Comments on Profile Post by platys51

  1. platys51
    But that changed last Monday.
    I walked down the street and saw the most alien sight in my life.
    The group of boys stood there and all of them played with fidget spinners.
    Jun 5, 2017
    Axiel likes this.
  2. platys51
    I was terrified. How could it be? Has humanity fallen so low?
    That could not be the case. The only explanation I could come up with,
    were forces of darkness. Some magician has to play a game with us.
    See how much we tolerate before we notice, that this all is just an illusion...
    Jun 5, 2017
    CDLevit and Axiel like this.
  3. 11111LOL
    I actually caught myself watching a YouTube video about fidget spinners last week. Truly made me rethink life. Do I truly hate studying so much I would rather watch people making videos of themselves playing with fidget spinners? Why do I procrastinate doing something that is a hundredfold more boring than studying for the last fucking test in my whole school career? I guess we shall never know...*cries in corner
    Jun 5, 2017
    CDLevit and platys51 like this.
  4. CDLevit
    Good luck at tests!
    Jun 5, 2017