Comments on Profile Post by Yukkuri Oniisan

  1. Jaded
    Dropped UQ during the water race with the girls arc lol...
    Jun 13, 2017
    Raizhee likes this.
  2. Raizhee
    Me too
    Jun 13, 2017
  3. Yukkuri Oniisan
    Yukkuri Oniisan
    Well Akamatsu is famous for fanservice... So it's a given...
    Luckily my Harem Resistance is already maxed out, so Harem stories doesn't bother me at all......
    Jun 13, 2017
  4. Jaded
    In my case my harem res. fell lol. In the past I could read any sort of harem manga, but after 5-6 years of that, I started getting bored of it.
    Jun 13, 2017
  5. Jaded
    Actually, I still don't have a problem with harem. I do enjoy it and ecchi.

    The thing I don't enjoy is hot blooded naive leads. Also, Fairy Tail manga destroyed my ability to appreciate 'nakama power' lol
    Jun 13, 2017
  6. Yukkuri Oniisan
    Yukkuri Oniisan
    Well... If you read battle/sports shounen manga, the typical theme will be hot-blood and nakama.
    After all, young boys are still naive and optimistic, unlike us old men who had seen too the world too much.
    Jun 13, 2017
    HikkiNEET likes this.
  7. Jaded

    Sports manga and friendship is a combo I can handle.

    But the idea of a character beating someone who was several times stronger than him a few minutes ago, just cos his friends believe in him is annoying. It feels like lazy writing :/
    Jun 13, 2017
  8. Yukkuri Oniisan
    Yukkuri Oniisan
    That's the power of friendship......
    After all, when we are still youngster, we really treasure friendship and believe that nothing is impossible as long as we do it with our friends. Oh, the folly of youth...

    But such idealistic depiction of friendship isn't that bad...
    We might be just too old, jaded and cynic to appreciate it.....
    Jun 13, 2017