Murdering Gods

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Bad Storm

no thought, head empty
Blog Posts:
DISCLAIMER: I want to apologies in advance for those whose delicate sensibilities will get offend. I write poems to brand my emotions into paper. And sometimes, I just don't feel like wearing the mask I usually do.

The gods answered my call
And came down from their haven
Then, I murdered them all,
Murdered them all while laughin'

Am I cruel for slaying demons
Masquerading as gods?
Would they amount ransoms?
Would there be any sobs?

What is this I am feeling
It couldn't possibly be regret
Overwhelmingly crushing
"No! I already said it's not regret!"

But what are those gods I killed
Do you even wonder
The pedestal I made, they filled
And yet left me to ponder

All their stupid lies
All their false promises
None of their cries
None of their faces

For they are all dead
In these eyes of mine
Long before they lay on their bed
Short after they became swine

Oh wait, they are much worse
Than those noble beast
Their existence alone a curse
Their sins never seem to cease

But worry not, my friend
I've cleaned up the mess
Them to their grave, I send
And in peace, they do not rest


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