Comments on Profile Post by Astaroth

  1. Astaroth
    I seriously thought DD was good until it all turned into the "Tang San teleported away, then he did it again! Repeatedly."

    And HJC with the crappy impossible to avoid, impossible to block, impossible everything, "Absolute Delay" and then "Silencing Seal" which both completely ignore power levels and just shits on it.
    Dec 21, 2016
  2. Astaroth
    At best the opponents can break free slightly faster, but the effectiveness is always the same.

    They're still half decent though and the plot is good so it's definitely worth to binge read imo, but there was a time years ago when I used to constantly refresh and lurk that google doc for DD lol...
    Dec 21, 2016
  3. Judgecutioner
    What's TJSS? Sounds interesting.
    Dec 21, 2016
  4. Balthazzar
    Tang Jia San Shao
    did i get it right cuz i conjured that out of memory
    Dec 21, 2016
    Astaroth likes this.
  5. ZhaWarudo
    yeah lol me too, I was refreshing that google doc desperatly but dropped it at chap 213 and all his novels, the plot and action is great, but I can't ignore those game elements
    Dec 21, 2016
    Astaroth likes this.