Comments on Profile Post by Tony

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  2. blee8
    yeah I dunno where he's going with this either.

    but I just want to say @Tony, be confident!!! we're here to support you!
    There's nothing wrong with being crazy. You're not hurting anyone so you should be a bit more free... and crazy.
    Jun 10, 2017
  3. Tony
    @blee8, think about it. You keep saying @Das and I are the craziest NUF members but you have no trouble keeping up with us. What does this mean? You're the TRUE #1 craziest NUF member
    Jun 10, 2017
  4. Tony
    @akki No, I don't need the money. I'm fine! I'm just trying to be nice to nina-
    Jun 10, 2017
    DCLXVI likes this.
  5. blee8
    no it just means I'm OP certainly not crazy!
    Jun 10, 2017
    DCLXVI likes this.
  6. Tony
    @blee8 You're just repeating my words. If you're trying to learn from me because you think I'm crazy then you're trying to learn from the wrong person
    Jun 10, 2017
  7. blee8
    we're straying away from the topic-

    so what's my reward?
    Jun 10, 2017
  8. blee8
    i want a lifetime supply of icons!
    Jun 10, 2017
    iampsyx and DCLXVI like this.
  9. Tony
    @blee8 Since you like #ThrowbackThursdays, how about I call you N- for a day again then as your reward?
    Jun 10, 2017
    DCLXVI likes this.
  10. Tony
    Jun 10, 2017
  11. blee8
    and you calling me ninang is not a bad idea either so choose one
    Jun 10, 2017
    DCLXVI likes this.
  12. Tony
    I'm not calling you 'ninang' or giving you a free lifetime of icons!
    Jun 10, 2017
  13. blee8
    why would I accept one letter?
    Jun 10, 2017
    iampsyx and DCLXVI like this.
  14. Tony
    Because you like ThrowbackThursdays?
    Jun 10, 2017
  15. blee8
    no I was just copying you coz thats what students do, they copy their masters
    Jun 10, 2017
  16. Tony
    No, students are suppose to overtake their Masters
    Jun 10, 2017
  17. blee8
    yes, i'll get there Master. one day. in the meantime you're up there with @Yurika
    Jun 10, 2017
    DCLXVI likes this.
  18. Tony
    When did I become your Master? I'm sorry but I don't have the qualifications
    Jun 10, 2017
  19. blee8
    hahaha, i just said i was just copying you?
    Jun 10, 2017
  20. blee8
    its ok, i know you don't take disciples but I'll quietly copy you on the side. along with the others... @Hotato @BlancFrost and @GonZ555
    Jun 10, 2017
  21. blee8
    we'll try not to disturb you in your work, Master.

    m(_ _)m
    Jun 10, 2017
  22. Tony
    @blee8, honestly speaking, I think you already overtook @Das' ranking. You're harder to keep up with than Das!
    Jun 10, 2017
  23. Tony
    and I'm not your Master!
    Jun 10, 2017
  24. blee8
    thank you master! does that mean I get the model student award?
    Jun 10, 2017
  25. blee8
    whats the prize?
    Jun 10, 2017
  26. Tony
    but I gotta go. Have fun and stay safe! Try not to go overboard with the crazy thing when me or Das isn't around to keep you your crazyiness in check.
    Jun 10, 2017
  27. blee8
    I'll take a months worth of icons, i can't be too greedy. i need to give the other students a chance
    Jun 10, 2017
  28. blee8
    hahaha, bye!
    Jun 10, 2017
  29. iampsyx
    *gets summoned* 《《o(≧◇≦)o》》
    *loses even before the battle starts* (´;д;`)
    Jun 11, 2017
    DCLXVI and blee8 like this.
  30. Tony
    No, there was no kaomoji battle @iampsyx. @DCLXVI wanted you to confess to me
    Jun 11, 2017
    DCLXVI, blee8 and iampsyx like this.
  31. iampsyx
    Confess? B-but I didn't do anything wrong! There's nothing to confess! I'm innocent! >____<
    Jun 11, 2017
    DCLXVI, blee8 and Tony like this.
  32. Tony
    @iampsyx, it's okay. Take your time. Once you're ready, please confess to me! Only to me!!!
    Jun 11, 2017
    blee8 likes this.
  33. iampsyx
    Eh? I have the right to remain silent! And an attorney! You guys won't be able to use what I say against me! >.<
    Jun 11, 2017
    blee8 and Tony like this.
  34. Tony
    "you guys" It's only me. But I should really leave. I keep saying goodnight but I'm still online
    Jun 11, 2017
    blee8 and iampsyx like this.
  35. Tony
    Jun 11, 2017
    iampsyx likes this.
  36. Pray Alpha
    Pray Alpha

    *came back*

    *see a lot of alert*

    *think to myself*

    "People do miss me"


    *open alert*

    *see 86 spam from 1 place*


    Jun 11, 2017
    DCLXVI, Hotato and iampsyx like this.
  37. blee8
    did somebody call for an attorney? all confessions need to be done behind closed doors with only both parties present. @Tony will start first followed by my client.
    Jun 11, 2017
  38. blee8
    @Tony will then reward my client with a “dance” and likewise my client will do the same. [hahaha sorry @iampsyx but if you want something you need to give something in return]
    Jun 11, 2017
    iampsyx likes this.
  39. blee8
    A recording of said closed door session will be enough to cover my fees. Thank you for using my services. It will always be my pleasure to work with you.
    Jun 11, 2017
  40. Tony
    @blee8 If it happens, there will be no recordings! Also, you're not an attorney. I didn't think it was possible since you're at the peak (of the crazy rankings) but it seems like you somehow managed to reach a higher level.

    I think it's time for another therapist lesson @blee8. Are you free next week? I think you could use the help before it's too late for you.
    Jun 12, 2017
  41. blee8
    so if there's no recording you'll agree?

    are you talking about your appointment? yeah we can schedule one next week!
    Jun 12, 2017
  42. iampsyx
    Why the heck does my attorney sound so fishy?!
    Jun 12, 2017
  43. blee8

    trust me, Im not a patient anymore. That was ages ago. He can't use that against me. That's privileged information. Im trying to work out a great deal for us here. lol
    Jun 12, 2017
    iampsyx likes this.
  44. iampsyx
    Hmm...well, as long as I won't get imprisoned then I'll trust you, Ninang! \o/ I'm innocent! I didn't do anything wrong!
    Jun 12, 2017
  45. blee8
    don't worry, its nothing like that at all. I think he's asking for a different kind of confession. the cringey kind. not for public viewing. hence the closed door session. hint: his mom is ready for grandchildren.
    Jun 12, 2017
  46. iampsyx
    Σ(゜ロ゜;) W-what kind of confession is that!?
    And Ninang, I'm not good with cringey stuff! >___<
    Jun 12, 2017
  47. Hotato
    Jun 12, 2017
  48. blee8
    its ok, that's why I said that he should go first! he's not good with cringey stuff either! hahahaha

    see, i'm looking out for you!
    Jun 12, 2017
    iampsyx likes this.
  49. Hotato
    Interesting hurhurhur.
    Jun 12, 2017
  50. Tony
    @blee8 You're definitely still the patient. I'm sorry but you're not ready to leave yet. You still need a lot of help.

    As for the confession, you're definitely right! I'm sure @iampsyx also knew what I was referring to from the beginning!
    Jun 12, 2017
  51. blee8
    i think you need to cut the cord. its ok, its my turn to help you now! I'm here for you!

    as for the closed door session, I rest my case!
    Jun 12, 2017