Comments on Profile Post by pocketbear

  1. Frozen ink
    Frozen ink
    listen up whippersnapper back in the old days net was shit that loading a picture was a miracle desu~
    and now that ads load faster than everything else the world has done something wrong desu~
    Apr 22, 2017
    Nyanko and pocketbear like this.
  2. pocketbear
    I was alive and using dial up during that time jii-san XD I am have been in fourth grade for dial up but I WAS USING IT !
    Apr 22, 2017
  3. Frozen ink
    Frozen ink
    Apr 22, 2017
    pocketbear likes this.
  4. asriu
    white list then black list again muahahahaha!
    Apr 22, 2017
    pocketbear likes this.
  5. TheMrAzn
    Tbh, whenever I reach those sites while hopping from news article to news article. I just give up and close the window and start my article hopping all over again. (Yes. I have a lot of time now that I'm back to procrastinating. :/ )
    Apr 23, 2017
    pocketbear likes this.
  6. pocketbear
    That's what I just did. I opened it, and after getting constant blocks from the site for adblock I just closed and said I dont care enough about this story in the end. Maybe another day.
    Apr 23, 2017
    TheMrAzn likes this.