make my way out of the building after telling Samuel that he should train, and perhaps completely calm down, as the most recent raid seems to have left some traces. Before I can leave, however, it happens again. This time, I am standing in the crown of a giant tree, it's leaves fluttering downwards around me in an autumn breeze, below me a sea of trees, shaking in the wind, colored red and yellow. Hesitant I reach out, my hand catching a leaf fluttering down within it.

    In the next moment, I am back. Opening my hand, I can still see the leaf within it. "Tene, what- where did that leaf come from? Is that a magic trick?" Samuel can see it too!? Suddenly, the leaf just falls through my palm. Samuel, in reflex, tries to catch it but it just disappears as he touches it.

    "What leaf?" I ask Samuel, slightly afraid of telling others about this in fear that they may worry about me. "There was no leaf? Am I seeing things...?" With a slight smile, I tell Samuel to rest and leave the building. I am quite certain now, that what's happening to me isn't just an illusion. The leaf was visible after it ended, and even to Samuel. So whatever it is, it's not just a momentary vision. It almost seems to be real.

    I reach the teleportation gate to the Desert Village, still distracted and thinking about that strange occurrence. Maybe that's the reason I got lost on the way, which usually never happens. It seems like it really is weighing heavily on my mind...

    After arriving at the village by using of teleportation gate, I make my way towards the mine, hoping to encounter some of my quest targets on the way. With my speed of about 60 km/h in the desert, it shouldn't take too long until I reach the mine. On the way, I spot some lone magic flowers from time to time, and harvest them, slowly but surely reaching the amount requested from the guild.

    As I am harvesting another one, scaly hands come out of the sand I am standing on, grabbing my legs and trying to drag me down into the sand. In response, I just jump up with all my power while turning my fingers into claws and lengthening my arms, carrying four desert lizardmen with me, their light brown colored scales still mostly covered with sand. I just tear through their scales with my claws, not having the least amount of trouble. That's four lizardmen down. On the next dune, another group of lizardmen emerges from the sand. I just shoot some of my bones at them, with my pinpoint accu- the bones miss by more than ten meters. How did I miss!? The lizardmen, grinning with their razor like teeth, charge at me. Deciding that ranged attacks won't do much, I wait for them on top of the dune. Then a sickness curse hits me, cast by a lizardmen shaman that apparently also stood on the dune. Where did he come from? Before I can find an answer to that question, the other lizardmen reach me, stabbing at me with their spears. I dodge them by inhumanly twisting my body, but still getting a few cuts by them – I am sure I dodged their attacks completely. I swipe my claws in retaliation and kill them, then charge at the shaman and kill him before he can cast another spell. Good thing sickness has no effect on me.

    But still... whatever my problem is, it's worse than I thought it to be. To effect me to this degree... I am barely capable of combat like this. I continue my way to the mine, knowing that I have already been running for far too long... I should have arrived half a day ago. It seems like I also am incapable of navigation. Everything that has a location seems to be messed up... could this possibly be a side effect of dimensional magic?

    As I keep running travelling, I slowly gather the rest of the magic flowers and kill the attacking lizardmen by taking their hits and killing them with a wide counterattack. After another day of travel, I unknowingly arrive back at the Desert Village. While I have gathered the flowers and killed the lizardman, I was incapable of even finding the mine. I return to the guild by following fellow adventurers and hand in my quest results. I am disappointed at myself, failing this badly... I have to take care of this problem as quickly as possible.
    Naraku, Kuma Desu, Nahrenne and 3 others like this.
  9. shad12ow

    shad12ow 『Semi-Offline』

    Dec 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Sandy Desert|#SD1|D-Ranked|Slay 15 Desert Lizardmen [110 G]
    Desert Village|#GD1|D-Ranked|Harvest 1 Basket of Magic Flower [75 G | 1 x Bundle of Magic Flower]
    Desert Mine|#GD4|D-Ranked|Mine 50 Copper Ore [60G | 8 x Copper Ingot]
    "Tene, eh? Well...."
    Shadow's word trailed off as he read the report. After a few seconds, he moved his attention toward the adventurer in front of him again.
    "Well...we all have our bad day, my friend. Here you go," he said as he tossed a satchel filled with gold coins. "Unfortunately, only 185 Gold and you can take the flower bundle from the quartermaster. Take care now."
    leegood, Quaesitor and AliceShiki like this.
  10. A.I.M.E-02847

    A.I.M.E-02847 [Trying to understand Humanity]

    Sep 30, 2017
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    Reading List:
    "Good day Guild master Shadow, I'm have finally completed my quest and I'm sorry for the delay." I bowed by upper body and I handed my report. "I remembered about your mechanical spider. So I also would like to ask if you could help me in fixing my companion Ezero when you are not busy. I'm not in a hurry since I still need to find the resources. So if you don't mind I would like to ask for your guidance."

    Delta Town|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 100 Rats [100 G]
    Delta Town|#GD1|D-Ranked|Gather 10 Lumber [100 G | 3 x Wooden Plank]
    Great Plain|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 20 Slimes [50 G]
    Great Plain|#SE2|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Goblins [50 G]
    Great Plain|#GE1|E-Ranked|Gather 10 Moonlight Flower & 10 Healing Plants [50G | 1 x Rejuvenation Potion]
    Great Plain|#GE2|E-Ranked|Gather 3 Moonlight Water [50G | 1 x Bottled Purified Moonlight Water]

    | Location: Aeternus Floating City and Junkyard
    | Objective: Preparation for the Quests

    I have placed Ezero in my item box as I went to the room I'm staying at the Aeternus Floating City. The room has changed since I have taken out the bed and replaced it with a table full of tools and paper. Next, to it's a capsule where I sleep, a wire is hanging on it. It connects to my spinal cord as it checks my vitals while asleep. It also does daily maintenance and system updates. The memories are also backup to a small black box.

    I went inside the capsule to back-up my data of the raid. And also checked my system for any damages and repaired them as possible. While doing that, I devised a plan about the mission I have taken.

    I need to make my own equipment for each quest. But I need materials which need gold the world's currency. Luckily, I found a junkyard just close to the Aeternus Floating City. Since they are all stuff people don't want. I presume that nobody will care if I took and recycled some objects there.

    I rode in the Airship from the City towards the North Volcano. When I noticed the junkyard below me. I quickly jump town and at a safe distance activated my parachute. I safely landed and look around and saw useful objects I could use.

    I started to use my magnetic field to attract the steel in the area. I perked up my ears and sensors to noticed any changes. After a couple of hours, I collected rusted swords and metals. I also saw some wooden furniture that I could cut into smaller pieces of wood. I took out the rust from the metal by using vinegar. But not all rusts are removed but at least it is minimized.

    I started to first make the electric net using the thin metal. I cut them into thin strands and smooth them out with a grinder. Next, I attached them as I formed it into a sturdy net of wires. I just need to apply enough electricity from my connector and it is done.

    Next is the chainsaw I will use for cutting trees. I cut the old 2 claymores and attached the chainsaw chain blade which took a lot of my time to prepare. I used a wood where the rotor is placed and door handle to hold it. And after several hours adding some bolts and additional metal. I'm finally done with the chainsaw.

    Lastly was the flamethrower for burning objects. I just created tank where I put a pressure valve. It would release the fuel as it gets light by the igniter just below to the nozzle. The fuel used was petroleum fuel which was from my spacecraft.

    I tested the flamethrower but some reason it exploded. As it almost burned my suit but I quickly grabbed an extinguisher to kill the fire. I took very careful steps in making the next flamethrower not repeat the same mistake again.

    | Location: Delta Town
    | Objective: Slay 100 rats

    The next day, I went to the Delta Town through the portal. I visited the town and was distracted from it. It was my first seeing a lot of bustling. I faintly smiled hearing the voices of the people. It was too lively and soothing. It was quite different from my travels before.

    After a couple of hours of sightseeing and observations for possible routes of the rats. I placed the electric wire to a specific location as I applied electricity on it. I made sure to do my preparation at night where there are no humanoid awake to avoid casualties.

    I changed my voice module till I reach ultrasonic sound. I sang a random to tone with this frequency. A humanoid will not be able to hear this but rats will find this annoying.

    They started to ran to flee in confusion and caught to my trap. Multiple rats are electrocuted to death. I stop singing as I killed 87 rats from the several electric nets I placed. I took all the nets and clean-up the dead rats.

    I only had 13 rats left, so I went to the alley and sang again at ultrasonic level. As I cornered the 10 rats, I decided to change how I would kill them. I sang heavy metal which affected the rats' mental state. They become so stressed that they killed each other.

    Morning came, and I went to the market since rats like to go there for food. I pick up 3 good Peebles I can use as a projectile to kill the remaining three rats.

    "Miss, want to buy an apple!!" A tan man with a beard said as he shows his fruits to me. I observed at the apple and wondered how it tastes. I haven't tried eating fresh fruit before. Sadly I didn't have any currency of this world.

    The vendor saw my sad face and smiled as he picked up one apple and hand it to me. "Well, why don't you try one. Next time you have money buy from me~"

    "Thank you very much." I smiled and nodded to the kind vendor. I took a bite and savor its taste. It was crunchy and juicy as I continued eating it. I really like it's taste as I faintly smile.

    "It's delicious right! Since you look like you really like. Here have some more!" The vendor gave a thumbs up and gave me 5 more apples. Which made me smile widely and said my gratitude once again.

    The last 3 were killed while I was on the market. I just threw some Peebles which kills them due to my strength. I left the other rats I saw since I have reached my 100 rats kill objective.

    It will be dangerous to left the dead rats so I gathered all the corpse. And burned them somewhere isolated with the flamethrower.

    |Location: Delta Town
    |Objective: Gather 10 logs

    The fourth day afternoon in Delta Town. I walk towards to the forest to cut some woods. An old lumberjack greeted me as he was kind enough to lead me to a good place to cut some trees.

    "Miss, why don't I cut it for you. It seems like hard work for a little girl." The lumberjack pumps up his chest. I just smiled at him taking the chainsaw in my item box.

    "Thanks for the offer but I can manage." I plug-in my connector to the chainsaw. It sent electricity to the rotor as it started to rotate making the chainsaw blade rotate at a fast rate.

    The old lumberjack eyes went wide open seeing the weird contraption. I just smiled at him and started cutting the tree.


    It fell down making a loud noise. I started cutting off the top part to make it a log. Since the old lumberjack stood still. I continued cutting the trees my system lock-on. With that, I quickly completed collecting 10 logs. I placed them inside my item box. Seeing the branches might be usable in the future. I grabbed some of them and placed in my item box.

    "Thank you very much for leading me to a good spot. Goodbye, and take care." I waved my hand as I leave Delta town to my next mission.

    I entered the portal in the Delta Town to the Aeternus City. I did some maintenance to the chainsaw and flamethrower. They only have low durability since they made from recycled objects. I took some rest on my capsule as I back up my database and charge.

    |Location: Great Plain
    |Objective: Slay 20 Slimes

    The fifth day of my mission and I entered the portal towards the Frontier Village. I slowly walked towards the Great Plains to slay some slimes and goblins.

    I saw several adventurers hunting around but I passed them focusing on my objective. From what I read in the library, slime likes to go in groups and eat corpses. There was plenty corpse left behind by the monsters the adventurers killed. The slime might act as the cleaner for the corpse to not rot and spread diseases.

    I walked around to look for slimes in large numbers. I found 12 slimes who were eating a large corpse of the monster.

    I grabbed the flamethrower in my item box. I lock-on the smiles as I pulled the trigger. The gas was released and ignited by a fire burning the slimes in the process. They melted by the strong heat as they died.

    "It's burning too well...." I commented as the grass was also burning. I quickly pulled an extinguisher and put out the fire.

    I continued looking for more group of slimes and saw another 10 of them. I set them ablaze but quickly stop as I left the two slimes. Since I already completed my objective of 20 slimes, I spared the two slimes left. Well, some of the parts of the slimes have melted but they will heal over time.

    As I stared at the forest where the goblins might be lurking. I pondered how I will kill them since I can't use the flamethrower. And the electric net is too small and its current won't be enough to kill them. I don't want to dirty my hands cause my father won't like it.

    "Miss you were here!!" A familiar voice shouted as I look behind me. It is the older one of the two Kobolds that I first meet on this place.

    "Hello, nice to see you again." I bowed my head as I smiled towards him. "It seems you came to hunt."

    "Hahaha, yup I'm hunting now and found some fat fowls. Speaking fowls I forgot to say my name. I'm Fowler a Kobold hunter from Frontier and you are?" Fowler smiled as he reached his hand which seems like a gesture for a handshake.

    "Sorry I forgot to introduce myself I'm called Aime in the Aeternus Guild. Please to meet you again Mister Fowler and thanks for guiding to the guild." I bowed as I reach his hand and gave a handshake. It would be best to go by that nickname since people might be puzzled about my real one.

    "Oh! The pleasure is mine~ though you sure a polite lady hahaha~" Fowler laugh as he enthusiastically shaken my hand. His ears perked up as he looked to the forest. "Oh oh! a wild dear what a lucky day."

    While Fowler was holding his bow and prepare his aim. I was attracted to his tail that was wagging excitedly. But moments later it stopped as his expression grew serious. He took a long breath as he watched closely to the deer releasing an arrow.


    The arrow swiftly flies to the deer as it hit its shoulder. It squirmed as it falls down. Fowler quickly ran towards the deer as he pulled the arrow and swiftly end the life of the deer.

    "Can I look to your weapon?" I approached him and pointed at a bow. It seems like it will be quite useful as a weapon. It is harder to use than a gun. Plus, it will take a lot of time to aim with a bow. But with my lock-on ability and system, it might be just fine for me. The bow will be a good weapon until I have yet to found a way to get an ammunition. The arrows seem to be easy to make as long as I had a wood, stone/metal, and feathers. Plus, the arrows can be retrieved as long they aren't broken.

    "So how's the first day of being an adventurer Miss Aime?" Fowler asks as he tied up the deer and carried on his back.

    "You can just call me Aime. I wonder if I did a job. We got under attack and the strongest members are away. I also...." I couldn't continue as I sadly remembered how Ezero held me in his hand. The last sound he released convey so much of sadness. I grab my chest as I remembered my weakness. Unlike the machine in my world that I could easily hack one of them to fight for me. My first battle in this world made me realized how different it was and dangerous.

    "Is that so, well I heard about that. Some of the citizens of the Aeternus are questioning the ability of the adventurers. But I think you adventurers did your best." Fowler smiled as he patted my back. "Besides you also saved us. Rigel was so eager to meet you again to say his thanks, Aime."

    "Thanks, Mister Fowler and here is your bow." I faintly smiled as handed the bow back to him.

    "I was just stating the fact! Plus, just call me Fowler hahaha." He laughs as he wears the bow to his back.
    I started to grab a piece of wood, metal and fishing line from my item box. I started the make the handheld with the wood and metal for the limb. I created a two pulley to each end for the fishing line to tie in it. This is quite different from the longbow Fowler used. I finished the first prototype compound bow I made. I only need to make arrows as I looked at the fowl that was Fowler carrying with.

    "Can I have some feathers of the fowl you have?" I pointed to the fowl.

    "Sure! I saw you made a weird bow. Do you mind if I look it?" Fowler smiled as he hands the fowl. His tail wagged as he looks excitedly to the compound bow I just created.

    "Thanks, Fowler, I don't mind at all." I smiled as I handed the bow and took the fowl. I started to pick up the feathers and trimmed it to create the arrows.

    "Wow, this is heavy not only that it is too hard to draw." Fowler creased his eyebrow trying to draw the bow but failing. I stood up as I lightly patted him after making 10 arrows.

    "Here let me try." I smiled as he let me hold the bow. I analyzed the record of how Fowler drew his bow earlier. Quickly I searched for a target as I saw a fowl in the sky. I started to draw the string noticing how hard it was but not a problem with my usual strength. I aimed at it as I released the arrow towards the fowl hitting it.

    "Amazing...." Fowler could only whistle seeing me draw the bow that was too difficult for him. He quickly ran towards the fallen fowl and handed it to me.

    "You can have that, it is my thanks for the knowledge I have learned from you." I bowed my head as I pushed back the fowl towards him. I placed the bow and arrows back to my item box. Maybe I should make a quiver too.

    "Okay okay! If you say so, ahahaha thanks Aime. Seems like you have some stuff to finish. I wish you luck!" Fowler smiled as he waved his hand.

    "Thank you, Fowler let's meet again next time." I smiled and wave my hand as I headed to the forest. It time to test this new bow for the goblins.

    |Location: Great Plain
    |Objective: Slay 10 Goblins

    I leaped above as I climbed the trees. I started to scout the area as I searched for goblins. I weight around 147 kg so it is best to stay on a thick branch. So it wouldn't break easily due to my weight.
    I magnified my sights as I searched for goblins.

    Moments later....
    I saw a group of goblins about four of them. I swiftly drew the strings of my bow and released the arrows continuously. The arrows flew towards their destination as they hit the goblin's throat. I let one goblin screamed an alarm as he called for reinforcement. Ten more goblins arrived as they started to look for the enemy. I still have six arrows left as I released it to kill the remaining goblins needed to accomplish my mission killing 10 in total.

    The goblins screamed in full alert but It didn't saw me. As I quietly leaped to the branches leaving the place. Since I noticed some slimes creeping in the bushes. They would likely eat the corpse so I don't need to clean it up.

    |Location: Great Plain
    |Objective: 10 Moonlight Flower & 10 Healing Plants & 3 Moonlight Water

    Healing plants are easy to find since they are pretty common. I searched for them on the forest and tasted them to identify their properties. As I found a plant with anesthetic effect, I record its leaves and appearance. With this, I swiftly completed 10 healing plants and placed them in my item box. I also took one healing plant as a sample for the future when I need to give medical aid to the civilians.

    I waited for the night to arrive before I started to collect the moonlight flower and water. Since the moonlight flower glow in the dark, it is easier to found after sunset. About the water, since it is moonlight. It might be glowing and have different properties from regular water.

    While waiting for the night to arrive. I create some arrows and quiver using the old cloth and wood from the junkyard.

    As I noticed the sky darkening as the sunset came.
    I looked around and was awed by the beauty of the scenery. Everything in this world was enchanting and a first to me. As I continue onward, I saw a large patch of glowing flowers. It seems like I luckily found patch of moonlight flowers.

    "Ezero would love to see this." I smiled as I looked at the moonlight flowers. I started to gather 10 flowers and placed them in my item box. I also take one with roots as a sample and placed it in a small cryogenic cylinder.

    I saw a glowing water and tasted it. As my system tested its properties, it seems to contained an unknown element that can gave good effects to the body. I filled 4 glass bottles as I completed the mission, the other one bottle is for my research.

    Before I returned to the Aeternus City to send my report.
    I once again look to the field of glowing flowers and the beautiful moon and stars in the sky. I would definitely take Ezero here once he fully recovers.

    Equipment created with low durability:
    - Small Electric Net 7x
    - Chainsaw
    - Flamethrower
    - Compound Bow
    - Quiver with 20 arrows​
    Items taken:
    - rusted metals.
    - pieces of wood from old furniture.
    - old cloth
    - branches 20x
    - 1 healing plant
    - 1 moonlight flower
    - 1 bottle moonlight water​

    Last edited: Oct 15, 2017
  11. leegood

    leegood Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2017
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    Reading List:
    "Welcome back Missy! What do you need help with?"
    I stared at him again, still surprised by his friendly attitude
    "You know, thanks for helping the town get rid of the rodents, I saw you earlier with the bag and I'd thank ya, how about this mailing be about 70 guild gold for the trouble?"
    He really is just too nice!
    When did he see me though?
    as I was counting the various gold out in my hand
    "Wow, you're really digging that little girl!"
    "Remember, No touch!"
    I finally was able to count it out and handed the man both the money and the letter
    "Miss! you forgot to put your name and the address of the person you're sending it to again!"
    Oh! I knocked on my head out of embarrassment, I was really tired after that adventure.
    Why did I let Mister SNiffles borrow the item box~

    Delta Town|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 100 Rats [100 G]
    Delta Town|#GE1|E-Ranked|Gather 10 Chickens [20 G| 5 x Eggs]

    First, I headed out of to a local farmer and was directed to a place that I could find the chickens he wanted to be gathered "Over there missy, they can injure you if you're not careful."
    I went over and placed pieces of mana peach in a trail that led to the farmers'. cage, placing 4 whole peaches in *stomach grumbles* there
    The chickens loved the peaches, and even blindly fell into the trap.
    "Thanks, missy, Never knew all I had to do was create peaches, Include this with yer report to get something outta coming out here, you also helped me mum survive during the Aeternus tragedy, I'd like to thank ye with this chicken pot pie my wife made for the adventurer that helps us gather the unruly chickens"

    I was about to thank him, but then a large rat appeared from somewhere and snatched it, running away into a dark alleyway "Darn those rats! Well missy *hands the slip* take care..."

    Those...Rats! I chased the large rat that stole my pie and bashed it with my bag of peaches, but it dodged and brought it into the center of a small swarm of rats that looked greedily at the pie, then looked at me, then looked at the pie.

    They chased me~! (Q.Q)
    I ran making sure to jump over a few obstacles along the way
    when a trio of familiar looking teens arrived
    "Look, It's our chance now! She's chasing after us!
    "Yeah Boss, Look!"
    "You Dumb Brains, look behind her!
    The Trio looked behind me
    "We gotta scram!"
    "Wait Boys"
    "We can get her gratitude, then she will get us her name!"

    They then proceeded to run an alley ahead, pushing a barrel of rat bait onto one of the paths Leeanne could have taken.
    code word 'could have'.
    "Umm, boss, she went the other way"

    This is too much~!
    I thought it was only 1 rat at a time~!

    I ran into an alley an realized that there was no escape, so I turned around and threw a peachfire peach at them, It hit one or two rats, delaying them when I realized that there was a tunnel to the sewer below me!

    So I entered the sewer fast, and felt relieved as the thumping against the lid stopped.
    Though, Blegh~
    It smells horrrrible down here
    I walked around while squeezing my nose
    "Ewwwwwww~ It smells~"
    A man came up to me "Hey~ Girly~ Eat this to stop the smell"
    Then he left, how kind of him to give me something so convenient!
    I was about to bite into it when I realized a pair of eyes watching it intently
    Scratch that
    50 pairs of eyes watching it intently
    so I reflexively threw it at the rats, and watched as they ate it.

    "My food~"
    The rats started falling asleep
    "That's strange~? did he give me the wrong thing~?"
    I started collecting the rats, first, doing the gruesome task of snapping their heads, then putting them in my bag by emptying out my peaches when I suddenly spot the man again
    "hey~ do you have more of that powder~?"
    "Yeah, 25 Guild coins for a bottle"
    I gave him the gold and left him, hearing him say
    "Darn, Would have made a great time"
    How nice, He was thinking I would have a great time if I was full of the pie he gave me~

    I then mixed bits of the powder with the bait peaches I had, then I used those to put in places where rates may gather
    -several hours later-
    I arrived at my bait stations to find 51 rats sleeping peacefully
    Which I then made them sleep forever
    and put them in my bag with the rest of them
    I really have changed ever since the attack~
    I would have never done this before the attack~
    I then headed above ground and headed to a militiaman who squeezed his nose as I walked to him and showed him the rats, he said that I could give them to a farmer as feed while giving me a proof of completion paper that was signed. I thanked the Militiamen and followed his advice, and so the farmer was thankful a second time and wanted to give me something, but I left to clean myself with a bucket of water and a towel in one of the public emergency refugee bathing tents that were set up.

    I can still hear the voices of the despaired in there
    "I would have a real bath if only-If only the guild had done more!"
    "Shush! you know the guild did their best!"
    "And you know the guild still failed us!"
    "Just stop, It's sad if you blame the people that protected and helped us, like that girl over there, do you really want to have died back then?"
    "Then Shaddup and apologize to that girl over there"

    the two women went in front of me, the shorter one bowed her head "I'm sorry about my ramblings"
    "No problem~!" I smiled to try to relax them, but it triggered something in them and I was met with Incessant tips on how to clean oneself "If you mix **** and ****, it really gets rid of the stains!"

    an hour later, I finally left the tent refreshed, cleaned, and miserable at the same time.
    then headed directly to the Mail Mage company I had gone to previously.

    Last edited: Oct 15, 2017
    Naraku and AliceShiki like this.
  12. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Delta Town|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 100 Rats [100 G]
    Delta Town|#GE1|E-Ranked|Gather 10 Chickens [20 G| 5 x Eggs]
    Ah... A mail... Oh, from Lea-chan... She completed the quests then?

    Seems like she went through a hard time... Hikari is glad things are alright though...

    Well... Hikari isn't quite sure on how to give her the rewards, but things are alright, her reward will be of 120G and 5 eggs.

    Hikari will leave a note with the quartermaster to give her the reward the next time she comes...
    Naraku likes this.
  13. shad12ow

    shad12ow 『Semi-Offline』

    Dec 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Delta Town|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 100 Rats [100 G]
    Delta Town|#GD1|D-Ranked|Gather 10 Lumber [100 G | 3 x Wooden Plank]
    Great Plain|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 20 Slimes [50 G]
    Great Plain|#SE2|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Goblins [50 G]
    Great Plain|#GE1|E-Ranked|Gather 10 Moonlight Flower & 10 Healing Plants [50G | 1 x Rejuvenation Potion]
    Great Plain|#GE2|E-Ranked|Gather 3 Moonlight Water [50G | 1 x Bottled Purified Moonlight Water]
    "Help you? It would be an honor for me to help you. But I can't really promise you anything as I probably have never tinker something that is...hmm...that sophisticated? I can't know for sure since I have never looked at your companion. I only hear the rumor from the other member. And I think we might need more material. Anyway, let's look at the report, shall we?"
    Shadow looked at the report and read them carefully. Along the time, one could see that he showed a sheer curiosity at what have been written there.
    "Aime, I must say, I am very impressed. Although the chainsaw and flame thrower is not that weird due to me having built a few of them, I am impressed that you can achieve them with such low-grade material. Impressive. Here's your reward," said Shadow as he put a satchel on the counter, "all 400 Gold. You can take the other item with the quartermaster. Take care and do get back to me when you want to fix that companion of yours, Aime."
    OOC: Good job~ I honestly enjoy that~! Somehow your weapon is roughly the same as Shadow's. Hahaha~!
    Naraku, AliceShiki and A.I.M.E-02847 like this.
  14. Naraku

    Naraku 『』『』『』

    Jul 14, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Desert Village|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Large Lizard [50 G]
    Desert Village|#SE2|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Large Scarab [50 G]
    Desert Village|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 30 Desert Scorpion| [70 G]
    Desert Village|#SD1|D-Ranked|Slay 20 Large Desert Mouse [75 G]
    Desert Village|#SD2|D-Ranked|Slay 10 Gray Desert Fox [85 G]
    Desert Village|#GD1|D-Ranked|Harvest 1 Basket of Magic Flower [75 G | 1 x Bundle of Magic Flower]

    Entering the desert, both of them had a slight smile, specially Cinere who was only wearing a sleeveless white shirt and a dark pants, yes, he did not have shoes, actually, because of Mutation with a light grey blood, his body became incredibly cold, if he try to go even further in it, his body will actually freeze everything he walks on, everything he touches... it will be quite troubling...
    Neverthless, they are in the desert, how can it be bothering then ?
    Knowing that, Liya looked at his only friend and apparently family with a warm smile, because of his words at the guild, he was no less happy than this bloody monster.

    Actually... he was restraining himself, he wanted to jump in joy just because Cinere considered him as family... well, maybe even before, but he just never said it, he was trying to compose himself uselessly...

    Walking in the desert, feeling the sand through his toes, Cinere felt free, free from all those stupids feelings and addictions... even free from revenge and madness, nothing could disturb him now...
    Just nothing.

    «Pfff... what did you say?!»

    Except Liya of course.

    [...ahaha... my dear little brother...]
    «Please stop Liya... it's... look at you ! Then look at me !»
    [Nature isn't fair...]

    And now, he is beginning to feel sorry for his little brother... if he didn't have such a bad temper, he would have womens falling for him.. also, if he wanted to get rid of this burn... it could be even better... how sad.

    Actually, they might really be brother, but they don't know, both of them are together because of a Wood Elve, Cinere's father, the Bloody Lord, so maybe, they are half-brother ? But that would mean that the Bloody Lord, a Wooden Life who is supposed to venere life, actually had a Vampire's women or sexual slave... a person which is literally sucking life...
    Well, the Bloody Lord isn't an empty nickame, he literally trampled many lifes with his feet.

    Anyway, let's go back to the main point, they are still walking toward Desert Village, nickamed and more known as Oasis Village.
    During most of the time, they stayed soundless, a comfortable silence reigned upon them, even when, after a dozen of minutes, they entered Desert Village, nothing was special about it,
    Houses in polished stone, people are smiling widely, majority of them have tanned skin and black hair...

    -How can it's still be cold ?!-

    How could we forgot that Cinere has Nally in his head ?
    Responding to her without any shame, still walking next to Liya, showing no expression's changes...

    'Ohh... so you can feel what I feel... can you see what I see ? And the same for the rest of the body ?'
    -Yes, and it's definitively annoying to feel cold and pain almost all the time ! And I can also feel your damn feelings !-
    'Hmm... interesting... don't worry, it will be only for... uhm, no more than one year ?'
    -Just let me die already ?!-
    'I refuse, I decided to keep you so I will keep you. And before continuing grumbling, I beared with this pain for more than twenty-three years. So if it's only one year, it should be alright.'

    Selfishly, he decided to keep 'alive', at least, someone would be able to feel what he is really feeling, well, it will be mostly nothing when Liya is not there, except if-

    Why did Liya suddenly stopped walking ? Looking at where he put his eyes on, it was a shrine in the honor of a certain god, Liya's eyes began wandering, his smile disappeared quite easily.

    Rage and hatred suddenly submerged Cinere, this god, it's another of his prestigious and dirty shrines, the God Of Hope, seeing this, his breathing became rough, each of them became harder and slower, his hands began to be itching, making weird movements... except if he had a sword, he would have looked like someone who was preparing himself to cut someone... his sight began blurring, seeing sudden hallucinations of corpses on the ground, bloody flesh, people crying blood... he ignored them, it wasn't that important.
    His muscles began extending, they seemed to be ripped by some unknown force, using physical strength that is harmful at his body, his blood was running faster... he was going to run and... heard voicesalo then the world slowed down and became black...

    'It's his right ?' 'Let's destroy it !' 'Take some distance, we should avoid this place'
    'I don't care... go and die, at least... this will end.' 'Revenge ! Let's slaughter them ! His pawns deserved to die !' 'How much of an idiot can you be ? He can't do everything. A god isn't omnipotent.'
    '...shut up, let's just die together...' 'Aw, bastard of old man ! He gave up on us ! How could he dare ?! If... she...' '...don't talk let me sleep...' 'Considering what you have done, why would he have help you ? You stole many people's hopes, and gave despair to many.'
    'So what ?! Did she have done anything ?! Did she needed to die ?!' '...shut up... shut up... shut up...don't talk... don't le me listen... don't let me live... don't don't don't don't don't don't don't...'
    'Let's steal all of their hopes ! A god who protects his believers ?! How false false false !!'
    '...let me become blind... let me become deaf... let me become insensitive... let me become emotionless...' ' stupid of me... trying to solve this curse...'
    '...kill them...' '...torture them...' 'slaughter them...'

    Three voice were there, one of a child, a suicidal one who is tired of living pointlessly but doesn't want to end his life by himself, one of a madman who seemed to be driven by hatred and revenge, and one of a reasonable old man, he was different from the other two... he seemed to be trying to appease those fires, one was revenge while the other was pain.
    All were similar, just the age and tone of them were different.

    -Stop ! Damn it ! Feeling other's people madness ! How annoying !!-

    How ironic, someone who is supposed to let madness run in people's mind actually interrupted Cinere's lunacy, feeling his sight coming back to normal, he stopped moving...
    Liya took him by the arm and began running, leading him toward where the monsters they are supposed to kill are... it's not because he want to hurry, but he wants to stop his only family to make another slaughter...

    - - -

    This feeling of hatred, I know it... let's see... the last time was about...four thousands of years ago ? So between three and five years in the mortal world... right !
    It's this [CENSORED] of elve ! He caused me so much trouble, I needed to use my power even more than usual... he is lucky that I didn't decide to send my apostles or angels to kill him... he even needs to thank me... considering how unreasonnable he is... in easily twenty thousands of years, this foolish mortal will still hate me.
    At least, now he isn't causing trouble.
    Hmm... let's the shrine at Oasis Village... he is biting his hand, blood is flowing out...
    I see, madness, madness of course, what else ? Even after those years, he is still hating this great god ?

    His sanity... is quite... troubling... no...? It's familiar's...
    Quite impressive, a god would have trouble to manage with all this madness, often they will become what people call 'Evil God'

    Don't forget, it's your last chance.

    - - -

    «Don't forget, it's your last chance.»

    Hearing this voice, he felt even madder than usual, his last chance ? Since when he had 'chances' ?!
    Everytime, he though Lady Luck smiled upon him, that chance was actually false.
    He sighed and watched at the monsters, wandering at the slums of the city, the slums are actually uninhabited, there's only monsters in it, their situations are not that good, this God of Hope, this bastard should put more work in protecting his 'believers'.
    Scorpions are there, probably hundreds of them are hiding in the slums... feeling unwell... an unimaginable amount of swords began appearing above while Liya was just looking, worried about his sanity, as expected, it happenned.
    A breakdown.

    Instead of looking at them, he decided to attract them and left him, he will probably vent his hatred on the monsters around them... so he will attract them.

    - - -

    Minutes laters, swords were everywhere around Cinere, his blood became grey, he became...

    -...colder... hey... aren't you going... to die with this kind of thing...?-
    'It's not enough... it's not cold enough...'
    -Look at your dagger, you idiot... at your clothes too... they are frozen in a freaking desert....-
    'It's not enough yet, as long... as I feel this madness... it won't be enough...'
    -...freezing the outside won't freeze the inside...-
    'Everytime... just everytime... I hear about this god, I feel like going amok...'
    -This madness... isn't normal... it came from nothing... how can someone's sanity varies so much... if I had to put a number, right now you're at 0, and earlier you were literally on the negative...-
    ' just tired...'
    -...tired is a little word isn't it ?-
    '...shut up Nally...'

    Sitting then sighing, he looked around him and saw... that the slums were frozen because of him, the sword were planted deeply in the previously sand who is now broken ice who isn't melting despite the high heat, the shabby house became ice too, one touch, and it migth helplessly fall apart, and... frozen scorpions were also everywhere... his skin was a bit blue... wait, it wasn't his skin but ice...

    [Cinere... I...]
    «...come here...»

    Liya hugged Cinere, bearing easily this coldness... it's just a bit of cold... it's nothing serious... somehow, even Cinere could feel the sadness and guilt in Liya who was whispering, without stopping... his eyes wandered everywhere, his sharp teeth were biting deeply his trembling lips, his voice was unsteady... yet why was he apologizing ?
    He is one kind of emotional friend.

    [I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so-]
    «It's not your fault, in the first place, both of us let... our guard down... I should have killed him earlier... his smile was... scaring... me...»

    Remembering something, he suddenly felt frightened... his last smile was the most terrifying he ever did, those two years after he discovered his weakness, was traumatizing him everyday, with in his head, all types of 'what if' situations, when each of them could have put him in madness... he didnt know what to do at this time... two years... and suddenly one day... he was knocked out and it happenned... in just... two hours... i-it... was finished... the pers-person he cared for so long... he hid from him for so many years because he didn't want to lose her... all... that time... all... all... for losing hope... h-he felt so... alone.
    However, now... there's still someone... the last friend... no...

    «...let me... call you brother... please...»

    He needed someone to lean on, he needed someone to live, he needed someone to be sane, his hands were gripping to his shoulders, stronger and stronger yet they seemed powerless, while little by little the ice began to disappear, his mouth was trembling and muttering unknown words, his word were all grotesquely distorded but he could feel it, despair and weakness... water fell from his eyes... Liya only saw him cry twice since he met, today is the third.
    Selfish, mad, unreasonnable, a freak, overwhelming mana, drugged, tortured, twisted, yet weak... mentally weak and ill, lonely, awfully lonely...

    They need each other, one never had anyone except this weak child in his life, and the weak child had two person, but lost one who was really important to him...

    [Of course... brother... but let's not go into incest...]

    He tried to joke a little, to light up the mood, unexpectly, it worked, his body compulsed, and he laughed bitterly, then, he laughed again, falling on the ice... rolling on the ground, the ice entering his body and making even more of his blood flow... neverthless, he didn't seem to feel the pain.

    - - -

    Right after what happenned, they stocked more than fifty piece of destroyed ice... which are supposed to be scorpions.... grasping Cinere's arm, he said while going back to the city, they were both wet because of the melted ice... and their face were similar to

    [Let's take a rest in a hostel.]

    Easily, they found a hostel and took two chambers in the same room, Cinere entered in his bed and stayed silent, cluchting to the blanket, his body tightened in a ball, he still felt cold... not because of his power this time.
    Cold, it was just cold... a coldness he feels quite rarely.


    Sitting at his back, he put his hand on his shoulder and asked with a soothing voice, trying to calm his 'brother', both of them felt bad

    «...did we deserved this...?»

    This matter was something he never dared to think, their life has been hellish, their mind has been broken times and times again, their body were drained from their vitality too many times, the blood he made flow was enough, enough to inundate a village...

    [At first no, before she died, it was... understandable and forgivable, but after. It wasn't. To be honest, until she died, we didn't deserved this torture.]
    «...I see...I'm sorry... for...»
    [No need, we are a family, remember ?]

    His words warmed Cinere's heart, he still felt guilty for involving him in those bloody matter, Servant of the Fiend was one of his many nicknames, he got too many of them, at least, this one was one of the most famous.
    While Cinere had obviously the nickname of Fiendish Slaughterer, strangely, nobody around here seem to know about this one, it's almost like they don't know anything except what happenned until her death, it seems like...
    Someone stopped every news to cross the borders.
    In the end, like a child, Cinere needed to have Liya stand near to him to sleep...

    - - -

    As expected, people came here this morning, it was a guard with a tanned skin and dark hair, a demi-beastman probably, considering his heavy sand massive shape, his smile was inquisitive and also curious.

    <Are you the one who froze the slums ?>

    Curtly replying with a cold and apathetic tone, Cinere's face became half frozen, probably to convince the guard, no, to assume his errors during his breakdown.
    Looking at him, the guard smiled and told them what he wanted from them.

    <Could you freeze everything around the slums ? The monsters are afraid from cold, it will be quite useful to enlarge the city, and considering the fact that the ice is still not showing a sign of melting even after a night, I hope it will last long.>

    They wanted to destroy the slums, it was surprising, that's true, who would keep those slums inhabited by monsters ? It seemed quite reasonnable

    «What's the compensation ?»
    [Brother, they are ready to give us information about the monster we are searching and give us the Magic Flower who are unused because of their overwhelming mana.]
    «Oh, I see, let's do it then, give us the informations first, then the flowers.»
    <No problem, it's quite cheap anyway.>

    So, in the end, they know that the Scarabs, Lizards and Large Mouse are wandering around the city, between the Glass Crafter and the Village, while the Gray Foxes are in the Oasis.
    Nothing really surprising.
    After this, Cinere, still exhausted, began freezing the slums border, oh well, it's quite an easy job, around one hour later, it was already finished and they received a basket of the Magic Flower with Overwhelming Mana
    Without even looking at them, just sensing them is enough to notice that they are abnormal.

    <Now, the slums will be gone, thank you Sir Merol !>

    Yes... Cinere just said his name, inversing the letters just in case since a certain god's shrine is near, if they knew it was him who kinda killed a lot of their fellows... it will be quite troubling, maybe he should change his appearance with surgery ? And ask for changing name on the Adventurer's card ?
    Just in case... and the God of Hope should be quite wary and careful with him so...
    To be honest, if he is so mentally unstable, it's all his fault.

    It might seem unreasonnable but he is actually sincere and honest.
    If his mind is so screwed up, it's his fault.
    The God of Hope is a... bastard.

    Leaving the city without a word, they just went there to accomplish their quests.
    Walking through the neverending desert, the feelings they had weren't the same, the sand was still flowing through his toes, freely and smoothly, he was still feeling quite cold in the desert.
    While Liya wasn't in the mood to tease him, no... both of them weren't in the mood, remembering the good old times, trapped in the past, they can't seem to move on, after she died, Cinere was fallen in madness for more than ten years, while he lived with her for seven years, because of her death, he couldn't help but became mad for 8 years... before putting himself together.

    Oddly, there was a swarm of monsters running toward them... they were many of thems... at least thirty of each monsters they were searching... almost a hundred... they were pursuing people... adventurers possibly.

    <<HELP !!>>

    Cinere sighed, watching the mouse, scrabs and lizards in front of him, he felt tired, he didn't want to fight, at least now, he was just jaded of it...

    [Five meters in front of you in...]

    Behind the stray adventurers, an ice wall appeared turning around, trying to close the monsters in it... except that... it wasn't fast enough so by around ten meters behind the dome, at least ¾ of the monsters escaped.

    <This person must be...>
    «Friends, my name is Cinere, could you go to the city alone, I have some matters to attend and can't help you right now... I'm sorry.»
    <N-No need sir ! We can go back to the city on our own !>
    <Y-yes of course !>

    Cinere was too tired to mock them or anger them by saying just a few words like always, so he became unexpectly polite... somehow, it was a sign of his annoyance... and weariness, he just wanted to sleep... not forever tho...

    «Ah right... we need their flesh, I want to test something, you know...»
    [Alright, please wait for me.]
    «No need, I won't give you the dirty job.]

    Together, they went to meet the escaped monsters running, while the other will probably die from coldness... not interesting... the monsters seeing them got furious and charged at them, wonder what the adventurers did to have this much monsters pursuiing them.
    Oh... whatever.

    Ice daggers began to appear, between each of Cinere's fingers, they shouldn't freeze the enemies this time, so it should be alright, at this time, there were around... sixty monster, around 25 large mouses while the other seems equally divided between scarabs and lizards.
    Drawing daggers, Liya began slicing their throats while being avoiding their attacks with an unatural speed, sometimes, there were ice daggers going behind him to kill some unexpected monsters, lowering his body, then jumping trying to stay between claws and wagging tails, Liya was in mid-air while he caugh the tail and used the monsters to knock out some others monsters...
    His strenght is quite... impressive, isn't this lizard supposed to be at least seven times his weight ?

    Rolling his shoulders, he yawned, at least, he doesn't have to protect Cinere since he is helping him by... staying high, on a ice pillar... they may try to spit fire, but they get killed before it happens so...
    Sometimes, he is throwing knifes so his brother doesn't have to suffer from surprised attacks.

    After a few dozen of minutes, all of them were dead while the left one were still stuck in the ice dome... they actually got forgotten and they will probably fight between each other...
    Oh, whatever...
    Cutting their heads, they got around 15 Scarab's head, 15 Lizard's head and 20 Mouse's head... without talking about the 500kg of desert monster flesh... they got a lot of them.. what will he do with them...? Ah right, he also skinned the lizards, it's around the amount of the totality of three human's skin ? Quite a lot of scales in fact.

    What... is he going to do with those things...?

    -... please don't tell me...-
    '...don't spoil the fun.'
    -Please... no no no...-
    'Don't worry, it will just be training.'
    -Ahhh...I'm glad...-

    Oh well... at least Nally won't go crazy because of what Cinere has in mind... since they finished what they wanted to do, they began walking toward the Oasis, both of them didn't seem that enthusiast...

    -How depressing...-
    'What ?'
    -Just because you went mad for no reason in front of a god's shrine, and remembered some sad memories, you are now depressed.-
    '… I though you could feel what I felt ?'
    -I just went to sleep since it was unbearabled... yet... just because of some memories, it's the past...-
    '...and ?'
    -...uhm... about my guesses your grudges seem to be groundless, thank to your three voices talking in your damn head...-
    'Even if it's true, my feelings don't lie.'
    -They seem to be quite messed up though.-

    He couldn't refute her, just because of... remembering, he felt this bad, he remembered the worst moments in his life, and he knows why, however he won't talk about it, in the end...
    If he is still mad, it's still this God's fault.
    What else could it be ?

    - - -

    Seeing the beautiful blue water and the flowers blooming around the oasis, Cinere felt it was too bright, the gray foxes ran away when they saw them arriving... nothing interesting...

    «Liya, take the magics flowers, I will kill those gray foxes.»
    [Alright, I will pick them and give them to the client, then I will wait for you at the hostel.]

    Fastly, picking them up, Cinere just went around and used Illusion Magic so people and foxes won't notice him, since... he just has to make their sense of smell goes wrong.
    Approaching them, his hand was going to catch a fox.
    He caugh it, and his neck began freezing then he died this easily.

    «Quite frail.»
    -You're just a freak.-
    «Shut up.»

    Unintentionally, he responded to Nally aloud, oh whatever, nobody is there. One down, nine left.
    The second was beheaded, the third was strangled, the fourth died by blood loss, the fifth got his heart crushed, the sixth got frozen...
    It was easy, nothing was hard...
    The ten foxes died easily, not even knowing their killed, they couldn't hear, see, smell or sense him, unknowingly, they were murdered.

    Their lifes were just... too easy to crush.

    Looking at his grey hands, he felt disgusted and became more corpse-like at the next second, removing willingly his mutation, he sighed and went back to find Liya at the hostel, who... was asleep actually, he went back to the bedroom and slept...

    - - -

    In a bed, his dark gold hair was smashed by his head touched by tiredness, his snoring was a bit troubled, the blanket fell from his body and his lips were trembling...
    Probably a nightmare.
    Sighing, he put the blanket on him and smiled softly, he needs to rest him too, looking at his face, he poked his cheek and started using Fire Magic to warm him, little by little... his sleep became peaceful...

    «Have a good sleep... brother... ha... to think that one day...»

    'I would have family again...'
    His thought had a tinge of despair, something... was wrong with it, like to him, family wasn't something to be happy about however...

    «Heh... at least, it's... a true one this time... I hope... no... I wish.»

    He hated the word 'hope' for an obvious reason, after long years, this god is still striving to make him suffer, hope is hard to see... yet, right now, lookign at his brother, he is seeing hope.
    This is why, he has to be even more careful since...

    Hope has always been just like a traitor.

    - - -

    The next day, Liya smiled by waking up, he had a nice sleep, but... he actually felt guilty because he had a nice one, after what happenned, how could he have a nice dream ? Could... he feel...

    «Good morning brother.»

    Ah, of course... seeing him asleep when he came back... he probably did something, staring at this brother, he felt... quite awkward, at first, it was only to tease him, yet... in the end, they 'became' siblings...

    [Good morning... thank uhm... I delivered the basket of magic flower, the client was... somehow satisfied, he looked like he didn't want to say to the guild that I did the job...]
    «That's alright, I don't care.»

    Cinere had a weak smile, he couldn't but feel worried at this sight, yet he didn't say anything because it's still because of this damn curse... if only that god wasn't this cruel... maybe... he should go 'pray' to him and... ask him to undo the curse...?
    Liya was hesitating since Cinere had... really a exhausted face and red eyes, it seemed like... his mind seemed to be dazing off quite often too...

    [Ahah, let's go back then and take a rest.]
    «Yes, I think I won't go on mission in quite a while.»
    [Oh, it means I should go alone ?]
    «...don't... go alone... at least, don't go on D ranks missions.»

    His face paled, it was as he though, he is still fearful... if Liya disappears for too long, he will fall into madness once again... but he won't ever come back this time...
    Considering that he already learned Necromancy and his Ice Magic improved by leaps, it might become not just 'dangerous', his eyes were almost pleading like a child seeing his parent leaving for work... it was so... just... pitiful.

    [Don't worry, I will just make stupid quests like killing rats, slimes, picking up herbs... you know this kind of thing.]
    «...ah... I'm glad...»

    He was just like a child... if it was a six years old looking at his brother of ten years old, it would have seemed quite cute, but now... it was a twenty-nine corpse-like man and a elegant man of thiry-five years even if he looks more like he is in his late teens...
    It just didn't fit.
    Cinere seemed even older than Liya... despite this fact, he... just... Liya didn't know how to react, he was happy to receive his feelings, but... far too worried to appreciate this fact, if he goes away some hours, what will happen...? Will he go berserk ? If he comes late...
    While they began travelling toward the Adventurer's Guild, Liya heard Cinere say something and felt fear, he would die from fear at this rate !! Is he... that... terrified...?
    His smile seemed twisted by worry...

    «...maybe I should learn how to make golems...? Yes... ice golems who will freeze everything they walk on...»

    They will be far too dangerous ! He wanted to hunt rats, would he freeeze the city with this golem ?!
    He just sighed with a wry smile, at least... he acts like a child... he never acted like a child though... it's quite disturbing... as a child, he was... more mature than an adult,suicidal though, as an adult, he began acting like a child... it's almost like when-'s far too weird... just... how can... fear change someone that much ?-
    -Less and less... understandable...-

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Passive Skill was unlocked,
    {Curse of the God of Hope}
    ¤ Sanity won't ever go above 1 (on the verge of insanity)
    ¤ Cursed people will be extremely unstable if meeting with a disruptive element.
    ¤ Terrorized by 'hope'
    ¤ [Hidden] → Will be discovered for Halloween SS~

    Fact : It's been said that the Curse of the God of Hope was used only a few times before Cinere, the last one was around three hundred years ago, the person killed himself, others became frenzy on killing and died from cardiac arrest, one died from fear, one killed his own family members...
    The God of Hope has always been merciful, he only uses this curse on people who hurt his believers, one who killed unconditionally and irrationally.

    Items obtained :

    ¤ 500 kg of Desert Monster's flesh. ( also for a SS)
    ¤ Enough Lizard's scales for three humans (also for a SS actually the same as the flesh)
    ¤ Basket of Abnormal Magic Flowers (Overwhelming Mana)

    Attributes's changes :

    Cinere : Sanity 1 → 0 ; Willpower 91 → 92 ; Fate -2 → -1 ; Strength 11 → 13 ; Spirit 78 → 79
    Liya : Sanity 8 → 5 ; Fate 1 → 3 ; Willpower 33 → 37 ; Agility 52 → 54

    Skill's changes :

    Cinere : Ice 601 → 627 ; Illusion 467 → 488 ; Mutation 301 → 308
    {«Curse of the God of Hope» has been Unlocked.}
    { «Ice Immunity (2%)» has been Obtained}

    Liya : Avoiding 199 → 201 ; Dagger 287 → 291 ; Riposting 489 → 498

    Unlocked Titles :

    Liya : Servant of the Fiend
    Cinere : Fiendish Slaughterer ; Cursed by the God of Hope.

    Entering the Adventurer's Guild, Cinere was trying to avoid the gazes from the others people, it seemed really weird, his appearance didn't fit with his attitude...

    [Excuse me, we finished our quests so I would like to-]
    "Sorry brother... Can... I leave...? I want to take a rest... "

    His introverted attitude didn't fit him at all, he seemed embarrassed... however, when Liya doesn't see him, his eyes become cold and filled with sharpness... intimidating the others adventurers who stared at him, it felt... like a knife was stuck to their neck.
    Cold and deadly.

    [You don't need to ask me, I know where you will go anyway.]
    "Ahah... you're right, tell me when you are going on quest, alright ?"

    Then he turned to the receptionist and apologized for his behavior... he seemed sincere and honest yet...

    "...sorry Hikari, I need to leave..."

    His voice wasn't the same, it was filled with conflicted feelings, weariness, tiredness, worriness... all sort of feelings.

    [Sorry... we had a rough and unfortunate... event... during this short journey.]


    OOC : I tried to make something that sound mad~
    and maybe sad sometimes ~
    But I feel like I failed though~ Oh well... At least, I tried~
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
    AliceShiki likes this.
  15. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Desert Village|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Large Lizard [50 G]
    Desert Village|#SE2|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Large Scarab [50 G]
    Desert Village|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 30 Desert Scorpion| [70 G]
    Desert Village|#SD1|D-Ranked|Slay 20 Large Desert Mouse [75 G]
    Desert Village|#SD2|D-Ranked|Slay 10 Gray Desert Fox [85 G]
    Desert Village|#GD1|D-Ranked|Harvest 1 Basket of Magic Flower [75 G | 1 x Bundle of Magic Flower]
    "Hikari... Is troubled... Hikari is glad the quest was cleared properly, but...

    Hikari hopes Shi... Shi-Shine-san...? Uhn... Hikari hopes he is alright...

    Sadly, Hikari doesn't know about a god of hope... Hikari can't help much...

    Uhn..." *peeks at card* "Riya-san, right? The reward will be of 405G and 1 bundle of magical flowers...

    Take care... Alright? Of both of you..."
    Naraku likes this.
  16. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Reading List:
    ((Ah! I think the part with the voices on his head showed madness pretty well!

    The others... Hmmmmm... It shows how desperate he is I guess, and it also shows his bias... Not sure if it shows madness though...))
    Naraku likes this.
  17. Kuma Desu

    Kuma Desu Holy Architect | Defender of Children | Clozdark's

    Apr 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SD4|D-Ranked|Slay 1 Unicorn [100 G]
    Gallant Mine|#GE1|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Ice Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Ice Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GE2|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Wind Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Wind Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD2|D-Ranked|Mine 3 Fire Crystals [100G | 1 x Refined Fire Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD3|D-Ranked|Mine 3 Earth Crystals [100G | 1 x Refined Earth Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD6|D-Ranked|Mine 50 Stone [60G | 20 x Stone Slab]

    ---------------- Side Kuma ----------------


    I was trying to concentrate myself to manipulate the energy that was covering my arm. The reddish black taint resisted a bit, but soon moved from my arm to my chest, then to my other arm.

    I started trying out to move it to other parts of my body, and also move the taint from other parts. It was becoming easier to control this curse, although I can’t get rid of her yet. Both my arms, one which was completely made of the taint, and legs were covered entirely on the taint, and it was spread here and there in my body.

    The curse was quite… tame, I’d say, after it contaminated completely my body. It stopped trying to erode my mind forcefully, and was now only whispering. Whispering about its hatred for the living. Whispering about the pleasure of killing. As long as I didn’t tried to do anything stupid like minding what it was saying or tried to draw out power from it, I would be fine… I hope…

    Finishing my small testing, I got up and walked out of my home at Frontier. It was still a bit weird to live in Kuma’s old home, so I’m holing up at the hideout of that damned cat.

    I had some matters to solve with him and Mirea, the metal blob, so I made my way in the village until the smithy where the bull girl Maligno talked about worked.

    ---------------- Side Maligno ----------------

    “I’m happy for being able to go out with Noa again but… What’s with that?!” (Maligno)

    [If you don’t like, you can go back.] (Mirea)

    Mirea stared daggers at me.

    “You wanted me to leave you to collect things? You must be insane.” (Kuma)

    And Master… well, not quite master, answered.

    “Isn’t it fine? I mean the more the merrier.” (Noa)

    Noa, you’re not helping here!

    To make matters worse, we’re going back to those damned cold mines, right after I lost my workshop and wanted to relax a bit in a date! The heavens must be laughing at me right now! I’m sure of it!

    The Gallant Mines were chilling cold as always, so this time I brought a coat with me. I remember that this coat was given to my by the Guildmaster, but I forgot to hand him back…. well, I don’t think he’ll miss it.

    Mirea was unfazed by the cold, and Master was with her spear in hands, covering herself with ice mist as if she didn’t minded the coldness.

    As we were with both Mirea and Pyon today, searching for the crystals wasn’t that difficult. But the sight of a bunny and a girl sniffing the air to find them was a bit strange.

    As neither of them could identify them properly, we ended up stumbling on a lot of junk, so we managed to collect the barely minimum for the quest.

    “If we’re done, how about going back now?” (Maligno)

    “What? Can’t deal with some cold, Kittie?” (Kuma)

    “Yeah, I can’t. This cat was born to live in warm, cozy places.” (Maligno)

    “Then you probably won’t like my place since it’s just beside the smithy.” (Noa)

    “A-ah, no, I mean… It’s warm there, at least.” (Maligno)

    “But not cozy in the least.” (Noa)

    “Noa!!” (Maligno)

    I glared at Mirea and Master that were grinning at me. Those two….! Stop with those thumbs up!

    After being glared, Master smiled wryly before cleaning her throat.

    “Well, I guess we really should go back.” (Kuma)

    [True… can I at least grab some food?] (Mirea)

    “Feel free to, Mi- Ah… Mnnn...” (Kuma)

    “Huh?” (Maligno)

    Huh? What was it now?

    ---------------- Side Mirea ----------------

    “Feel free to, Mi- Ah… Mnnn...” (Kuma)

    “Huh?” (Maligno)

    Kuma stopped in the middle of her sentence as a ring made of golden light appeared above her head. The ring’s light started to blink now and then, and Kuma made an unusual serious face.

    “Ah… I see...” (Kuma)

    [What’s it, Kuma?] (Mirea)

    “It seems I’ll need to go back for a bit...” (Kuma)

    [What about… ‘that’?] (Mirea)

    “Can you do ‘that’ for me? I’ll probably need it when I’m back.” (Kuma)

    [I see… Have a safe trip.] (Mirea)

    “Thanks~ Now, bye~” (Kuma)

    “W-wait, Master!?” (Maligno)

    Before Maligno could do anything, a strong light enveloped Kuma and flashed. When the light subdued, she was nowhere to be found.

    “What was that?!” (Maligno)

    [Nothing much… Let’s head back… we’ll need to hunt later.] (Mirea)

    “Hunt? What hunt?! How can this be more important!?”

    [It’s to help healing her curse... Probably...] (Mirea)

    “Probably? What exactly you want us to hunt?” (Maligno)

    [..... Unicorns.] (Mirea)

    “”Eh?!”” (Maligno & Noa)

    ---------------- Side Noa ----------------

    I always thought that unicorns were pure, kind hearted creatures, but… but…

    “Mirea, I can’t hold them off too much!” (Maligno)

    [Just a moment.] (Mirea)

    Maligno was running in the plains, fleeing from a group of three of them, a couple and their foal, while throwing ice javelins and knives at them. Though, most of them bounced off in some kind of barrier around the animals.

    Rather than a pure creature… they seemed more like maddened beasts.

    They were focusing all the attention on him, while me and Miss Mirea were on a hill nearby. While I had a spear and a bow in case something out of the plans happened, Miss Mirea was…

    [Now there’s only one left...] (Mirea)

    Her lower body had melted into some kind of metallic work table while the upper body was busily fiddling with a lump of liquid metal and shaping it like an arrow. Her whole body, the table included, was enveloped in fire.

    As she finished making the third and last arrow, the flames subdued and she turned back to her usual form, holding the arrows. She handed them to me and said.

    [Hand them to Maligno.] (Mirea)

    Turning to the battlefield, she shouted.

    [Maligno! Get back here, I’ll hold them off!] (Mirea)

    He was busy trying to fend off the beasts spared the time to shout back.

    “How long!?” (Maligno)

    [30… No, 25 seconds perhaps?] (Mirea)

    “It’s enough!” (Maligno)

    He fell back, and Miss Mirea stepped in to fight the unicorns.

    [Ellengarde - Slime Form.] (Mirea)

    She melted in a puddle of metal before rushing in the direction of the beast with her now amorphous body. Clashing against their bodies and pushing them back without harming them.

    Maligno came to me, and I handed him the arrows that Miss Mirea gave me and the bow I was holding.

    He shot an arrow at the biggest unicorn, hitting it’s leg. The animal staggered for a moment before it fell limply.

    “Wh-?!” (Noa)

    Maligno didn’t minded much and shot the other two, who followed the first one shortly after.

    After all three were down, Mirea went back to her usual form.

    “What was that?!” (Noa)

    [The arrows were handcrafted by me, and were also a part of my body. As they hit the unicorns, I used them as proxy to mess with their mana flux.] (Mirea)

    “In normal creatures, it would only mean that they wouldn’t be able to use magic for a while but...” (Maligno)

    [Those three unicorns had their body functions closely tied to their mana, having the horn as a core. That’s very unlike other ones.] (Mirea)

    “Ah, there’s the fact that they weren’t teleporting too. And that strange barrier...” (Maligno)

    [In sum… those weird creatures weren’t exactly what we were prepared to face. In any case, when I messed their mana flux, their body functions wavered likewise, and in the end they couldn't keep their life functions.] (Mirea)

    “A perfect, painless death.” (Maligno)

    [I just wonder, where those things came from...] (Mirea)

    “Doesn’t matter much… let’s just collect them and go back. Now, really… why we had to hold back against them?!” (Maligno)

    Maligno complained as he stored the three animals in Miss Kuma’s Item Box.

    [As I said, their body was unusually tied to the mana in it, meaning that-] (Mirea)

    “- I got it. The bodies are good materials for mana conducting.” (Maligno)

    [That’s just a supposition. We’ll need to check with the Guildmaster when we’re back.] (Mirea)

    “But if they are, we could sell them~ What if the Guildmaster takes them away~” (Maligno)

    [I hope he doesn’t. At least the horns not. We at least need them to help with Kuma’s curse.] (Mirea)

    “Erm...” (Noa)

    Feeling a bit out, I coughed and said.

    “Rather than worrying now, how about we just go back?” (Noa)

    Both of them looked at me and smiled.

    “I guess we should.” (Maligno)

    [Noa is right… Whatever happens, happens.] (Mirea)


    *Mirea puts the report papers and an unicorn foal's corpse over Guildmaster's table*
    [Can you please check this thing for me?] (Mirea)

    From the junks that were collected on Gallant: 6 Ice Crystals, 5 Wind Crystals, 3 Fire Crystals, 3 Earth Crystals, 51 pieces of stone.

    From the plains: Two adult unicorn corpses, one unicorn foal corpse.

    OOC: Well... I'm surprised I actually wrote that much... I usually make short reports...
    Anyway, I think this is the first time an interaction in the Tavern makes me change a bit of my plans~
    shad12ow, BlancFrost and Naraku like this.
  18. Quaesitor

    Quaesitor [Scholar]

    Jan 3, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Great Plain|#SD3|D-Ranked|Slay 3 Orc Leaders [150 G]
    Crooked Mountain|#SD1|D-Ranked|Put 5 undead to Rest [130 G]

    with @JinVodka


    PoV Tene

    Jin was sitting on the chair rather than his usual place which was under the table. He was just staring at the air lifelessly like a doll. I obviously find this rather strange, with how lively and emotional he was the last time we talked. And he wasn't even lurking under the table. But this absolutely is Jin, as a quick view through a few different dimensions and light spectra shows.

    "There you are, Jin!"
    I exclaim as I move towards him with big strides from his right side, moving towards his left with a quick twirl as I get close. "But you seem rather... drained?" I continue after doing so.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    Jin was trying to control his mind from slipping away as he tries to not fall unconscious. He then heard a familiar voice calling him. He slightly moves his head and saw Tene twirling.

    "Sup' Tene sorry about what happened earlier."
    Jin weakly smiled as he stared at Tene twirling around. "Why are you twirling..?"

    As Jin was puzzled at Tene's new change. Presia suddenly appeared in maid dress carrying two plates of 5 layered fruit pancakes and glass of milk on a tray.

    "Master Vodka, here is some food to energize you~"
    Presia smiled as she put down the tray on the table right in-front Jin. Her eyes suddenly gleam happily as she notices Tene. "Oh, my~ sir Tene! You seem in a good mood fufufu~"

    Tene PoV

    "Nothing to be sorry about! And you want to know why I am twirling? Well, because I wanted to try it, of course. It's surprisingly amusing."
    I finish the sentence while tipping my- I really need a hat.

    Before I continue, however, Presia arrives with some tasty looking food she made for Jin. A shame I never went to fix my messed up sense of taste.

    "Of course I am in a good mood! A day spent sad is a that could have gone better, and I like my days perfect!"
    I answer Presia while bowing slightly and playing with the thought of transforming my clothes into those a butler might wear.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Oh, I see..." Jin nods as he starts devouring the pancake Presia brought him and drink his daily dose of strawberry milk. Which seems to be working since his getting taller but that would be likely not the actual reason.

    "Oh, my~ I'm glad to hear that! fufufu~"
    Presia cover her mouth as she giggles demurely.

    "Anyway, anything you need Tene that I can assist with?"
    Jin finally devouring all his meal.

    "Geez, master Vodka you made a mess. The syrup is all over your cheeks and clothes."
    Presia quickly took a handkerchief as she wipes Jin's face. Who was busy wiping it with his sleeves dirtying his clothes. "Stand still and let me do it!!"

    "Okay, okay... don't mind this Tene. I'm just a bit tired but I can still do some work."
    Jin feels embarrassment being taken care off like a child. But due to his pale complexion and blond hair, it didn't feel out of place.

    PoV Tene

    "Yes, there is! You see, I accepted a quest and would get lonely alone, so I thought about going with you. As long as that is alright with you, of course."

    After pondering for a few seconds while stroking my non-existent beard, I continue. "Of course, as it would be you doing me a favor, I would make sure that your needs are tended to, and that your requests would be fulfilled." It would be like a theme. They always make things more colorful, except if the theme is being dull and colorless, but I digress!

    "Or would you want something else, if anything at all?"
    I say while twirling a few feet backward.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Well that's--"

    "Oh, my! Of course, that would be great! After all, Jin has nothing much to do. Plus he needs to move his body and stop moping around!"
    Presia spoke before Jin could even finish talking.


    "About a request Jin seems interested about the put the undead to rest quest."
    Presia ponders as she places her right hand on her cheeks. She then looks at Jin for confirmation, "right~ master Vodka?"

    "Alright, I'm okay with what Presia said."
    Jin sigh as Presia already spoken all he wants to stay. "Plus, you helped me with the medical studies so it's already fine."

    "This would be fun~"
    Presia smiled as she claps her hand. But she quickly notices Jin stagger as he stood up. Slightly supported his back. "Master Vodka..?"

    "I'm fine, don't worry. Just a bit under the weather. Shall we go then Tene..?"
    Jin looks toward Tene as he stood up properly. 'I also want to at least see how Presia controls souls, so this is a good chance.'

    PoV Tene

    I can't help but chuckle slightly upon seeing them interact like that before continuing with my answer. "I'm glad to hear that. The first two quests we should deal with, however, are the orc ones in my opinion. It's easier to find them, and they are perfect to test out something I just recently discovered."

    While transforming my clothes, I adapt my behavior to one more fitting my new look. "It's this way, young master." I say, now dressed in a butler's outfit and slightly bowing while showing Jin the way.


    <Jin Vodka's POV>

    "A test huh..? That sounds interesting, I would very be honored to be able to see it."
    Jin nod as he somehow feels glad to be invited on this quest. Since he always likes to see new abilities.

    "Oh, my! How dashing~"
    Presia blush and her two tails vibrates slightly seeing Tene transforms into a butler. Presia walks next Tene and lightly bowed. "Glad to work with again Sir Tene."

    "Wait, what..?"
    Jin stood still shocked at the transformation but more with the way Tene called him. Jin pouted as he crossed his arms. "I ain't young master! I won't be that type of arrogant young master!"

    "Of course, your not arrogant one. Young master is the reckless kid who always ran into trouble even though he has a sickly body."
    Presia giggles after seeing Jin's speechless expression. "Then shall we go sir Tene..? It is best to let the young master have some fresh air."

    "What kind of setting is that!? Oi---"
    Jin finally able to react walk towards them. But he suddenly falls down to the ground due to fatigue. While laying on the cold floor, he finally gathers some thought as he mumbles. "Well, Presia is wearing a maid outfit so I guess Tene being a butler is not a problem. But why am I, young master? Why does the floor feel nice?"

    PoV Tene

    "The pleasure is mine."
    I say to both Presia and Jin before turning to Presia. "Yes, that would be for the best."

    However, Jin falling down is truly unexpected, so I don't manage to react in time. "Young master!" I shout while hurrying to Jin, carefully helping him up and ignoring his complaints.

    "Are you alright?"

    <Jin Vodka POV>
    "My name is not alright, it is Jin alright wait--" Jin facepalm so hard as Tene supported him to stand up.

    "Are you alright young master..?"
    Presia looks worriedly towards Jin who seems acting weak and exhausted. She couldn't see his expression since he was hiding it already with both hands.

    "I'm fine, don't mind that. And about what I said earlier please ignore that."
    Jin looks away with a slight blush from embarrassment. 'Really, it seems like my mind feels safe with Tene and Presia. So I always end up letting my focus down. And my mind relaxes too much.'

    "I'm glad he's temperature is not that cold."
    Presia smiled in relief but notice Jin in deep thought. She then lightly pokes Jin's cheeks, "Hello~"

    "Okay! Let's go already and do this. Lead the way Tene!"
    Jin change topic as he pointed to the Tavern door with determination.

    PoV Tene

    "Of course, young master."
    I say while supporting Jin, rather amused at the situation but not showing any sign of it on my face.

    Ignoring any strange gazes anyone might give us, I make my way to the Teleport Gate with Jin and Presia, making sure it is the least exhausting way possible. Which isn't that hard, with both the tavern and Teleport Gates being quite important in Aeternus and thus having good access to the road network.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "The air is really nice in this place."
    Presia touches her bangs to not cover her sights as the wind pass them.

    "So we are gonna deal with Orcs, right? 10 Orcs and 3 Orcs leader. It would be nice to see them in one group. But the Orcs might have great unity since they have leaders. Though that would be interesting to see."
    Jin touched his chin while thinking deeply. He didn't notice that Tene was in-front with him. "So 1 Orc leader each while 3 for the each us. But there will be excess one."

    "Young master, watch you're going!"
    Presia alerted Jin but he already collided with Tene's back.

    "Ops... Sorry about that so, who wants to deal with the last Orc?"
    Jin only lightly patted his forehead and continue.

    PoV Tene

    "Yes, young master. Our first target is the orcs. However-"
    Feeling someone bump into me from behind, I turn around and notice that it's Jin.

    "No need to apologize, young master. It is my fault for not noticing quickly enough. However, as I was saying, there might be more normal orcs than about 3 per orc leader. But if it really happens as you think it will, then I would like to take care of the surplus orc."

    Turning so that I am facing both Presia and Jin, I ask them: "Would that be acceptable for both of you?"

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "That's fine for me~"
    Presia smiled as she tilts her head. When she suddenly realizes something missing her two tails raising in an alert. "Wait!! Young master, you have said you gonna craft me a new whip!!"

    "Ah that's right, it was destroyed in the last raid."
    Jin nods as he was shaken by Presia. He then smiles lazily as he gives thumbs up. "You can always use your kitty claws~"

    "That is unhygienic and dirty! Craft me a new whip!"
    Presia pleads with teary eyes. "I have a bladed fan but it is also damaged but still usable. Still, give me new pretty equipment!"

    "Okay, I understand Presia. Calm down, I'm getting dizzy."
    Jin trying to find excuse suddenly thought of something. "I was waiting for the dark merchant since it might have one or a suitable material for your equipment."

    "Alright, don't forget it again~"
    Presia pouted while pinching Jin's cheeks.

    "Sigh~ Anyway, sorry about that Tene. I'm alright with your suggestion."
    Jin touches his sore cheeks after finally released from Presia grasp. Jin looks towards Tene, "shall we begin searching for the Orcs?"

    PoV Tene

    I actually use claws rather often, but I can't get sick nor is my body permanent, so that isn't much of an issue for me.

    "I'm afraid I don't have any weapon that might suit you right now, so I, too, am unable to help."
    I say to Presia while already using my strong senses to look for orcs.

    "You accepting my suggestion is an honor, young master, and I think I already spotted a small group over there,"
    I tell Jin while pointing towards the horizon. "However," I continue, "they are too far away for even me to see properly."

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    Jin gently smiles and nod while inwardly screaming. 'How do I reply for this as a young master..?'

    "Don't worry about that, after all, young master has all the responsibilities to take care of his followers." Presia giggle then she tilted her head as she looks to the direction where Tene looking at. But she can notice anything since she has normal sights. "Guess, we can take our time and walk towards there."

    "We can also rush there."
    Jin decided to just to deal with Orc. He focuses his mind and uses Stolz possession transforming into his frost form. He suddenly rushes to the direction at fast speed leaving Presia and Tene behind.

    "Young master!! Wait!! You can use teleportation magic circle to move us near there!"
    Presia two tails stood up seeing Jin's sudden flight. "Baka master!! Let's quickly follow him, sir Tene!"

    PoV Tene

    "Yes, we have to hurry!"
    While saying this, I grab Presia's arm and start running towards the orcs, shifting in and out of other dimensions to get there faster. While making sure that Presia won't be affected by any strange side effects, of course. I will have to apologize to her later.

    But still, it is impressive how well Jin is acting as the young master!

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    'Dammit, my mind is sleeping away again.' Jin eyesights started to go blurry as his consciousness was being dragged away by Stolz. Due to this he lost control of his body and came crushing towards the Orc horde. He drags two orcs which unluckily for them. Since they got drag from Jin ice-steel like wingspan cutting them two half as Jin crush to the ground.

    The Orcs were alerted as they slowly approach Jin who was not moving.

    PoV Tene

    "Our young master is in trouble!"
    I shout as I see Jin fall to the ground, and arrive next to the remaining orcs in the next moment, stopping myself and Presia with the use of dimensional magic while absorbing most of the impact for Presia.

    The orcs seem quite surprised to see Jin and us appear this quickly, and I use that surprise kick the orc closest to me away like a ragdoll after letting go of Presia. During this time, I already start to draw something out from deep within me, preparing to unleash it.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Thanks, Sir Tene, please give me some time to check with young master." Presia rush forward to Jin. She equips her fan as she charges forward in a whirlwind of steel, pushing the orcs around and damaging them. She then quickly kneels next to Jin. "Young master, wake up!"

    "I'm not sleeping just closing my eyes for a bit,"
    Jin argued as he moves his head sideways still closing his eyes. He seems to be not moving an inch.

    "WAKE UP!!!"
    Presia pinch both Jin cheeks making it red.

    "What happened!?"

    "You rush and almost got hurt from the orcs. Please pull yourself together!"
    Presia supported Jin in standing up.

    "Okay, hmm... Seems like you killed 3 Orcs. Good job!"

    "Oh my, it seems I did fufufu~"
    Presia giggles and readies her fan, "then I'll look for an Orc Leader while stunning the others."

    "That's a good idea."
    Jin smiled and open his ice wings wide as he flew towards Tene. "Sorry about what happened earlier~"

    PoV Tene

    "No need to apologize, young master."
    I say, and unleash some of the chaos that accumulated in my experiments with wyrdstone, striking them with Warp-lightning and grilling a few orcs. As I calculated the lightning course beforehand, it passes through both their hearts and brain, ensuring their death.

    The axe strike of the orc behind me passes through me as I phase to another dimension for a short moment, and chop off his arm with my hand I transformed while unleashing the Warp-lightning. Before it can scream, I jump backward, my body engulfing it and drilling into its head through its eyes.

    I am quite certain this looked very disgusting, judging from the looks the other orcs are giving me. This is psychological warfare, and I won't hesitate to break their minds.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Wow! That's sick!"
    Jin's eyes sparkle seeing Tene new skill.

    Presia asks as she was dealing with an Orc Leader who was being surrounded by other Orcs. Since she needs to make sure not to kill any other orcs after completing her 3 kills. She dodges and dances around orcs heading to their leader.

    "Not that kind of sick. You know that sick when it's like wickedly awesome or cool. Something like that! [Ice Spears]"
    Jin said while he creates an ice spears impaling 3 orcs.

    "[Glacial Spikes],"
    multiple ice spikes appear from the ground. They didn't kill the orcs but rather pushing them away. As it makes its path towards the Orc leader. He has a larger build, better weapon, and armor.

    "Found you~ "
    Jin smiled as he flew to the ice path created by his magic. His wings drop snow which spreads and freeze the ground. It makes the other Orcs slip their footing unable to go near Jin as he rushes to the Orc Leader.

    PoV Tene

    "I am honored to receive your praise, young master!"
    While saying this, I unleash a few more Warp-lightning bolts, spreading a group of orcs and finally spotting an orc leader. After shooting two bone spikes from my transforming arm at him, I use my dimensional magic to slip behind him and just choose to put a bullet through his head with my gun, while returning my body to normal.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Finally, shall we have a solo dance~"
    Presia facing in-front the Orc leader bow down. The Orc leader was stunned seeing her in-front of him. Presia starts to wave her fan as she rotates around the Orc. He tries to swing his axe to kill Presia but she just closely dodges it like she can read his movement.

    "I hope you enjoy your last dance~"
    Presia bowed down towards the Orc leader who was puzzled. Before he knows it, blood started gushing to his body. He falls down in a pool of blood while some of the flesh falls apart.

    "Shall we try this..?"
    Jin takes a large breath gathering cold air. This was different from the chilling mist which was a cold air that freezes. He was condensing all the cold air into his mouth.

    "[Ice Beam],"
    a condense ice-cold beam was aimed to the Orc Leader. It freezes all its body and break it apart into pieces just a short seconds

    "Hmm... Well, it not so different from chilling mist but it will immediately break apart the target. This is more like an attack magic while chilling mist is a support one."
    Jin checks the damages the magic produce then saw the other surviving orcs run away.

    "Oh, my! So many ices..."
    Presia went next to Jin as she bowed. "I'm already done, young master."

    "Good job Presia."
    Jin smiles gently as he starts to walk towards Tene seeing him done. When suddenly he slips from the ice and slides slowly back to where he was, to begin with.

    Presia giggles looking away.

    Jin raises his body slowly while trying to hide his embarrassment. "I did that on purpose! I was testing how slippery the ice is!!"

    PoV Tene

    Presia and Jin are as strong as I remember. I calmly walk back to them while reloading the gun and looking for any other orcs, but none remaining are willing to fight. I guess that is natural, with most of their group destroyed within seconds.

    After chuckling a bit as I see Jin slip, I arrive next to Presia and Jin. "So, young master, we killed enough orcs for the quests. Our next target should be the undead. Do you have an idea where we might find them?"

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Hey! I just heard a chuckle and Presia stops giggling. That was a plan! It was not an accident!"
    Jin stands up.

    "Alright, we understand fufufu~"
    Presia hides her mouth with her fan trying her best not to laugh.

    Jin only crossed his arms and pouted his cheeks sulking. 'What is happening to my body anyway? This is a first.'

    "So, the targets are undead..?"
    Presia tilts her head as she closed her fan. "Aren't they common in hell?"

    "That's not good for us both Presia."
    Jin shakes his head in disapproval.


    "You are easily affected by the evil souls. So it will be dangerous for you. While for me, the devil's influence is stronger in hell. So chances of me losing control are high. So best if we don't go there yet when we are not ready."

    "I see, well I'm from the Far East. So I'm not familiar with the places here."
    Presia's ears and tails drop down, unable to give help.

    "Ask Raz to make some undead for us?"
    Jin tries a joke to make Presia mood better.

    "That's stupid young master, fufufu~"

    "Anyway, I also don't know since I just wandered to this place. Any ideas Tene..?"
    Jin looks towards Tene will full dependence. Presia also looks at Tene with sparkle eyes waiting for an answer.

    PoV Tene

    "But young master, I wouldn't plan something like this!"
    I try my best to sound slightly offended.

    "Well, as luck would have it, I really have heard rumors of undead recently appearing within the mountains. They haven't attacked anyone yet though, which is slightly strange. What do you say, young master? Should we take a look?"
    While telling them about this, I gesture towards the east, where the mountains are visible on the horizon.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Well that is right, you're too serious for that... I'm sorry..." Jin quite looks down but then feels something wrong. 'Wait, was earlier just that my imagination?'

    "Oh my~ Crooked Mountain, I heard Flyx how he argued that he is not returning to that place fufufu~"
    Presia giggles remembering how Flyx was complaining about his suffering during that quest.

    "Ah! The living stone quest, just the luck since I been there already. I can make a teleportation magic circle there."
    Jin smiles widely as he picks up his pseudo-grimoire. He starts to create a blue magic circle around them. It started to light up as it engulfs them teleporting to the Crooked mountain.


    They got teleported to the peak of the mountain where Jin and Flyx landed. The wind was not that strong and it was only snowing a bit. Unlike the first time, Jin visited which was having a blizzard.

    "We are here, do you have any leads from here Tene?"
    Jin looks towards Tene.

    "Oh, my~ the snow is so beautiful."
    Presia smiled as she watches the snow. "Achoo... but it is freezing."

    PoV Tene

    "Of course I am too serious for that."
    Or was. Lately, messing a bit with people, when kept within limits, has been pretty fun.

    I don't resist the teleport at all and safely arrive at the mountain peak with the others. "Young master," I say while using a mana pulse to try and detect undead nearby, "while there are a few undead on this mountain, there is a suspicious spot to our north, just behind the next mountain. I would ask that we go there and check it first before we return here and take care of the undead."

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "That's sound interesting~"
    Jin smiled widely excited for what he will see. "Then, shall we go..?"

    "Oh, my~ That sounds a bit dangerous, but with the two of you. I don't think I have to worry about anything."
    Presia smiles as she took a fur cloak from her bag and wear it.

    "Of course, Tene is quite dependable and I'm quite strong now!"
    Jin grin as he gives thumbs and then looks toward Tene. "Okay then, let's go investigate!"

    Tene PoV

    "If you would excuse me..."
    I grow two additional arms and carry Jin and Presia over the valley between the mountains, using dimensional magic to have footholds in the air. Slightly drained as we arrive on top of the other mountain, I look down to see a big, ruined building, extending deep into the mountain. And hundreds if not thousands of undead.

    "Those are a lot of undead... there has to be a necromancer in that building. How come I couldn't detect them?"
    I place both Presia and Jin on the ground carefully and stare at the undead.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Oh my~ This is my first time being carried beside my father kya~"
    Presia wiggles from embarrassment as she covers her face with both hands.

    "Well, I think I'm getting used to this... Thanks, Tene."
    Jin then looks to down, "an old building and lots of undead."

    "Wow, that's a lot of undead?"
    Presia hiding her face with a fan ask.

    "We need to kill 5 undead but leaving this army is troubling. What if it brings trouble to the people?"
    Jin's eyes focus on the building increasing his mana sense. But his eyesight started to get hurt from exhaustion due to not sleeping before he could even notice anything. "Sorry Tene, I wasn't able to notice anything. Might be some high-level concealment magic."

    "A powerful necromancer? I only know sir Razogul as the strongest necromancer I know."

    "There is a lot of necromancer in the guild. It just they don't show much and are a loner. Raz is just friendly as a necromancer."

    "That's right! He is polite, strong and kind. His different from the other male humans."
    Presia suddenly blushes from what she said and coughs. "Well, young master is also a good child."

    "I'll ignore that...."
    Jin just sighed and look to Tene. "So what will we do? Sneak around and go inside the building to investigate?"

    PoV Tene

    "So you also weren't able to notice anything... no, if the concealment is that strong, we should expect similar detection. So I think that brute force is the easiest and most efficient way." While talking, I am constantly running calculations to estimate the amount of undead, possible weak points in their formation, and scanning for additional magical defensive measures.

    This ruin is a fortress. Whoever is in there expected to be attacked by a huge threat. "This thing must have been under construction for years, judging from the defenses. Whoever is in there wants to stay there, and is capable of more than just necromancy."

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "So it's hit and run? I agree with you since that way is quicker."
    Jin nods as he activates Stolz possession.

    "I'm worried if the guild will allow us to kill lots of undead."

    "Don't worry, since they are undead. They don't contribute to the ecosystem. Plus, they might threaten the other living beings or even spread diseases since they are rotting corpses."
    Jin explained as he observes the building. "I'm more worried what's inside in the building."

    "That is a relief~"
    Presia smiled but then heard Tene's next word her tails stood up in an alert. "The one in there is also not just a necromancer! I don't feel well, can I just stay here..?"

    "It's safer if you are with us. Okay, let's go Tene and Presia."
    Jin opens his wings wide and dives below hesitation.

    "Wait...! Not again!"
    Presia could only pout as she saw Jin already halfway down.

    PoV Tene

    "Good. If you'll excuse me again..."
    Just like the time with the orcs, I bring Presia towards the undead, already transforming parts of my body into blades as preparation for the fight, and drawing out some chaos energy, preparing for a warp lightning bolt, although it might not be that effective against the undead.

    After a few seconds, I arrive on a plateau with a group of undead on it and, after putting Presia down, dash into the group while unleashing blades from every part of my body, swiftly cutting my way through it by the sheer amount of blades, steadily making my way towards the ruin.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Thanks, Sir Tene! Then where is that reckless kid!!"
    Presia look around while killing of the undead she passes as she dances forward.

    Jin was already at the center of the army of undead, releases AOE ice magic. There where frozen undead, others are already in pieces and some were impaled with ice.

    "Oh! Tene! Presia! You guys are finally here!"
    Jin happily waves his hand. When suddenly he disappears in their sight.

    "Young master!!"
    Presia shout in alert only to see Jin sliding towards ruins. The undead was blocking her path only made her angry. Blue flames emerge in her tails as the dead souls from the killed undead surround her.

    "Move away from my path!!"
    Presia shouted releasing bloodthirst as she rotates forward slashing the undead as pass them. Just following behind Tene and Jin.

    PoV Tene

    "We're facing unexpectedly small resistance for now..."
    While muttering this, I am steadily cutting my way through the undead, optimizing my cutting pattern with my surplus calculative power, and getting slightly faster with every second, weaving a net of cuts around me that steadily dismembers anything too close to me.

    But after breaking through the outer perimeter of undead, blasts of magic get fired at us from the ruin, making a surprisingly small amount of damage to the undead around us due to their uncanny accuracy. While the first ones surprised me and I had to sacrifice a few of my blades to block those fired at me and Presia, as I am not sure how good her defensive capabilities are, I start to figure out their timing and, after infusing some more mana into my blades and adapting my cutting patterns, partially deflect them which is enough to keep them from hitting us.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    For some reason, Jin just let his body slides down without resistance. Maybe because he's tired and lacks sleep. He saw the blast of magic falls toward him. Some miss him while the others were blocked as his steel-like ice wings cover his body.

    On the other hand, Presia was being defended by the souls as they took the damage for her. She also waves her fan to throw some fireballs to magic as they explode in the sky. The other magic blasts were blocked by Tene.

    "Thanks, Sir Tene!!"
    Presia smiles for a short duration before she grows serious. As she uses [Soul Attract] and gathers all souls lingering in the area as her weapon.

    PoV Tene

    "Nothing to thank me for!"
    While shouting this as an answer to Presia, I hurry to Jin. This will get complicated... after three seconds of calculating I jump over Jin, grabbing him with two normal arms and growing a few additional limbs with blades to continue my slashing patterns while carrying Jin. While it takes some time for me to adapt to this change, I don't get hurt during the time, only performing a few rather awkward slashes until everything is properly calculated again.

    <Jin Vodka POV>
    "Glad you save young master! Now let's hurry and go inside the ruin." Presia looks to Tene then rushes forward destroying any incoming magic projectiles. She could finally see the wall as they approach the walls. But she starts to feel something blocking their path. Since Jin was not responding and she thought it is better for him to rest. She could only look at Tene and ask. "Tene what is this..?"

    PoV Tene

    "It seems like a spherical magical barrier, blocking almost everything. We have to break through somehow, or we're sitting ducks."
    Even while talking, I don't stop slashing at the blasts of magic and the undead moving closer to me. A few test slashes at the barrier shows me that breaking through won't be that easy, as it deflects my blades without showing any form of damage.

    "I fear that I won't be able to break through, at least not unless I spend quite some time preparing. Presia, young master, does any of you have something that might allow us to break through?"

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "I don't know anything about magic. So I can't help with, maybe young master would!"
    Presia then looks towards the ice wings covering Jin. She calls his name couple time but nothing responds. She then tried to pry open the ice but it was hard like steel. "Young master!!"

    "So tired--"
    Jin's empty eyes as it peeks to the wings. "Why are they so impatient....?"

    "Young Master! Who are you talking about..?"
    Presia was puzzled from Jin's words. But he didn't respond, he just opens his wings and looks towards the barrier.

    "Tene, I just break it right?"
    Jin was listening to them, after all. It seems like he was just too tired to respond. He placed his hand to the magic barrier and creates a blue magic circle on top of it. The magic circle starts to spreads runes as it surrounds the barrier.

    The barrier was covered with ice as cracks start to appear. Just a couple of seconds it shatters into small glass shards, finally breaking the barrier around the ruins.

    "Shall we go?"
    Jin lifelessly tilts his head and walks inside. Presia could only stand still but follow him silently.

    PoV Tene

    Seeing the barrier shatter that easily, I am quite surprised. A pleasant kind of surprise, of course.

    "Yes, let's go."
    Finishing off the last few remaining undead around me, I follow them in the ruin, with its gates already rotten and fallen into pieces from years of being exposed to the weather, its slightly foul stench permeating the area, together with the general smell of blood and decay emanating from the undead.

    As I pass the rotting wooden gates, a blast of magic gets shot at me from within, and I just deflect it with one of my many bladed limbs I still have, destroying the magic stone fuelling the turret with a shot bone spike as retaliation.

    Just a few seconds later, undead pour forth from within the ruin. This time not only cannon fodder. This will be exhausting.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    Jin could only click his tongue. The fatigue is finally getting on him. He created multiple ice spears as they flew straight to the undead impaling them. He stomps on the ground and multiple glacial spikes appeared stabbing all the undead.

    "We should push forward!! [Grudge Formation]!"
    Presia advises as she created a wide area effect that increases there damage and increases dark resistance.

    "[Refresing Screw]!"
    Presia rush forward as she rotates and creates a horizontal tornado breaking any undead she passes. She then followed it up with an air slash to the undead in-front. As the souls of defeated undead go to her side. She then turned them into spiritual flames as it burns more undead.

    PoV Tene

    Well, it seems like undead doesn't stand a chance against her. Good. Jin is doing well, too. If they are dealing with the undead, I'll take care of the rest. I retract all of my bladed limbs back into my body and transform my body into a ballista made of bone and sinew, loaded with multiple two meter long bolts, sliding through the air just a few centimeters above the ground using an enchantment of dimensional magic.

    Laughing, I start sniping any turrets, barriers, or strong undead that come into my view, constructing dozens of secondary formations around my core to sustain my mana consumption as my bone bolts pierce the target's weak points or nail them on the walls, leaving holes and cracks in my wake as I keep strengthening my body.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "This seems to never end. Where did this amount of undead come from?" Jin finally able to calm himself after killing multiple undead was looking to the front. Only to see nothing but undead in front of him. He inhaled and then open his mouth releasing a beam of ice. It shatters the undead it passes. He then continues creating ice spears mid-air aiming to undead. Together with the glacial spikes appearing on the ground and walls. His [Magic Tattoo] glows as he keeps absorbing mana in his surrounding, giving him unlimited mana and endless magic attacks. "I would be happy to see a living being at this rate---"

    Suddenly a strange giggle was heard as he looks in-front of him. Presia was weirdly surrounded by lots of souls. She keeps swaying creepily as the blue flames of her tails move erratically.

    Presia touch her face as her tails wiggles. Blue flames start to appear in her eyes. The souls next to her increased in sizes as they took phantom human form. From specters to banshee they appear to her side.

    Presia pointed her hands to the undead in-front. The banshee started to screams and rush to the undead ripping them apart. The specters float around and swing there scythe slashing their bones apart. The souls scream and together with a creepy giggle from the cat lady. It was a strange fight between undead and spirits.

    "Umm.... Well, this is something.
    " Jin looks to Tene and Presia who were both laughing weirdly. Which seems to be dancing around on the battlefield leaving only chaos in their wake. He could only sigh and look to the distance, "are we there yet..?"

    PoV Tene

    After many, many minutes of us tearing through the hordes of undead and pummeling any sort of resistance into the ground, the simple and powerful traps spotted and activated long before they could be a threat to us, and the more elaborate ones not strong enough to hurt us.

    We are getting closer to the core, I can notice it with how the resistance is getting greater. The traps, turrets, and barriers more frequent. The undead stronger and greater in number. But it's not enough. Their numbers are limited, the quality is limited, they don't get stronger than a certain point.

    Then, as we break through one last stone door, we can see it. As a cloud of the distinct smell of books envelopes us, I start transforming back to my human form. I am sure of it - somewhere in here is the necromancer.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Oh, my~ We have finally arrived..? fufufu~"
    Presia was covering her mouth with the fan as she giggles. looking at the surrounding. The specters and banshee around her are still destroying the undead trying to come near her.

    "There are a lot of books in here. Now that I think of it, might be good to make a library in the Askian Hamlet. Schnauzer will like it plus the other Kobolds will be able to learn more."
    Jin observes the books as he picks up one and looks to its pages. He was immersed with thinking that he didn't notice an undead coming near him.

    "Young master, please do mind we are in enemy territory."
    Presia closes her fan as she slaps it to her palm. The banshee merely uses her claws and drags the undead away from Jin.

    "Well, you are here Presia and Tene also. So I don't have to worry about anything. Anyway-"
    Jin walks by Tene's side and looks to the surrounding. "Did you find the necromancer?"

    PoV Tene

    "Yes, we have arrived. This place is quite a surprise for me, I did not expect there to be a library here."
    While talking, I continue to walk deeper into the library. Out of curiosity, I pick up a book lying on top of a small tower of books. Interference between stationary mana fields; by Emmanuel Perot. To think I would see this name here again. I open the book and stare at the first page. It was written four years ago.

    I almost crush the book within my hands as I let it fall on top of the book tower again. That bastard is still alive!? I killed him six years ago! Six years! How come there is- shit. He must have prepared a spare body, and continued living within that one. He never had trouble creating a human body, but it would be mind- and soulless. If he were to transfer his soul onto one, he would be able to live. How didn't I notice before!? No, I think I didn't want to notice.

    Looking at the rest of the books near me, they all were written by Emmanuel Perot. Then I pick up a slight movement within the shadows in the corner of my eye, only able to spot it due to my senses that are far stronger than those of any human. With one dash through dimensions, I arrive directly next to the person that moved and grab her arms, pushing her against the wall.

    Due to the physical contact, the spell cloaking on her breaks. If someone were to look at me now, he would see me pushing a rather delicate girl with messy, white hair and eyes red like mine to the wall, in something commonly called kabe-don. She is wearing a black apron over a white shirt, the apron covering her body until her knees where the shorts she's wearing aren't reaching, and wearing hiking boots and long socks. Patches of grime cover her clothes and skin, with a noticeable big patch right on the cheek beneath her left eye.

    But rather than that, I pay attention to something strange my core can feel within her body. "Just who are you?"

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    Presia and Jin were also busy looking to the books. When suddenly Presia notice Tene change in expression and curiously look at him. Before she could even call out to him. She sees Tene with a girl and corners her.

    "Oh, my!!"
    Presia was blushing as she covers her mouth. Her eyes sparkle as if she found something interesting. "Young master!!"

    Jin was so engrossed from the book he was reading so he didn't hear her. She continued to call out to him and end up shaking his body while holding his shoulder.

    "Geez!! Presia what's wrong!?"
    Jin closes the book to glare at Tene.

    "Look there, fufufu~"
    Presia giggles as she points towards Tene.

    "Umm... Tene what are you doing..?"
    Jin's eyes titled his head innocently looking at Tene cornering a girl.

    PoV Tene

    Instead of answering me, she just stares right into my eyes and instead repeats my question, right into my face. "Who are you? To just enter my home and-" before she comes further, I seal her mouth with a kiss. Just to have done this once, it always gets written like this in stories after all. She just stays still, shocked, not resisting or saying anything. Then I draw back, facing her the same way I was when I first asked my question. And I notice Jin and Presia staring at me.

    Realizing how this might look like for anyone watching from the side, I try to find an excuse for my actions, but don't find one. So I just say: "I wanted to know her name, but she wouldn't tell me," before resuming to stare at the girl.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    Jin stood still speechless, he drops the book he was holding. While Presia was covering her mouth as her tail stood in an alert. Her face was blushing so hard.

    Presia was shouting with excitement as she shakes and covers her face. Which was blushing and smiling weirdly?

    "Don't shout close to my ears Presia!"
    Jin finally awakens due Presia's shout as he covers his ears.

    "Never expected Tene to be that forward, fufufu~"
    Presia calms down as she covers her face with a fan.

    "Tene! You don't kiss a girl when she don't answer your question!"
    Jin was pointing his hand towards Tene but a slight blush in his cheeks could be seen.

    PoV Tene

    "You don't?"
    Slightly surprised, I let the girl go and turn to Jin. The girl just stays there, now more confused than shocked, until she seems to connect something and asks me a question. "Tene... are you the tenth experiment of Emmanuel's 'Human Golems' experiment?"

    This question presses the matter of Jin and Presia to the back of my mind, and pushes all of my attention back to the girl. "Yes, I am. And you, I guess, are a more recent experiment? I noticed that you have more than one core, so it seems like his approach has changed."

    "Yes, but, I- give me some time to think, please
    . I won't run away." Judging that she wouldn't be able to run even if she wanted to, I turn back to Jin and Presia. "It seems to have worked for me, though. " I comment.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    Jin only stood silently as he can't comprehend what is happening. He looks at his palm and keeps muttering. "Wait how's that possible? Eh..? Eh..?"

    "As expected from Sir Tene!!"
    Presia claps her hand in amazement as she smiled happily. She then skips to Tene and the girl side.

    "So Tene what should we do next..?"
    Presia tilts her head as she touches the cheeks. She wanted to ask the purpose of the girl but she knows Tene will ask it. Jin, on the other hand, is trying his best to understand the situation.

    PoV Tene

    "I'm not sure what we should do for now. However, once she finished sorting her thoughts, I'm sure she will tell us very, very interesting things. Interesting for me, anyway."
    But I also have things I want to clarify right now.

    "So, Presia, Jin, I want to tell you that what I did earlier had no real importance or meaning, just a spontaneous decision made within a split second. If you have any questions, I would like to answer them now before we proceed to talk with the girl."

    Meanwhile, the girl in question is just muttering to herself, quite similar to Jin in that regard. "How it- I thought- it wasn't supposed to be- why? I don't-"

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Is that so, fufufu~"
    Presia was smiling weirdly as she found it amusing. She then took a peek to Tene's face. Her smile curves upward as her eyes show a mischievous smile. "Question..? Was that your first kiss..?"

    "Wait a moment!?"
    Jin suddenly shouted as if he realized something very important. "Is putting undead to rest same as killing them. Or we need to guide their souls to the afterlife! Which is it!?"

    PoV Tene

    "I think it was, Presia, yes. Why do you ask?"
    I wonder why she is smiling?

    But hearing Jin's question, I think for a few seconds. And finally come to the conclusion that: "I don't know. But I don't think that the undead we killed will be able to stand up again. As for guiding the souls to the afterlife, I guess Presia or the girl might be able to do it."

    The girl seems to slowly be coming to terms with the situation, now nodding from time to time.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Oh, my~ Congratulations!"
    Presia smiles as she claps her and Jin not knowing what to celebrate for could only tug on Tene clothes and give a thumbs up.

    "I see! So Presia can do it and there are still undead outside."
    Jin nod in agreement.

    "Well, seems like they are weaker undead. So I can easily send them to the afterlife. As long as they are nor on the same level as those souls from devoured men."
    Presia tails and ears drop down as she shivers, remembering those pesky souls.

    "Okay, well Presia go put some undead to rest."

    "What..!? But I want to listen too~"
    Presia pouted as she holds her tails stood up.

    "Don't worry, I'll tell you about later. Off you go..."
    Jin pushes Presia to do the quest. She could only resign to her faith and pout while walking away.

    PoV Tene

    "I don't know why you are gratulating me, but thank you? And thank you Presia, for doing this part of the quest."

    I continue facing the girl, "have you finished thinking?"

    "Yes, I think I have understood what is happening right now. I have one question, though. Why did you come here?"
    She asks me and Jin.

    "We just found this place by chance and, seeing the hordes of undead, thought there might be a dangerous necromancer in here. Instead, we found you. So tell me, what are you doing here? Another that managed to run away from Emmanuel?"

    "Yes... I won't go into detail, but I am the last survivor of his second experimental series on the subject. He always said I was special, but I think he just saw me as a long-term experiment. Trying to make me feel like he really cares about me. Killing the newer experiments off when they had no further use, to quell any danger like you were and showing me how much he liked me. But I could see how I grew less valuable to him and, fearing for my death, escaped with a newly created batch of experiments. Most did not get very far, and only I completely escaped. I know he will come to take me back, and maybe he just let me escape so that I can form a proper personality, so I fortified this place, fearing the day he would arrive.

    The newer experiments can use magic and work by having multiple cores interact within their body, which has some advantages and disadvantages. I can't transform my body like you, for example. That... is pretty much everything. I bought these books, though. All of them. They are mine, so don't steal them."

    She surely can talk fast, this barely took more than a minute. "So basically," I simplify the entire speech, "you are another experiment that escaped because it was scared."

    "Yes... something like that. But please call me Keira, I have a name."
    She seems quite... different from me. Likes talking a lot, and she also likes her books. More than us anyway.

    I turn to Jin. "Do you think she is a threat?"

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Well, I don't think she seems a threat. And it seems like she only wanted to protect herself. So sorry for maybe scaring you? Plus, I gave unconditional trust to others.
    " Jin smiled gently as he looks sadly at the distance. How many times was he betrayed and used for his stupid kindness? He could only sigh for himself for being so trusting. But he couldn't change since he still wanted to believe to the others.

    "Ah, that's right, no more free books."
    Jin distracted himself by looking at the books. He then remembered something and raise his hand.

    "Umm, please don't get angry alright..?"
    Jin was hesitating as his eyes were looking away. "Well, you see.... I also did some experiments.

    Wait! I don't do it with innocents! I was still a kid that time so my morality was a bit a mess. I only did experiments to the monster who attacked me. Plus, I didn't enjoy the process! I was just curious for the magic effects and all. After I meet him, I only did experiment on my body!"
    Jin said everything since he doesn't want to create misunderstanding in the future.


    Meanwhile, Presia looks around for the undead. She lures 5 of them away from the rest.
    She then dances around them as they try to attack her. Their souls started to waver as they leave a skeletal body. They when around Presia body before she raises her hand to the sky. The souls smiled towards Presia before they disappear to the sky resting to the after-life.

    "Well, I'm done! You should return to them now."
    Presia happily skips back to Jin and Tene's location.

    PoV Tene

    "Then it is decided, we won't hurt you from now on, Keira."

    Turning to Jin, I state my own opinion about this subject. "Jin, I don't say that experiments are fundamentally bad. They are, in fact, extremely important for science. However, if you perform experiments on someone against their will, without properly telling them the dangers and the person in question has a free will, then I consider it a crime. But if you were attacked by them, then what you did simply is self-defense." I turn my head to Keira as if urging her to speak.

    "I just didn't want to die. So I ran. Experiments aren't pretty, but necessary if you want to achieve something."
    She seems slightly guilty. She most likely did an experiment like that once herself, but regrets it now, justifies it.

    "There you have it, we are not offended."
    I tell Jin while not continuing my last line of thought.

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "That's a relief."
    Jin feels happy, he didn't offend them.

    "I'm back and done! So what should we do next?"
    Presia appeared as she smiles happily her tails waving around.

    "Seems like we are done with all quest right?"
    Jin looks toward Tene for confirmation. "And about Keria, I guess it is best for her to come with you Tene. Since you guys might understand each other better. It also much safer for you, Keria to come to the guild."

    "I approve! We got a lot of strong adventurers there! Plus, Jin is close to a powerful necromancer."
    Presia pinches Jin's cheeks.

    "Well, just acquaintance probably? Besides I'm mostly the 3rd wheel."
    Jin could only sigh at his experience. Which seems to be quiet common already.

    PoV Tene
    "I'd say we return to the guild and report about this. And welcome back, Presia!" I say to both Jin and Presia.

    Keira seems... less than overjoyed by the proposition. "No way! I want to stay here, it's safe here, this is my home!" She shouts, and continues to mumble in a small voice. "And all of my books are here, and the scenery is nice..."

    A bit louder again, she states an alternative she thought of. "Just put a teleport circle here or something."

    Tene chuckles slightly. "Well, she doesn't seem to want that. What should we do?"

    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Well, this is quite hard..? I can make permanent teleportation magic circle. But it will be dangerous for such thing connected to the Aeternus Floating City. Especially when the city was just attacked recently. Hmm.... But leaving her here when I can easily break the barrier is too dangerous. Besides the fact that I'm still growing, so my powers are still not at its peak. So there should be people stronger than me, that can pose a threat to this place."
    Jin tilts his head as he thinks of possibilities. He remembers he still needs to take a training and trial. Which will make him stronger depending on what type it is. "Shamal is taking a bit long, searching for one."

    "Then how about connect it to Tene's room instead?"
    Presia slyly grins, "he can make sure that everything is safe fufufu~"

    "Well, that works too. Tene, after all, is quite dependable."
    Jin looks towards to Tene, "so how about it?"

    PoV Tene

    "I think that is possible, yes. What do you think, Keira?"

    The person in question just sits down on a chair. "It's fine for me either way, just do one way or another."


    <Jin Vodka POV>

    "Okay, I'll begin..."
    Jin looks to a safe corner as he created a teleportation magic circle. He concentrated making sure the calculations aren't wrong and made it detailed.

    "For now, the magic circle is connected to the spare room from the Guild Inn. Since I don't know Tene's room yet. We can just go to the guild and let Tene guide me dare to move the teleportation circle. The one here is a permanent one that is not easily destroyed and can easily be activated by just stepping inside it."
    Jin took an apple from his [Item Box] and drop it. The magic circle glows as the apple disappears. "The one currently on the Guild Inn is a temporary one which will disappear once I stop supplying mana on it. I can rework the connections to the permanent one I'm gonna make in Tene's room.

    Plus, I also applied safety measures such it will not work to people Tene and I doesn;t recognize. Additionally, adding false codes and connection to make sure no one can tamper with it easily. It would immediately alert me if someone even tries to mess my magic circle.

    "Aren't you being paranoid young master...?"

    "Better safe than never."
    Jin's eyes were empty as he remembers something. "Shall we go then, I want to finish making the teleportation room to Tene's room."

    "Oh, my~ Let's go and check Tene's room!"
    Presia smiles as she follows Jin who entered to teleportation circle toward the empty room in the Guild Inn.

    PoV Tene

    "You can never be too cautious."
    Although I can't help but smile at the amount of things he did as a precaution. After returning to the guild with Jin and Presia, we connect the circle with my room and hand in the report without any further trouble occurring.

    OOC: Somehow, almost 10k words. Holy. And I introduced a new NPC! Well, for now an NPC.
    Kuma Desu, Naraku and JinVodka like this.
  19. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Great Plain|#SD3|D-Ranked|Slay 3 Orc Leaders [150 G]
    Crooked Mountain|#SD1|D-Ranked|Put 5 undead to Rest [130 G]
    "Welcome back Jin-san! And..." *peeks at card* "Tene-san! Hikari is happy to know things went well!

    Let Hikari see..." *looks over report* "Um! Everything is alright!

    "Ah! Please tell Presia-san to be more careful, if Jin-san's teleportation circle wasn't safe, it would be a place Aeternus could be attacked from, so Jin-san did well!!

    The reward will be of 380G split between you both!

    Take care!!"

    @JinVodka @Quaesitor
  20. Nahrenne

    Nahrenne Sister|Daughter|Niece|Aunt|Mummy

    Jun 16, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Gallant Mine|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 5 Snow Goblin [80G]
    Gallant Mine|#GE1|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Ice Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Ice Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GE2|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Wind Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Wind Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD1|D-Ranked|Mine 12 Mithril Ore [60G | 1 x Mithril Ingot]

    Entering the guild, Rhialla walked up to the receptionist desk and handed over the items required from the quests. She then took out a piece of paper, filled with elegant handwriting, detailing the events of her quests in a report. She also handed over a vial of ice slime gel, saying:
    "I thought the guild might be interested in this. The details on it are in my report."
    She smiled in a non-threatening way, maintaining her image of a nice, friendly 'elf'.
    Rhialla made her way to the cave mouth known as the entrance to Gallant Mine. She was wearing her usual red, revealing clothes, seemingly not aware of the cold temperatures coming from the cutting wind and chill air of the cave. Instead, she did not have a single hair out of place and her clothes were still, her cheeks were a healthy pink colour and her skin was without goose bumps. For all intents and purposes, anyone who would look upon her figure would only see a beautiful woman in red, with pale skin and red hair, walking at a calm pace to the cave entrance, without looking cold, or being affected by the wind. Those who she passed along the way noticed how the air felt warm and serene in her presence, as if she were an ethereal being, not of this world. Seeing that she was about to enter the mine, seemingly unprepared, several mine guides rushed to stand in front of her, all clamouring to get their hands on such a rare beauty so they could be the ones to ‘guide’ her inside the mine.

    “Hey, Miss! Care to have a guide~!”
    “Oy! Don’t listen to him! He’ll take you somewhere dangerous! I can keep you safe in there!”
    “Whatcha sayin’? You wouldn’ be able to ge’ ta ya house unless ya mamma grabbed ya hand and led ya there hasself!”
    “Hey! Pretty lady! Come with me and you’ll never go hungry in that mine~!”
    “Sure, sure~ Instead it’ll be the monsters hungering after the both of you!”
    Feeling quite annoyed by the hubbub of noise gathered before her, Rhialla used her stealth magic, while the guides weren’t looking at her, and she made her way around them all, hearing them arguing over who was the best guide and slandering one another.
    I feel sorry for people who have no experience in battle and are completely new adventurers…
    This one agrees, Eternal Daughter! This one sensed dark intentions behind their eyes; a lust deep in their hearts and eyes…
    Urgh! Disgusting human males! They only think with their third leg a majority of the time!
    Pay them no heed, Eternal Daughter. They are but things beneath Eternal Daughter’s notice. Instead, focus on what Eternal Daughter came here to do…
    You are right Fifna. Telva!
    Yes, Eternal Daughter?
    Search the perimeter for any signs of mithril ore!
    Eternal Daughter’s order has been acknowledged!
    Eternal Daughter wants this one to search for any signs of wind crystals, right?
    Yes! Glacia!
    Glacia responds to Eternal Daughter’s call.
    Glacia, I want you to search the perimeter for any signs of ice crystals!
    Glacia has heard Eternal Daughter’s request and shall endeavor to complete it.
    Good! All of you, keep me up to date with any changes!
    Glacia accepts!

    With her orders given, a light green, a light purple and a light blue orb came out of Rhialla’s body and surrounded her, pulsating and glowing in the torch-lit cave. Although the cave was called Gallant mine, it was only named so because of the mining frequently done there, however, it was all a natural cave that spanned for miles and had a magic within that replenished all that was mined after a while. Due to the large amount of people who traversed these caverns, there were always lights shining on the walls, illuminating the main paths for adventurers and miners alike.

    As she walked down the main path for a few minutes, her pact-spirits gave her the locations of several crystal and ore deposits within the vicinity. She turned off the main path and made her way down a dark tunnel at the side, clearly not well traversed by other people, since there were no lights put onto the walls. The further she walked, the quieter and more remote the area felt, her steps echoing down the tunnel. The path ended with a wall on all sides but the one she had approached from. Feeling a light breeze coming through a crack in the side of the wall, she called out her Earth pact-spirit, Telva and had him meld with the wall, easily creating a hole large enough for her to step through. Seeing a narrow winding path before her that branched out into different directions, she asked her ice pact-spirit to tell her which way to go to the ice crystal deposit detected.

    Making her way along the dark winding path, she soon stopped as the path opened out into a large cavernous opening. Using her trained night vision from her past, she clearly saw many small huts with snow goblins moving about their daily lives. At the centre and four corners of their small village, were large ice crystals, towering at heights of roughly ten metres, shining brightly as the little natural light in the cavern shone through them. Slipping back into her stealth veil, Rhialla quietly crept towards the nearest snow goblin hut and observed the situation, taking note of the population, their weapons and the layout.

    Leaning against the wall of the hut, Rhialla observed the little snow goblins acting out their daily business, ensuring that they did not notice her presence and go on high alert. She knew that she would have to remove the pests before harvesting her quest items, but she couldn’t help but feel in awe at how the snow goblins had formed a small society and were working together.
    Fifna, just to confirm, how many snow goblins do you detect?
    This one can sense thirty-five adults and twelve young ones, nineteen males, sixteen females, seven female young ones and five male young ones.
    That fits with what I can detect as well. Fifna, how about you make it harder to breathe for our little friends~
    This one likes the way Eternal Daughter thinks~! Command confirmed, this one shall make it extremely stifling for them~!
    Be sure to not make it so for me, please.
    As if Eternal Daughter had to say that! This one shall always put Eternal Daughter’s safety and health as the top priority!
    Alright…play with the snow goblins, leave none alive~!
    Sure thing!

    After their conversation had finished, Fifna created a barrier around Rhialla, before going to the centre point of the village and flying up to the cavern’s high ceiling. Soon, a cool breeze swept through the cavern and a barrier was formed, surrounding the whole village, trapping all the snow goblins within. In roughly half an hour, not a single snow goblin was left breathing, or alive, their bodies strewn across the ground, none spared from the indiscriminate form of killing, silent, yet deadly. As her oldest pact-spirit did this, Rhialla started performing her ritual to the Spirit Mother, sending the life energy of the snow goblins to her, as an act of thanks for the Spirit Mother’s constant protection and guidance. Fifna returned to Rhialla and set about taking down the barriers on her and the village, before returning to the Spirit Realm, remaining on standby.
    Well done, Fifna! Rest for a while, while we gather the needed items.
    Of course, Eternal Daughter!

    Walking around the village, Rhialla created a blade of wind and beheaded, then sliced off the right ear of every single snow goblin, not even the young ones were let off this gruesome treatment. Along the way, she checked their bodies for any weapons and other interesting or useful items. In total, after her harvest from the corpses, she had: forty-seven light blue snow goblin ears – thirty-five adult ones, and twelve small ones – followed by seven swords, three axes, six pikes, eleven bows, one hundred and forty-two arrows, thirteen shields, twelve short daggers, forty-seven ice crystal necklaces – the ice crystal the size of a grain of rice – three fist-sized ice slime cores, nine ice rabbit pelts and keys to something.

    After going through the items she had obtained in this one-sided fight, she couldn’t help but focus on how every snow goblin had a necklace with a small amount of ice crystal on the end, that and a key to something, along with ice slime cores; Rhialla couldn’t help but wonder where these slimes could have been harvested, along with the many ice crystals. After browsing through all of the huts, she came to the conclusion that these snow goblins held a religious culture towards the ice crystal pillars, with each hut having five small statues of ice in the same formation as around the village. This made her think whether there was a reason behind such a thing, like maybe they had come into contact with a being of ice which made them worship these ice crystal pillars…I should inform the guild of this place she thought, as she continued investigating the rest of the village’s buildings.

    It had been roughly seven hours of her meticulously examining every nook and cranny of every inch of the village, and she had discovered a cellar in all of the huts that connected together to an underground area full of penned up ice slimes. There were roughly over four hundred ice slimes in this ‘farm’ and she could see jars to one side of them and a pile of boxes on the other side. Looking around the underground cavern, she noticed veins of ice crystal embedded in the walls, ceiling and floor and saw that every few seconds, a pulsing light would be emitted. Every time this happened, the ice slimes would shudder and grow slightly larger, as if they were being fed magic to make them grow. Walking closer to the ice slimes, she saw a few among them who were considerably larger than the others, and could see multiple cores within them. She observed these particular ice slimes, trying to discern why they would have multiple cores in them, when the rest didn’t, and after a few minutes, she soon got her answer.

    One by one, the multi-cored ice slimes began shaking more violently than the smaller ones and their bodies began to split. One ice slime, which Rhialla had observed it containing four cores, began splitting into four, the cores in each section of where the splitting was taking place. She looked at the others and saw the same thing happening. So this is how slimes reproduce, they gather enough magic energy and produce extra cores, eventually splitting into lots of new slimes. Interesting, this could be useful information for the guild’s own farm of slimes. After watching these ice slimes for a while, she eventually decided to proceed with the rest of her investigations and chose to take a look in the jars first.

    These jars were roughly the same size as the snow goblins, and inside there was ice slime gel filling each jar to the brim. Rhialla asked her ice pact-spirit, Glacia, if it was safe to consume:
    Glacia, analyse this gel and tell me if it is safe to touch and consume.
    Glacia is assimilating to the substance…Glacia can confirm that the named gel is completely safe, with only the effect of cooling Eternal Daughter’s body down, as if eating an ice cream. Glacia also wishes Eternal Daughter to know that this gel can also be used as a healing salve for burns if properly prepared with restorative herbs.
    Thank you for the information, Glacia. You may return to being on standby, I may have need of you later.
    Glacia acknowledges Eternal Daughter’s wish. Glacia shall now go on standby.

    After finding out that the gel was harmless, she dipped her finger into the substance and put it in her mouth, tasting the flavour, before swallowing.
    Hmmm…what a peculiar taste…sweet, yet refreshing at the same time…and Glacia was right…I feel my body cooling down like it would after eating ice cream. No wonder the snow goblins were farming this, it’s a perfect food source for them.
    Taking out an empty potion vial, she scooped out some of the gel and stored it away in her item box, thinking of sending this sample to the guild for analysis for future food ideas, like using it as a refreshing cool drink, when there is a shortage of ice crystals, or using it to keep things cool for those who cannot afford the ice crystals. An alternative. The medicinal options too, were a good thing to bring up for the healers in the hospital.

    After finishing her investigation of the jars, Rhialla then moved over to the other side of the cavern, to where the many boxes were piled up. Using one of her Black Rose daggers to cut through the boxes, she looked in and saw piles upon piles of ice slime cores, all of them different sizes. Looking at a few of them, she noticed some of the cores were not in fact cores, but ice crystals. Looking through every box soon after, Rhialla spent a good few hours methodically inspecting each and every core, checking to see if any were in fact crystals, or not. Once her search was over, she had managed to gather up roughly thirty of them, all different sizes, with the smallest being the size of a finger while the largest were the size of an adult’s fist. Out of the fist-sized ones, she picked out the five largest, saving them for when her quest was over and called out her ice pact-spirit, Glacia, once more.
    Glacia, I need your assistance with something.
    Eternal daughter’s will is Glacia’s command. What does Eternal Daughter wish of Glacia?
    I want you to refine these twenty-five ice crystals and make them all equal in size and shape.
    That would require a great deal of energy, Eternal Daughter.
    How much?
    Ummm….Eternal Daughter may need to sacrifice to pay for the lacking energy.
    Would those ice slimes suffice?
    Of course! However, those cores would work much better. They contain within them a lot of the ice element, and would work well as a catalyst for Glacia!
    Okay…how many of them will it take?
    Glacia will analyse the energy within them…

    …Glacia has confirmed that fourteen boxes of cores shall be needed!
    *sigh* Okay, I’ll empty the needed amount of boxes.
    Glacia appreciates, Eternal Daughter!

    Coming to the end of her conversation with her ice pact-spirit, she used her wind magic to lift the needed amount of boxes and skilfully adjusted the wind pattern so that every box was tipped to the side and then upside-down. Adding ice magic to her wind magic, she moved all of the ice slime cores into one neat pile, making it easier to gather the energy within them. Sitting down, so as to not fall and hit her head from this ritual, she linked to Glacia and began slowly, but surely refining the ice crystals that she had managed to find.

    Moving her and Glacia’s consciousness towards the first ice crystal, they both used their magic to begin removing the impurities inside. A good half hour had been spent on their first ice crystal, and Rhialla noticed that approximately a tenth of her magic had been drained. With the amount of ice crystals left to refine, she came to realise that Glacia was indeed right about her not having enough energy of her own to sustain the refining of them all. Thankful for the presence of the ice slime cores, laying in a pile close to her side, she picked up the refined ice crystal and examined it. Seeing that the majority of the impurities had been removed, she was pleased with her ice pact-spirit’s work, knowing that this will help Glacia get better at using her ice magic, making her grow in her cultivation as a spirit.
    Glacia wishes to inform Eternal Daughter that the first ice crystal refinement it complete. Glacia wishes to say that, from here on, the efficiency of magic use to refine will be reduced with each ice crystal! Glacia feels Glacia’s power increasing.
    That’s good to hear, Glacia! Keep up the good work! This is a training exercise for you, after all~
    Yes, Eternal Daughter!

    Seeing that this would be a long and laborious process to do, Rhialla set up a detection barrier, using her magic infused blood, so that she would be alerted to any presences or danger in the area. Once the barrier had been erected, she sat back down on the ground and, together, Rhialla and Glacia repeated the process over and over again, rapidly using up all of her magic and quickly utilising the pile of ice slime cores lying next to them, ready to be used as substitute for her lack of magic. With each refined ice crystal produced, less and less time was needed to complete the process. After roughly seven hours and five minutes, the twenty-fifth crystal was finally refined, taking only five minutes to complete – with every crystal taking one minute less to refine than the previous. Rhialla was pleased with this outcome, as it meant that Glacia’s control over her ice magic had also become refined, allowing her to be more efficient and speedy with her usage of magic.

    Knowing that she would need to rest and recover her magic, she gathered up the refined ice crystals and stored them away in her item box; in order to stay safe and regain her sharp mind and senses, she drank a mana recovery potion, placed her bedroll on the ground behind the boxes of ice slime cores, and fell into a deep sleep.


    After about six hours of sleeping, Rhialla eventually woke up, her magic fully restored and her fatigue from the previous day had worn off, making her feel refreshed and full of vigour once more. Getting up from her bedding, she used water and nature magic to freshen up her body, cleaning it from the previous day and night of walking and refining. After cleaning herself, she went over to the used ice slime cores and noticed how every single one that had been in the pile had turned dull in colour, no magic at all contained within them. Not wishing for evidence of her having used them in her refining of the ice crystals, she used fire magic to incinerate them all to ash, them being ice slime cores meant they were particularly weak to fire. Within seconds, the heat from the blaze had turned them all to dust, and she called upon her wind magic to scatter the ashes throughout the cavern. Checking the rest of the cavern and seeing if there were any more tunnels, items or secret passages, Rhialla then turned her attention towards the thrumming ice crystal veins glowing within the ceiling, walls and floor of this place. Noticing that the main arteries of these ‘veins’ came from the position of the five ice crystal pillars above, she knew that it all had to be connected somehow and she wondered whether this had any influence on their religious practices.

    After looking thoroughly for anything missed, she decided she had identified everything of value, and so returned to the passage she took down there, arriving back in the snow goblin village. As she arrived there, she noticed some creatures beginning to scavenge near the corpses and so decided to do what she had done to the dead cores. Casting her fire magic once more and fanning the flames with her wind magic, she burned the snow goblins to crispy husks, before scattering their ashes with the wind. Satisfied with her work, she left the snow goblin village and followed the instructions of Telva for the location of the mithril ore deposits.

    Twisting and turning, winding and walking, she made her way towards the largest source of mithril ore and quite often had to create new paths in walls with Telva’s help. After a few hours of walking in the chilly mines, Telva notified her of a large quantity of mithril ore nearby. Moving towards it, she could see walls shining with the mithril within them. Seeing that there was enough ore here to easily make up the quest amount, Rhialla touched the closest wall and used earth magic to take out a giant slab close to her height and twice as thick as her body. Not bothering to do anything with it, for the moment, she walked to another section of the wall and did the same process as before. Doing this another ten times, Rhialla had twelve slabs of rock full of mithril ore.
    That seems to be round about the right amount for the quest.
    This one agrees.
    Telva, is there any way of reducing the amount of rock covering the ore?
    This one shall try.

    Moving to each of the twelve slabs, Telva slowly removed as much of the rock from the ore as possible, reducing their sizes by more than half. Seeing that she had a sizable amount of ore, she separated it into quarters, giving her 48 pieces of mithril ore. Putting it all into her item box, she found a place to rest and recover her mana.

    After roughly an hour of rest, Rhialla got up from her sitting position and surveyed her surroundings. All around her were walls of ore-rich rock and ice. Seeing the ice walls, she thought back to when Kitty-boy asked her to collect some ice blocks, and decided to take this opportunity to cut some out and store it.
    Glacia responds to Eternal Daughter’s summon.
    Can you help me cut out some ice blocks to take back with me?
    Glacia will follow Eternal Daughter’s request.
    Eternal Daughter’s request, is Glacia’s command.

    Following that, Rhialla moved to the ice walls and – with the help of her ice pact-spirit – began using ice magic to separate the solid, frozen structure - cutting out several large slabs.
    That should be enough for Kitty-boy. Why he couldn’t have asked for an ice magic user to just create some ice blocks, I really don’t know…
    Sending all of the ice slabs into her item box, she called upon Fifna:
    Fifna! Where are the wind crystals?
    This one has found a sizable amount, but Eternal Daughter will have to elevate Eternal Daughter’s current position.
    Oh? Where do I need to go?
    Link with This one and This one will show Eternal Daughter the location.
    All right.

    Assimilating with her wind pact-spirit, Rhialla could now sense the wind crystals, feeling them being much higher up the mountain, near an opening to the mine. Following Telva’s guidance through the mine to reach the opening, Rhialla came across a steep slope.
    So, I need to climb up this?
    Yes! It’s the fastest way to reach them.
    Alright…Telva, is there any way of creating footholds in the slope to make it easier to climb?
    This one believes it can be achieved.
    Then, please do it.
    Command confirmed.

    At her command, Telva used his earth magic to partially rearrange the structure of the slope, pulling out some of the rock and shaping it into footholds, forming a stairway of sorts to traverse up. Moving towards the makeshift staircase, Rhialla made her way up the slope, applying earth and water magic on her feet to improve her grip.

    After roughly twenty minutes of her climbing up the slope, Rhialla finally reached the top, only to be buffeted by a large gust of wind. Her dress flowed and danced, as if it were alive, before falling down, becoming still. The wind continued pushing against her body, yet she now seemed unaffected. If one looked closely, then they would have seen a very thin barrier of wind surrounding her, no doubt cancelling the effects of the natural wind howling before her. Looking ahead, she soon saw the opening to the outside and began heading in that direction. Guided by Fifna towards the wind crystals, she reached the exit and looked up. About fifteen metres up the mountain, she could see them, sensing many wind spirits – making this place their home.
    Fifna, disconnect from me, I can see them now.
    Of course, Eternal Daughter!

    Feeling her mana no longer being drained from linking with Fifna, she began climbing up the mountain, searching for footholds, skirting around slippery ice and snow as she rose higher and higher from the base. Coming to within a metre of the many crystals lining the rock face of the mountain, Rhialla knelt down before them and spoke to the local wind spirits:
    “I know that you have taken this place as your home, but may this Eternal Daughter take some of these crystals? I am willing to give a sacrifice as recompense.”
    At her words, many orbs of light appeared and surrounded her, telling her:
    “The only sacrifice worthy, is the sacrifice of Eternal Daughter’s mana-filled blood. Eternal Daughter’s heritage flows within and would be a great boon for us to cultivate.”
    Not hesitating at these words, Rhialla took out one of her Black Rose daggers and slit her arms and legs, letting her blood soak into the rock, snow and wind. The orbs of light gathered around the spilled liquid, and soon not a drop was remaining.
    “We have accepted Eternal Daughter’s sacrifice; the exchange has been acknowledged. Take what is needed, We have benefitted from this.”
    Disappearing from sight, the wind spirits left the area, gifting all of the wind crystals to Rhialla. As soon as they had left, she used her nature magic to heal her wounds, before putting her dagger away and moving towards the many wind crystals.
    Eternal Daughter need only have spilled a few drops. Why give them so much?
    I was taking away their home, Fifna. I felt it was a fair exchange for me to give them that much, so they can quickly rebuild in another area.
    Still…they weren’t even Eternal Daughter’s pact-spirits. Eternal Daughter shouldn’t give such gifts so nonchalantly.
    Fifna…you’re jealous, aren’t you?
    !?! T-t-this one is n-n-n-not!
    Don’t worry, Fifna, you’ll always be number one for me~
    FiFi, you were my first~! Of course, you’re special~!
    Heehee! RhiRhi thinks This one is special!
    Hehe, now how should we go about harvesting these crystals?
    This one thinks digging them up would be the best thing to do. That way, they’ll stay intact.
    Good thinking. Telva, mind helping me loosen the rock structure so I can pull them out?
    Command confirmed.

    Telva used his earth magic to break down the rock beneath the crystals; losing their stable base, they fell on their sides, their roots now in full view. Going up to them, Rhialla wiped away the loose rock, revealing intact crystals roughly the size of small children. After gathering them all up, she counted forty of them.
    Those wind spirits must have put a lot of work into cultivating these…
    All they needed to do was use their wind magic to encourage their growth. At most, it will have taken them about two years to get to this stage, so not much of a loss for them.
    Two years?
    Yes, but don’t forget, spirits live for a very long time, so long as we have a source of our element or mana, we will always live. That and the Spirit Mother ensures all of Her children get nourished in the Spirit Realm.
    Yes, I hadn’t forgotten. But it still seems like a lot of effort.
    Well, the powerful winds around here would have made it easier to do. That, and this mountain is brimming with mana.
    So, you felt it too?
    Of course! It feels like the mountain itself is alive.
    Well…it must be very much attuned to the spirits then.
    Let’s go back inside so I can refine most of these crystals.
    Sure thing!

    Putting all of the wind crystals into her item box, Rhialla made her way down the mountain back to the opening she came through earlier. Climbing down the slope to reach a place more sheltered from the wind, she sat down and rested until her mana had fully recovered. She then took out thirty-five of the wind crystals, leaving five for the quest, and began the labour-intensive task of refining them with the help of Fifna. Due to there being no cores present to rely on for mana consumption, the process took much longer to complete. Not only did she have to rest every now and then to regain her consumed mana, but she also had more crystals to work with than before. Add on the fact that wind as an element is much harder to control, she ended up taking roughly one and a half days to finish refining all of the crystals.
    We’ve finally finished…
    Yes! Eternal Daughter and This one managed to refine thirty-five wind crystals!
    Indeed we did…you did well, Fifna, thanks for helping me.
    No problem, RhiRhi! It helped make This one become stronger, so This one has benefited!
    I’m glad to hear that…now…let’s leave this place and hand in the quest items and report.
    Sure thing!

    Putting the refined crystals into her item box, she made her way back out of the mine, easily avoiding the creatures prowling around using her stealth magic, not bothering to enter combat due to not requiring anything from them. After a few hours of efficiently traversing the mine, Rhialla reached a different entrance from before, not wishing to come across those pesky people waiting to ambush adventurers with their services. Coming out of the mountain, she then made her way towards the nearest portal, heading back to Aeternus to complete her first quests.

    Refined Wind Crystals x35
    Refined Ice Crystals x25
    Swords x7
    Axes x3
    Pikes x6
    Bows x 11
    Arrows x142
    Shields x 13
    Short Daggers x12
    Ice Crystal Necklaces x 47
    Vial of Ice Slime Gel x1
    Adult human-sized Ice Blocks x 5

    OOC: Phew! Finally finished typing this up!
    Sorry it too so long for me to do it...I got...distracted...
    Anyway, I hope I did it right...
    *is nervous*


    Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this!

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