( ´ ω ` )ノ゙ A Fake Recruitement Ad for A Fake Evil Org ( ´ ω ` )ノ゙



❖ Beyond Salavation ❖, Male
Blog Posts:
Welcome dear sir or madam, you have peeked unto this blog post for you have been curious of what this so called
"Fake Recruitement Ad for A Fake Evil Organization" is all about.

But is it mere curiosity or were you subconsciously wishing for it to be true?
For a real evil organization to recruit you and change your measly life?
Wouldn't it be great if you could live a fun and exciting live for the sake of the organization?

If you wish to proceed, you will first need to show conviction.
offer me a sacrifice of 999 nuffies to prove your mettle.
~only after then will I show you reality~​

You and L4 like this.


    1. XMDZM Jun 17, 2017
      (/ω\) 微信支付行吗
      Axiel likes this.
    2. Pandamonic Jun 16, 2017
      I think I got some but I don't want to be evil Ijust want to follow my heart.
      Axiel likes this.
    3. mrawesome69 Jun 14, 2017
      I'll join if you pay me 666 nuffies
      L4 and Axiel like this.
    4. Archaic pickle Jun 14, 2017
      L4 and Axiel like this.
    5. Pyoo Jun 14, 2017
      Axiel likes this.
    6. Axiel Jun 14, 2017
      L4 and Hotato like this.