My Filipino Teacher and the quiz this afternoon


Arcadia Blade

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!
Blog Posts:
My filipino teacher(a nice teacher which is fun and nice person to talk to) was asking me to hand out some papers for the quiz this afternoon(teach couldn't come). Now, the questions were pretty easy and me and my classmates(mostly guys) were taking this quiz pretty easily.

But the next problem lies on the later half of the quiz. The next test was about to read a certain poem of a certain gay person which made us guys pretty weirded out by his poem. But the hardest part was about the question.

-Please make this poem into a story.

Thats what made me write this blog as not only me, the guys as well had a hard look on our faces as we began to answer this question. Not only did i have difficulty in writing in filipino, the question was something me and the guys could barely understand since poem was like a code for only gay and girls to understand(gays talk like girls here) which we all prayed that we would get good grades on this quiz...


    1. Arcadia Blade Apr 18, 2018
      If it was easy to translate, i wouldn't be having the trouble right now...Also, i didn't took a pic of the poem...
    2. Minnie_An Apr 18, 2018
      Ahhh I wanna see too it’s related to BL =^^= :blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed:
    3. Clozdark Apr 17, 2018
      Give me the poem