A Cup of Tea: Blind Love (2.1) The Owl on Your Eyes

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Grumpy and Awkward <3, Female
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"When love calls you, then come to it even though the road is steep and complicated." That's what Kahlil Gibran said. Yes, love is indeed blind. It doesn't know when is the right time to come or go. The real stories unraveled in this book is making us realize that sometimes love can't be used with logic.

Becoming the third person in a relationship?
Sacrificing materials and time for love?
Recklessly being in a relationship with a drug junkie, someone with a different faith, or even a possessive partner who doesn't hesitate to use his hands? Falling in love with a relative? Or even falling in love with someone in the same gender? All of those stories are here.

Let's sit down for a while. Warm your heart with a cup of tea and real stories about blind love in this book and let other things wait.

Enjoy your tea time.

The Owl on Your Eyes

The second cup of tea, from Tikah Kumala

I didn't like to see my boyfriend gets angry. When he is, his deep and sharp eyes reminded me of the horror of owls. He really liked to put his face five centimeters close near mine. And, that's when I saw the terror on his eyes, it was as if they were going to rip me apart.

One night, when our relationship reached five months, we had a big fight and it made my boyfriend possessed. He passed out, then convulsed, yelling, crying, and laughing at the same time. Of course, I was scared out of my wits because I didn't expect a simple fight could draw many people's attention and becoming a serious problem.

My boyfriend is crazy

That's what the people who came in the morning and saw my boyfriend pointing a kitchen knife on his chest predicted.

Days later, he locked himself inside his rented room, and completely refused to see me. And since that time, I always see owls inside his deep eyes.

Many blamed me as the reason for Hans' madness. I was sad with people's accusations. The person I loved, was sick because I hurt him too deeply. Moreover, it was unintentional. That day, I only asked for a break for a while because of my school's tests. I thought, stretching our distance would make us think clearer. It would be very tiring to constantly fight, right?

Hans slowly recovered. He started seeing me again. We had a relationship again even though guilt was not easy to be erased. Until one day, we accepted our National Exam scores. Unfortunately, his scores were incredibly low. That made his parents accuse me again as the reason of these utter mess.

"Stay away from my son. He has a big dream," said his mother.

That time, I became a little emotional. I also had a big dream. My heart was truly hurt hearing her next sentences. It was as if, I was born in a poor family that could not afford me to continue my education. Someone who doesn't have a big dream and lowly like this girl doesn't deserve Hans. Maybe that's what his parents had in their minds.

"Please tell your son, to leave me."

But Hans didn't leave me. We secretly dated in the days after. That indeed became easier when we continued our study together in Yogyakarta. Away from our place. Our life became free. We could meet anytime without fearing anything. I was really happy having Hans, even though he is still the same. Attention and loving words flooded me. Women like me like to be treated like this. And Hans gave everything to me.

But, sometimes someone who can sacrifice everything for their lover has bigger feelings. Maybe that's what Hans felt. He started to feel like he can control my life. Restricting my friends. Driving me anywhere I go. Forbidding me to go outside my rented room after dusk. He could even get enraged if I was not in my room when he came to see me. This made my chest suffocated. Hans' reason to did them was that he was incredibly worried about me. The dosage of love he gave me was too high and it made my head hurt a lot.

As a freshman, I really liked to hang out with my friends. Of course, it didn't become what I expected when Hans suddenly wanted to meet and took me away. Hans didn't like to be argued. My opinion is always wrong and his is always right. Often times I'd rather follow him than getting into a fight.

In the second semester, I started to get active in organizations. Knowing that I associated with many people, enraged Hans. He tried to obscure me until I gave up and stopped. That's not the end of it. He also asked to change my phone number almost once a week. Which would be faster once he knew someone else knows my number. Even crazier, he once forbid me from telling my numbers to my parents.

"Your mother may give your number to others!" he said.

I did get a lot of headaches and a great amount of tiredness when dealing with his thinking. Moreover, he was also sensitive. He could easily explode if I did things or said words he deemed as inappropriate. But, to lose someone who loves me as deeply like Hans, I couldn't bear it yet.

The only thing he thought about in his daily, was me. That's what he repeatedly told me. He couldn't do any activities when we fought. But there were no days without a fight about simple things. I often told him to stop thinking too much about me.

"But I can't be indifferent like you. I'm thinking about our relationship," he argued.

Once, I got a high score at the end of my term. I wanted to make our relationship become healthier. I thought, my high score would get him motivated to chase me.

But that logic was reversed.

"It's great to get a high score, isn't it?" he ridiculed. "Of course, you can study calmly on your own meanwhile someone else keeps thinking about you."

"But I didn't ask you to constantly thinking about me, Babe," I replied.

"Yes, because you're indifferent and never thinks of our relationship!"

Really. I became tired. But remembering all of his sacrifices, my tiredness suddenly evaporated, and I kept loving him.

Hans often made surprises and little celebrations that made a woman like me happy. I like romantic men. He also knew all of the important dates in our life, and if I forgot even once, he could get very angry.


I'm practicing my English by translating songs and stories, so, it may be quite rough and weird (?). Please don't hesitate to give me an advice, but please do it politely >_<

Ahmya likes this.


    1. Jevanka926 Aug 14, 2020
      @Ahmya right?! I love this book because the stories are real and this story is my favourite because she could finally escape from a toxic relationship

      p.s: I didn't realize the tag couldn't work
    2. Ahmya Aug 13, 2020
      This was a really good read!!!:blobsob: