Comments on Profile Post by LysUltima

  1. LysUltima
    taR@ naht erom hcum uoy evol I
    ,tac riaf ym ,uoy rof tsuoj oT
    ,ecnal ym esu ot tnaw I
    ,ecnahc a em evig esaelp tuB
    ,keem tib a eb thgim I
    ,kees I tahw si traeH
    ,ruoy tub ,wonk t'nod I
    ,erofeb emyhr taht desu I evaH
    ,iiiiiiiiiawah ni evil t'nod I
    ,iiiiiiiiiawak aw okeN

    ?tac elam a s'tI
    Sep 2, 2017
  2. Arcturus
    ....? Is this a dare or something?
    Sep 3, 2017
  3. LysUltima
    Sep 3, 2017
  4. Arcturus
    Figured. Only old members and people who they dare do this kind of thing with me
    Sep 3, 2017
  5. Arcturus
    I've become slightly less temperamental, slightly more lazy, and a lot more busy, so it's not so much fun for me to play with my food
    Sep 3, 2017