Game Sign Up [RPG] Alemannia: Interest Check / OOC Thread

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by A5G_Reaper, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    This is Reaper speaking, greetings! This will be the first game I'm attempting to host in NUF. It's one I have co-GM at another forum, with a bit readjustment I deemed necessary. Please go easy on me! ( >////<)/

    Here's a very long description of the setting, so you can figure out what to expect from me.
    It's an unusually futuristic setting in a post apocalyptic earth. After the entire world exhausted their nuclear weapons in order to weather down a massive asteroid, it only partially succeed in breaking it apart into smaller pieces. Humanity managed to avoid getting instantly wiped out, but thousands of smaller impact covered the world over several days. Tsunami devoured coastal cities while any survivors have to contend with radioactive dust cloud that blanket the sky.

    The focus of the RP is in an area in Europe. With satellites gone, they have no way of knowing whether another pocket of survivor exist somewhere. The governments emerged from their bunker, fully stockpiled, and organized a construction of a new city capable of sustaining itself in the face of the hostile climates while they still have any semblance of order.

    That was roughly twenty five years before the beginning.

    The city of Alemannia is the result of the people's desperation. Two levels of massive platform, the first being a hundred meters off ground level. The ruin of an old city stood below it, countless metallic pillars spread all over the Undercity held the entire Country Proper steady. At the center, even further above, is the Parliament Square where the highest seat of power resides.

    Registered citizens live in the Country Proper platform. These are mostly people or descendant of people with notable contribution during the creation of the city.

    As for the Undercity, are the area of the unregistered. People who failed to gain citizenship for one reason and another, and thus is left to a life of scavenging in dangerous environment with minimum sustenance from the city. A necessary evil in order to keep the city going.

    Year 2110, Europe.

    Much of the world laid in ruins ever since that fateful day over a quarter of a century ago. Several bright days, a meteor storm, massive explosions. Then all was gone. Humanity struggled to survive but their dogged determination carried them through. People got back on their feet and rebuilt as close a civilization to the one they had lost.

    Europe had formed one nation for all its peoples and built Alemannia, a republic continent under one government. With the simple political system, the new civilization soon flourished. But while perseverance carried them in their humble beginning, the unrelenting nature of man's voracity and greed soon took over. The people then realized the simple political system had a major flaw - power concentrated itself in the hands of the few.

    The Alemannia Republic soon became impregnable. The masses that clamored for equality soon took the law to their own hands, staging rebellions left and right, all thwarted with ease by the Republic's gargantuan police force, the Republic Guard. The few who had control of power soon found themselves more powerful. And while the modern-day bourgeoisie indulged in their decadence, the masses grew more desolate.


    Basically, there are two affiliations, the Republic and the Unregistered.

    The Republic

    The Republic consists of the citizenry - the registered - in general, lead by the President, his parliament and its police force, the Republic Guard. While the general people are considered neutral, they are wary of Unregistereds and think of them as terrorists and rebels.​

    Goal: Identify and take out the rebellion leader(s), and stop the uprising from destroying the Republic.​

    The Unregistered

    The Unregistered are people who have failed to pledge their citizenship with the Alemannian government. While some are unregistered because of their inability to pay for the citizenship fees, some chose to disown their citizenship because of their belief that the government is unequal in giving its services. Those who've disowned their citizenship may still be "registered" technically in the eyes of the government.​

    Goal: Capture the Parliament Square, or assassinate the presidents and plant unregistered sympathizer in the seat.​

    While there are no neutrals, players may choose to add any of their own.


    Alemannia is divided into three major regions, Parliament Square, Country Proper and The Undercity stacked and connected by the Elevator.


    Parliament Square
    Parliament Square is the capital of Alemannia, and is where the President, the Parliament and the main military hierarchy are located. This place is the seat of power in Alemannia.

    Country Proper
    Country Proper is where the rest of the registered citizenry are located. It is divided into many different districts but notable is the deviation between the affluent and the masses.

    -image unavailable-
    The Undercity is where the Unregistered people reside. It stretched far wider than Alemannia's Country Proper, however the habitable area doesn't differ much due to the constant sandstorm - the government only extend protective field on anything directly below the platform.


    Steps to Joining
    • The interested participant must post in this thread the bio of his character using the following format:
      -Appearance (picture is optional)
    • If the game master has no questions, then you're good to go! It's that simple.
    • Having more than one character per person to control is allowed, but be reasonable.

    General Rules
    • Godmodding is prohibited under any circumstances. Godmodding is basically a character with limitless powers and capabilities.
    • Keep it Personal. Every character should be an individual. Every character should have his/her secrets and idiosyncrasies. Instead of broadcasting these in a bio, keep it to yourself and reveal it through the story.
    • Auto-hit is disallowed on most interaction with other players or major NPC. Auto-hit is basically stating that an action is successful without giving the other party chance to react, and/or without considering the basic capability of the characters involved.
    • While I appreciate that RL takes precedence, please do inform us in the OOC thread if you're going to disappear for a while so we'll know if we should wait or not.
    • How the story develop is based on the actions of participating players. The Game Master set up the scene and moderate disputes, but will not impose any major advantage/disadvantage to any faction.
    • Global Forum Rules apply.

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to post in this thread (or message me, that woks too) :)

    Approved characters will be listed here.
    Appearance; Female, short-black hair, 5'6" tall blue eyes athletic -build. Race: mixed Japanese-Caucasian. age: 27 has a birthmark in his forehead resembling cherry blossoms.
    Code name: Death Bloom (real name hidden)

    Role: (registered)
    One of the top generals in the Republic guard main headquarters

    The silent starwalt general of the Republic guard headquarters,she devotes herself in protecting the "peace" in Alemannia. Has a strong conviction in fighting for the greater good of country/state. For now she sees the rebellion of the unregistered as "uncivilized" and only disturbs the peace of Alemannia. As of now, she slowly prepares for the "silencing" of these unregistered rebels.
    -Appearance (picture is optional)[​IMG]
    black ponytails, black eyes, white lab coat, white undershirt, black leggings (drew it just now so it's messy)
    Research and Development Facilities
    "We're in the light, and they're in the dark.

    ...We're royally screwed (or replace with any form of cuss word)"

    She prefers to stay in her lab doing what she likes to do - researching. She does contribute to the war effort, but doesn't see the point because while the Registered can't find out where the Unregistered are, the Registered are like glowing fireflies in nighttime to the Unregistered. Very pessimistic.
    -Name: Johansen Orange
    -Role : Policeman
    -Backstory: A 52 bachelor that saw a lot of shit, did a lot of shit, uses some shit. Don't really seem much difference between the Republic and the rebels but, unfortunately for the later, prefer to stay where the rule of the game is clear. Used to be a commander in the Undercity but after a accident, where he lost his left eye and arm (the arm he could reattach later), moved to sergeant in the Residential District 2. His motto is "it's not personal".
    He likes retrogames and usually sign his high scores as GUT or TR8R, depending on how much letters is available, he hopes he can beat AAA one day
    Appaearance: Depending of the time he will be bald or have black long hair and a long black beard(both unkept), this due the fact that he thinks that going for a haircut is just a waste of time right now. He is 172 cm tall that is smaller than everyone in his family and he is in the pale and skinny side, though not to the point that it is unhealthy he is not strong by any point of the imagination. He has dark eyes and very marked eye bags(?). He is 28 year old

    Name: Kasper Dorein
    Code Name: Yggdrasil

    Role: Researcher of biotechnology mostly involved with products that can eat waste or new plants that can be consumed and can resist radiation and other harsh enviorement issues.

    The younger son of a couple that worked in organic chimestry reaserching for ways to recycle waste before all went to shit, because his father and mother where of the few high end scientist that can work with plants and research medicine, his family got quite a lot of political power and is one of the few family that controls the agricultural part of Alemannia both in the research and economical point of view. Since he couldnt get part of the company regarding the sale of the products of his family due to him being the youngest son and since he didn't want to be a subordinate of an older brother or sister he went and studied under his father and mother mostly about researching and chemical engineering.
    Due to his family having part of politics he needed to be part in some not very ethical experiments to be certain that the new pills and food are without or little side effect to the point of beginning to be a supervisor of a few earning the code name of Yggdrasil that he uses for the work that the government send to him.
    Appearance (going moe-style!)

    Name: Patricia Susan Lawrence-Britain (age 17)

    Role: Current president of the Republic (recently "elected" this year), but is really just a powerless figurehead.

    Backstory: Patricia is one of the last living descendants of the British Royal Family, which was almost entirely destroyed during the Armageddon 25 years ago. Her parents are no longer alive (lost to leukemia from low-atmosphere nukes/radiation), and she spent the majority of her childhood under the custody of self-serving politicians who realized that her name brand was an excellent campaign publicity and marketing tool. Oh, and she also has mild/developing leukemia too (so not very physically active/healthy), but it hasn't interfered with her ordinary life as of yet.

    When Patricia was as young as 7, a group of politicians fabricated a political party with Patricia as the mascot. The party emphasized "tradition, conservatism, and returning things to the glorious ways of the 21st Century". Thanks to Patricia's name-brand recognition, the ROYAL PARTY quickly rose to become one of the dominant parties in the Republic. Talented in rhetoric, the Royals espoused lofty symbolic ideals like creating a safe and pleasant society that placed the futures of children (like Patricia) first. Basically, they never had a shortage of sweet-sounding idealistic things to say. But in reality, the Royal Party was highly corrupt and the primary perpetrators of the deep-set decadence and inequality. You know, the stereotypical greedy, self-centered, and power-hungry politicians. Unfortunately, they're quite sly.

    With the rising assassination attempts from the Unregistered, the political elite found it convenient for their purposes to nominate a politically inexperienced figurehead leader (Patricia) for several reasons:
    • Multiple different factions believed they could control/manipulate a naive 17-year-old girl, all to different extents. In effect, it was a solution that produced a coalition government that united several political factions in the Republic.
    • The increasing assassination attempts (some of which were successful) from the Unregistered made highly visible political positions undesirable. Many political elite found it more desirable to hold the reins from the shadows in relative anonymity.
    • Patricia had already started to become politically active. However, her beliefs and widely publicized speeches are heavily idealistic, and she genuinely believes in things like further income equality, peace, love and kindness, etc. For a Code Geass analogy, it's probably best to think of her as a Euphemia. And like Suzaku, she believes problems should be fixed from the inside rather than from the outside (revolution/violence).
      • Publicity stunt -- If Patricia is "President", then the Republic must be all flowers and rainbows, right? It's like putting a glossy surface over a Republic elite that is actually very ugly underneath.
      • A gambit? -- If a popular/well-regarded figure like Patricia is taken down by the Unregistered, wouldn't this alienate the more moderate citizens of society?
    Sir Ivor Godfrey - Male - Age Unknown (looks like he's in his thirties)
    Republic, Minister of Finance
    Ability: Eternal youth (beta), extremely rapid regeneration/healing of injuries, insensitivity to pain (all drug-induced)
    Sir Ivor Godfrey is an elusive individual. He rarely shows his face in public and his estate in Executive Square is a gloomy windowless building that is closed to visitors. He is infamous for never showing up to meetings in person, preferring instead to conference call in (think: the fuzzy laptops in death note) and communicate by email. The strange thing is, he is actually very prolific in email, and he is well known for responding nearly instantly (he must be a hikikomori, desho?!). Consequently, although he is a well known figure by virtually everyone in the government (I mean, he holds the purse strings, ne?), almost no one has ever seen his face.

    Godfrey is quite a suspicious individual, having been the Minister of Finance for 21 of the past 25 years of Alemannia's history. In other words, he managed to get himself appointed to the position by the past 5-6 consecutive presidents. What kind of scary connections does he have?

    In either case, in more recent history, Godfrey is the godfather and guardian of Patricia. Indeed, Patricia spent 14 years of her life living in that gloomy estate. As a matter of fact, Patricia is the only person to have walked in and out of that building in those 14 years, and the only person reported to have seen his face. According to her, Godfrey looks young and handsome...

    ...but how can that be? He must be in at least in his 50's right?

    A very skilled analyst of the paper trail would be able to discern Godfrey's connection with Alemmania's secret illegal human experiment research program (of which he is the secret director, although Godfrey does not do the research himself). It is a very... nasty... program that kidnaps Unregistered people and uses them for biological research. The purpose of the program is severalfold:
    1. Develop biological/chemical weapons
    2. Neuroscience -- research for the purpose of brainwashing people, etc.
    3. Genetic modification of human beings and children
    4. (Godfrey's secret pet-project) Formula for eternal youth/ability to rapidly regenerate cells (Godfrey has been using a preliminary version of the drug, which is why he looks so young)!

    Name: alexander vassily inoa
    Codename: Prof.

    Appearance: 50 year old man. Wears specialized spectacles (google glass?). Lab coat. White shirt, jeans.

    Role: registered.

    Backstory: Worked in the research and development department before politics forced him to leave. Now works at the energy plants. Regards the ruling elites with disdain. Knowledgable in engineering, metallurgy, with specialization in thermodynamics- entropy in particular.
    -Appearance: black hair, redeyes, looks always sleepy, till his switch is ON
    -Name: Iskandeer
    -Role: Unregistered habitants
    -Backstory: an abandoned child, suvriving by doing odd jobs, get into fight often due to his weak appareance, current age 18
    View attachment 3845
    Switch ON

    View attachment 3846
    - Appearance : Brown Hair, Brown Hair, of mixed race ancestry from post apocalyptic age... (since the register all had long lost, exact ancestry is unknown, but still could be recognized as Caucassian, although a bit different...)
    - Name : Judd Schwerzfüße. Also known as "Langsam Bruder"
    - Role : (Unregistered sympathizer)
    -Backstory: A 35 Years Old Citizen living at the Residential District 2, work as Nighttime Supervisor of Energy Supply Transport that supply the Reactor District by Fuel taken from Undercity. Exchange message while doing so, and also could provide small article from the city. Highly trusted by his superior due to almost perfect work tract. Prefer subtlety than wanton more forceful act.
    Wife "died" due to "unknown circumstances", but it believed that she was still alive somewhere and using her biochemist knowledge and work for Unregistered Cell somewhere in Undercity.
    Reason for joining: He seen too much, and unlike other citizen, he wasn't deceiving himself. The current government must go...
    -Appearance; Black hair reaching her shoulder blade, Blue eyes, height 155cm, looks 15-17 years old and she uses those cloths from the picture (coat, bras, shorts and the boots, gloves[Everything on black]).

    -Name; Ria

    -Role; Works as Marksman in Undercity (Or you could call it Assassination/Bounty hunter).

    -Backstory; Ria had lost her parents when she was 5 years old, but because her parents had good relationship with one of Military general in Parliament Square, so he decided to adopt Ria as his child, because himself couldn't never have one.

    The general also wanted to Ria to succeed him in military affairs, so he trained Ria to handle different kinda weapons and also trained her some basic close quarter combat.

    After what seemed to feel decade, something unexpected happened in Parliament Square and Ria was forced to flee from there and decided to settle down to Undercity and tries to survive there, by making living with her master weaponry skills and also tries to keep hiding from those, who keeps looking for her.

    (This is what 'gangs/rebels' or what ever you want to call them in Undercity, has discovered from Ria's backround. Everything else was destroyed or gone missing.)
    -Appearance (picture is optional)

    Average human being with a average build.Roman is a middle aged-man(31) with a thick Serbian accent. He has black short hair and is about 6 feet tall.




    Ex- Owner of a luxury taxi company that chauffeurs around the upper class people of the Republic.


    Once the proud and hard working owner of 'Roman's Cabs', Roman has turned into an unregistered after getting into deep debt due to his gambling habits. He was a registered citizen that has since renounced his citizenship and gone into hiding. He is hiding from his debt collectors whilst working with the unregistered to start a rebellion. He gathers information through his trusted network of cab drivers - some of which are unregistered. Roman makes a living being a information broker at this current time.

    He likes to go bowling in his spare time
    Appearance: 190cm 23 year old Male with brown hair covering his left eye. Slender but well built. Usually wears gray hoodie and black jeans.
    Name: Zach Starfield.
    Background: A second son of the biggest private military contractor with close ties to the government. Previously enjoyed tranquil life until he turn 15. But after the sudden death of his father, he's hunted by his ambitious big brother who inherit his father's position because his brother view him as a potential threat. Since then he flee to undercity and become an unregistered. He's well known for his agility.

    Male. Slightly darkened skin color, but resembles a oriental appearance. About 177 cm (5'11'') Slender but slightly muscular. Unkempt black hair with slight shades of gray along with black eyes.


    Local known merchant for the Unregistered

    A 40 year old male who came into Alemannia 5 years after it's construction from the outside world. Coincidentally found Alemannia after miraculously surviving in the wastelands after the meteor shower. Aster remembers little to nothing about recent events that happened after the meteor shower and he also suffers from amnesia, meaning he remembers nothing about his past nor his name. Although he is an amnesiac, Aster still retained his basic knowledge and named himself Aster, which means Star in Greek. Aster matured in the wastelands struggling to survive every single day and his survival skills became apparent after several years in the wastelands. After entering Alemannia, he couldn't find a place for himself in either society and became a known local merchant a few years after his arrival, by relying on his skills to scavenge for goods the Unregistered needed. Aster's personality is seen as indifferent and cold to others and he conducts business with whomever he chooses and money is not a major priority. People have questioned his ability to maintain a stable business from his cold personality, but the only thing many know from his mysterious character, is that he came from the wastelands, and he is somehow resistant to the radiation fall-out.
    Character:Herodotus (real name unknown to all but her/himself)
    Appearance: Androgynous face and body, though base skin color is tan. Bald when not using a wig. Age relatively indeterminate, could be anywhere from late 20s to late 40s. Typically uses a voice changer that is constantly changing the voice. Eyes are constantly changing color as well (though always heterochromatic). Can and often will uses disguises, so outside appearance beyond his base appearance is constantly changing as well.
    Role: Calls itself The Shadow Historian. Tries to preserve the knowledge and the histories that are either being changed or wiped out by The Republic. Thus is loosely affiliated with the Unregistered, though has very complex beliefs about government, order, and philosophy, so doesn't actively support them either. More of a neutral figure, except The Republic sees it as too dangerous to be free, so thus it's main base is in the Undercity.
    Backstory: Unknown. Has some sort of scholarly background, or maybe that of an intelligence agent in the old world. Knows a lot. Too much for many. Even the Unregistered find it a dangerous and enigmatic figure due to it's disparagement of their rebellion and unwillingness to actively pick a side. Something of an intelligence broker/agent to all though the information it is willing to give is often cryptic or even mocking depending upon who is asking. Doesn't care at all for things, merely wants new knowledge/information. Often found where one would least expect it, having played a minor, though sometimes critical role in events since theCataclysm (as it refers to the meteor).
    Appeareance: A 6 1/2 feet tall man around the age of 40 with a lanky appearance. His facial features are mostly hidden by a bushy beard though his nose makes one think of a hawk. High cheek bones and a penetrating gaze coming from eyes with the colour of a clouded winter day-gray further this image. His hair, formerly a deep darkened brown, contains a lot of grey and white. Combined with the wrinkles around his eyes he gives of the feeling of a gentle person if not for the hardened gaze.
    Name: Scott J. Penton
    Role: Registered, Follower of the church of ascendance
    Backstory: Adopted at the age of five by the textil merchant Sullis J. Penton Scott had been raised with care and ambition. As child he did not show much affection towards others of similiar age but the conduct towards his father was of exceeding obedience and dependency. With utmost devotion to his studies and a keen sense of business he inherited the chairman position of his father by the mere age of 25, greatly expanding the company afterwards. People would praise him as much as they envied him, there even was the rumour of him having influental ties in the parliament square.
    However all of that changed the day his father died. Scott was 27 at the time it happened and was thrown into a state of severe grievance, secluding himself in the family mansion in the 1. residental district for almost half a year.
    Then a man came to him. A man with a voice sweeter than an angel. A man with the compassion of a saint.
    Scott who thought to have lost everything gained a new way and enligthenment.
    He withdrew from the world of business and commerce and poured a great deal of his wealth in charitable institutiorns, also founding 2 orphanages. Since then he has been living a life one could call pious and scholarly and not one day would pass without praying to the his new raison d'etre, the church of ascendance.
    name: The Enforcer
    appearance: Of a bit above average size and undiscernable build, this person excells with an expressionless and ordinary face. Even so you wouldn't know - since he(?) is wearing a face mask and nightvision googles. Furthermore wearing military boots, anthrazit cargo pants, and a black overcoat, he is definitely not someone you want to meet at night. A skilled eye would also notice the outline of a bulletproof vest under the coat and gun holsters beneath his armpits. What his many pockets contain one can only guess.
    Role: Follower of the church of ascendance
    Backstory: Men can not live without hope. Hope is born from faith. Faith can not prosper without protection.
    He is the protector of the faithful, the punisher of the sinful and wicked. This was his fate.
    The Enforcer was someone else before he was bestowed his fate. Back then, when he opened his eyes for the first time he could remember, he was lying on a hard table in a wide room. The room was white all around, and there were strange machineries with complicated displays crammed in. Some of them were connected to him by cables and nasty looking metallic appliances. And there was pain, pain so great he couldn't even scream or move, setting every nerve of his body on fire. But in the next instant it was gone, his thoughts accelerated and power filled him. With instinct runing wild he ripped his restraints apart and rushed to the door....
    Upon regaining his senses he was standing on a street lined by destroyed buildings, no sky above -only the underside of a gigantic platform. Strangely this seemed normal to him and he tried to remember why that was the case. Tried to remember his name -did he have one?-, tried to remember what this place was and what he should be doing now. The feeling of loss and anxiety made him falter. As he hugged his knees and sunk into desparation a man called out to him. A man with a voice sweeter than an angel. A man with the compassion of a saint. On this day The Enforcer was born.
    name: theadchill
    appearance: scruffy black hair brown eyes wears glasses

    role: farmer and supply trader for the unregistered, also trying to obtain enough intel about the unregistered to sell them out for funding...

    backstory: is disgusted by the government and doesnt lke the unregistered either but he secretly allies with the government in order to get the funding for his mobile transporter geting out of this place (ye old backstory is still there btw, so still an ex- engineer he did finish his studies and then became a farmer after the rape and murder of one of his graduate colleagues)

    as for how he got into contact with unregistered is because he witnessed he voiced his discontent but got threathened and he then got into contact with them
    appreance : black hair brown eyes. most of the time wears a grey hoodie with headphones always on the head

    name: nemard
    role-bounty hunter/assasin in the undercity
    back story: at first when he was a kid(12) he was unable to pay the feed and so stayed as an unregistred. in the under city he had to somehow survive so he started to steal and even kill. all just to live another day. some time passed(17) as the name of the "grey hood"(dont kill me i suck with names) became known in the undercity as he is now one of the most known(but not best) bounty hunters (will do every job for money/food/special items)

    now he hides from those who he stole from and wait for something to happend so he can go up to the country proper

    personality- will only do something if he have again but is still feeling hate for the paliament sqaure - use mostly knifes and have almost no ability with guns
    and blaming them for his hard childhood

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
    Lovely likes this.
  2. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Reading List:
    -Appearance: <<<see avatar
    -Name: Random
    -Role: The Unregistered Leader of the Republic
    -Backstory: By cosplaying as the greatest hero (@Saitama) Random, an unregistered hobo, was able to rise up as the Leader of the Republic
  3. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I'm intending this to be a more serious RP, so no joke character please.
    Lovely likes this.
  4. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Whatchu mean joke you know just how many plotlines will be opened through the addition of this OC
  5. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    The man that slowly scrounged scrap to survive until he finally reached the top go to work cosplaying as an obscure animated character from a hundred years old anime, which probably have no copy surviving the apocalypse.

    That sounds ridiculous to me.
    Lovely likes this.
  6. Yukkuri Oniisan

    Yukkuri Oniisan 『Procrastinator Archwizard Translator and Writer』

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Reading List:
    - Appearance : Brown Hair, Brown Hair, of mixed race ancestry from post apocalyptic age... (since the register all had long lost, exact ancestry is unknown, but still could be recognized as Caucassian, although a bit different...)
    - Name : Judd Schwerzfüße. Also known as "Langsam Bruder"
    - Role : (Unregistered sympathizer)
    -Backstory: A 35 Years Old Citizen living at the Residential District 2, work as Nighttime Supervisor of Energy Supply Transport that supply the Reactor District by Fuel taken from Undercity. Exchange message while doing so, and also could provide small article from the city. Highly trusted by his superior due to almost perfect work tract. Prefer subtlety than wanton more forceful act.
    Wife "died" due to "unknown circumstances", but it believed that she was still alive somewhere and using her biochemist knowledge and work for Unregistered Cell somewhere in Undercity.
    Reason for joining: He seen too much, and unlike other citizen, he wasn't deceiving himself. The current government must go...
  7. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Welcome aboard! Give me a moment to input your character.
    Lovely likes this.
  8. onnyfp

    onnyfp Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Appearance: 190cm 23 year old Male with brown hair covering his left eye. Slender but well built. Usually wears gray hoodie and black jeans.
    Name: Zach Starfield.
    Background: A second son of the biggest private military contractor with close ties to the government. Previously enjoyed tranquil life until he turn 15. But after the sudden death of his father, he's hunted by his ambitious big brother who inherit his father's position because his brother view him as a potential threat. Since then he flee to undercity and become an unregistered. He's well known for his agility.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
  9. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    It's a republic, so senatorial position isn't hereditary. Mind changing that bit? I'd suggest private military contractor.
    Lovely likes this.
  10. MukuruA

    MukuruA Active Member

    Feb 20, 2016
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    -Appearance (picture is optional)[​IMG]
    black ponytails, black eyes, white lab coat, white undershirt, black leggings (drew it just now so it's messy)
    Research and Development Facilities
    "We're in the light, and they're in the dark.

    ...We're royally screwed (or replace with any form of cuss word)"

    She prefers to stay in her lab doing what she likes to do - researching. She does contribute to the war effort, but doesn't see the point because while the Registered can't find out where the Unregistered are, the Registered are like glowing fireflies in nighttime to the Unregistered. Very pessimistic.
    BlueBrute likes this.
  11. onnyfp

    onnyfp Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Ah yes. Let's change it that way. A private military contractor with close ties to the government. I'll edit it shortly.

    And, may I ask? What kind of abilities and weaponries are allowed in this game?
  12. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I'd assume it's a military research since you mentioned war effort. Any specifics in mind?

    Added to the OP.
    Lovely likes this.
  13. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Abilities are limited to normal human, however implants to enhance physical and/or mental capability is available. Price varied, but generally an average joe can never afford the medium grade.

    As weaponry, most pre-laser tech are allowed. Power armor (fallout, anyone?) is the most widespread ones due to harsh environment.
  14. MukuruA

    MukuruA Active Member

    Feb 20, 2016
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    im good with her making explosives. im not really sure what tech you want 100 years in the future... maybe extremely tiny nanobots to enhance the human body?

    Edit: yeah power armor sounds good
  15. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Keep in mind that the development somewhat staggered post-apocalypse, so it's not actually that far ahead of current time.

    Explosives expert, with implant research? Physical/mental boost to implanted individuals.
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  16. MukuruA

    MukuruA Active Member

    Feb 20, 2016
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    Sounds good to me c:
  17. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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  18. Roman

    Roman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2016
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    -Appearance (picture is optional)

    Average human being with a average build.Roman is a middle aged-man(31) with a thick Serbian accent. He has black short hair and is about 6 feet tall.




    Ex- Owner of a luxury taxi company that chauffeurs around the upper class people of the Republic.


    Once the proud and hard working owner of 'Roman's Cabs', Roman has turned into an unregistered after getting into deep debt due to his gambling habits. He was a registered citizen that has since renounced his citizenship and gone into hiding. He is hiding from his debt collectors whilst working with the unregistered to start a rebellion. He gathers information through his trusted network of cab drivers - some of which are unregistered. Roman makes a living being a information broker at this current time.

    He likes to go bowling in his spare time
  19. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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  20. lichdeath

    lichdeath undead meatbun ^^

    Apr 18, 2016
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    appearance: common black hair brown eyes average handsome face wears glasses

    name: Theadchill

    role: a mere farmer for the government and a food for materials trade for the unregistered

    backstory: when his grandfather died he found a secret device belonging to Theadchill's great grand father. Several weeks later he managed to power up the device. turns out it was a plan for a construction, but not any construction. A mobile radioactive proof home immume to most external forces armed with high energy lasers and self sustaining and not only that it also described how to build it. Even how to create the devices and engines to process the materials are in it. Altough Theadchill is confused why his ancestor designed it and never built it he still decided to build the home. He's now secretly constructing everything in the undercity and soon he plans on leaving and exploring. He has decided to not trust the government with his plans due to the truth he saw a few years ago. A son a of a senator abused his power to rape a girl in some district and played it off as an act of the unregistered. THe unregistered aren't any good in his eyes either foolishly attacking trying to overtake the government and it will probably repeat again in the future

    personality: rather silent and distrusting towards everyone
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016