The Red Rose's Dance

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Bad Storm

no thought, head empty
Blog Posts:
One stormy day,
A tiny red rose
Was torn apart.
Savagely, I might add.
It's crimson petals
Scattered into tiny pieces,
And madly danced
With the mad wind.
Dance and dance
And dance it goes,
Dance and dance
Into highs and lows.
Each tiny broken pieces
Gained life of their own,
And each danced
To its own tune,
To its own song.

But one lonely speck of red
Fell into a snow-white heaven
That turned out to be
My grandma's white rose garden,
And there, I watched it,
Striking as it should be,
Dance to its own melody.
Dance and dance
And dance so madly.


Osamaru, Emmyy, Pandamonic and 2 others like this.


    1. Bad Storm Aug 19, 2018
      @Osamaru the ones from the poem pool were good. :blobsalute:

      Hmm... I'll consider your suggestion. Though for now, I'm fine with posting my poems here. Less traffic haha.
      Osamaru likes this.
    2. Osamaru Aug 19, 2018
      Bad Storm likes this.
    3. Osamaru Aug 19, 2018
      /o/ Nice!
      Bad Storm likes this.
    4. Emmyy Aug 17, 2018
      I absolutely love this one! I could totally
      picture the scene in my mind.. Really good imagery!
      Bad Storm likes this.
    5. Bad Storm Aug 16, 2018
      @Pandamonic because this poem has certain pauses inside my head. Just wanted to convey as much as I could.
      Emmyy and Pandamonic like this.
    6. Pandamonic Aug 16, 2018
      Wow, you used punctuations! can't help but notice.
      Bad Storm likes this.