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Silver Snake

Magician of NUF|Show-off|Awkward|Genius
Blog Posts:
Important. What makes something important to someone. What are their values? What are they looking for? What are they without?

Too many, no, so many try to be important without - so many people try to be important even though.

I can't quite, ugh.

The difference between being important and trying to be important. I believe writers who say important things don't try to say important things, they simply let the story play itself out, they let the characters live their lives in their world, and whatever lessons or themes that could be interpreted from their tale are all up to the readers to decide.

But those writers who try to evoke specific emotions from the readers, who want to make them think this character is brave because such and such, those writers are so very very ordinary seeming to me. Writers like Ken Folett, Diana Gabaldon, and Patrick Rothfuss.

Why do people feel a need to say or do something important? They're misguided and wasteful of their lives, in my eyes. Instead of trying to enjoy or feel it, they toil away, working for something that doesn't exist. Or doing it in a way that will evoke nothing. Orrr.

I'm trying to say something, trying to remember, but so many thoughts twirl and whirl in my head. I can catch one but then I lose another.

We all want something. We all want to change the world. But we cannot understand that the world does not need changing. What we are in fact trying to change are the people. Instead of looking at ourselves, we try to change others, instead of living our lives, we try to decide the lives of others.

It makes me sad, seeing people waste their lives trying to change the lives of others. People cannot change, or if they do they would have always changed regardless of anything else. They would have done it on their own, in their own time.

Those who cannot understand the importance of unimportance cannot write. That is my opinion. But I have little to no experience as a writer. I have no right to make such a claim.

So many books are filled with wasted endeavor.

In trying to change others we cannot understand them, we only see them as wrong.

If only we could stop expecting from others and simply live our own lives.

It's not their fault, though, they don't know any other way to write. They cannot imagine it possible, to see an entirely different world, no they have to plan that world, but they can't see that that makes the world fake. They cannot believe in themselves, their capability. That is what makes them ordinary.

But who cares if a world is fake. People can still love it. Yes, but what people. Ordinary people. Normal People. They can see the fake as real. But the fake is so boring to me. No one cares what you think. I suppose that's true.

And it's okay for people to hate others if that's the only way to accept themselves. But couldn't it be better? Why can't we accept everyone? Because everyone isn't everyone. There will always be those who feel alienated even without others pointing it out. It's up to them to believe what they believe. The only thing we can do is silently accept it.

I'll never like them. You don't have to. If they could just stop hating themselves then they could stop hating everyone else. It is up to them, what they believe. But it's wrong. But it's true to them.

Why is living so painful? Because of everything.