20. BL 穿越 之家 有 小夫郎 Traversing House has Xiao Fu Lang



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20. BL 穿越之家有小夫郎 Traversing House has Xiao Fu Lang
Author 夜悠
Completed 139 chapters

A story set in ancient times of three genders world, a man died and transmigrated as a weak unfavor second son of low noble family. MC name was Li Yaonan, he sympathized with the Original's fate, for because his mother died and his father only cared his other sons from second wife/concubine, the Original tried very hard but still couldnt win and was used as chess piece instead. They married him with a ger of soiled reputation and he was still not cared even though he was sick.

ML was a reborn character, Lin YiXuan determined not to walk the same disastrous life as a chess piece for his family and his (former) husband (he was the 6th prince). He even made ugly rumor for himself and that made his famly married him off with weak no power scholar. With his past life as a reminder, ML was cold and cruel to outsiders. At first he didnt to depend on MC, but he still wanted to survive, and help his mother, brother and cousin to escape the past fate. After understanding how MC wanted to move out and separate from his scum parents' family, ML determined that as husband MC was not bad.

Well, after they talked and understood each other, that both wanted nothing to do with their respective families, and in order to make everything smooth in the future MC started to walk the scholar route to gain fame and power. Because MC was pure hetero, he didnot have the pervert mind to consumate their wedding, but ML wanted a child of his since he was childless in past life. ML drugged MC with aphrodisiac and it happenned. Before the night MC felt comfortable with ML, for him ML was the one he could trust in this strange world and unconsciously he felt smth for him. Before long, both men confessed to each other and swore to be the only one for each other. ML also swore with himself, even if he was tortured, he'd take the secret of drugging MC to his grave lol MC only knew being drunk was terrible lol

After the romance and relationship sailed, the story was about MC struggle in winning the exam, helping ML to take his mother out of the family, helping ML brother too, then politics in the court, being favored by the emperor, the work in taking office for several years, war, coming back to capital, another politics, and few chapters for their children.

It was a good read, though I was truly confused in earlier chapters for the author didnot provide detail explanation of characters and a helping hand of plot. Sometimes new characters would just show up, and be used for a while, and then they'd be gone not be heard of again. If those characters were only background and not close with MC/ML then I'd understand. These two characters truly lacked friends character imo. The enemies were like half assed written, and not being minded the ending at all by the author.

Overall, this is good story.

MC and ML confessed and told to each other, a reborn and a transmigrated persons. MC told ML his world, and accidentally their third child heard it, and MC willingly told him too. And this third child was transmigrated body and soul to modern world when he met a modern person in the palace hunting stable. MC knew abt this because there was a smart phone dropped in the stable where his son gone, and ofc only he knew what that was.