To Wish?

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Bad Storm

no thought, head empty
Blog Posts:
A lone man stood at the edge of a cliff. Just one step away from falling into the darkness swirling down below. His eyes, a beautiful shade of blue - reminiscent of that of a sky before the world went fucked up- gazed blankly at the dancing flecks of nothingness. So mesmerized, they were.

He just stood there.

It could have been for a moment.

It could have been for an eternity.

But in a world where nothing matters anymore, he doesn't really care... Not at all.

"Do you want to jump?" A joking voice rang out behind, breaking the isolated world for two of the man and the darkness.

A long silence ensued. The newcomer heaved a heavy sigh as he was already expecting silence to be the only answer he'll have to his query. It has been that way ever since. No particular reason for that to change now.

He turned away, the newcomer, his blonde hair swaying with the strong gusts of wind along with his silver-gray coat.

As another sigh was about to escape his lips, a quiet answer, almost a whisper, was heard from the man on the cliff's edge.


The blonde guy, shocked to his core, turned his head back so fast that it was a wonder how his neck didn't break. Green eyes full of confusion and bewilderment met ice-cold blue eyes reflecting nothing but deathly calm and emptiness.

The black haired lone man once again opened his mouth. A mesmerizing voice containing a certain musicality to it echoed in the empty cliff.

"When you see a falling star, what do you wish for?"

The question came out of nowhere and thus, the newcomer just scrunched his brows asking, "Uhh... what? Don't we all wish for everything to get better? Doesn't everyone just wish for happiness?"

A slight smile appeared on the lone man's mouth. The first one since they have met seven years prior to this day. And despite what the newcomer was expecting, this slight smile didn't disappear in a blink of an eye. It remained plastered on the lone man's handsome face.

"Michael, you are wrong." His blue eyes sparkling in an iridescently eerie way as he continued, "Not everyone wishes for happiness when they see falling stars."

"N-Not everyone?" The newcomer, now identified as Michael, wrinkled his brows even further, all the while remembering the meteor shower from the night before.

The lone man gave an almost imperceptible nod.

"What did you wish for last night, Allen?" Michael hesitantly questioned.

Another long silence blanketed the two of them before the lone man, Allen, spoke in a voice so quiet that Michael even doubted if it was just his imagination playing tricks on him.

But it wasn't just his imagination.

"I stared as the falling star passed by and then, I realized..."

Even with the raging wind whooshing in his ears, the lone man's quiet yet melodic voice still rang clearly inside the Michael's head. Even after all these years, he still remembers.


Because with that voice, the black-haired blue-eyed young man said the last words he'll ever say to Michael. And just right after that, with a full blown grin in his face, he leaned back and fell into the darkness playfully swirling far down below. His words, carried only by the wind.

"... I don't have to wish anymore."


You, Li hir, Tramsloof and 2 others like this.


    1. Tramsloof Aug 15, 2018
      If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of payments.

      Lol, it's alright to deviate from something you are used to, whether it be positivity or negativity, optimism or pessimism. That provides you with a broader perspective on your life.

      If you are writing dark, try adding some dark comedy elements to it.
      Pandamonic and Bad Storm like this.
    2. Emmyy Aug 15, 2018
      Bad Storm as I asked you before- step away from that orecipice! Come sit with me on my fluffy cloud its soft comfy we dont have to dangle our feet over the edge..we could talk about blue skies and happiness. .have a cup of blueberry acai tea ..maybe invite @Tramsloof he could read some of his essays..@Pandamonic could read some poems.. I know they say great inspiration comes from sadness and some of your best stuff is dark.. but I like the whimsical you too.. Lets party on my cloud!:p:p:p
      Pandamonic, Bad Storm and Tramsloof like this.
    3. Silver Snake Aug 15, 2018
      @Bad Storm Why do you have to be so darnn mysterious?
      Bad Storm and Emmyy like this.
    4. Pandamonic Aug 15, 2018
      Hey BS you're really good at this. i need more of this stuff. And I love your writing style very much keep up the good work. And if I might ask is this how you feel or its just a by product when you mope around and submerge yourself in sadness?
      Emmyy and Bad Storm like this.