


『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』, Female
Blog Posts:
So, there was one thought that has been on my mind for a long while... I wanted to adapt the story we played through together in the Adventurer's Guild Roleplay into a novel. It's not really a priority project for me (I have tons of novel ideas, and I'm working on one of them), but it's something I have been wanting to do for a long while.

Today while I had some idle time, I ended up thinking of a basic outline of how I'd actually adapt the roleplay into an actual novel, because, yanno... There are a fair bit of problems one needs to solve in order to do this kind of thing. Like...
  1. A Roleplay isn't really a well-planned story or anything like it. There is no end-goal to a roleplay, and roleplays in general just die when either the playerbase or the staff give up on it, so... The story not only has no end goal, but it also has no closure.
  2. A Roleplay isn't a single story, but a conjunction of multiple stories told from multiple points of view and that often times contradict one another.
  3. Not everything that happens in roleplays is easily available. Some things are done in private, other things happened before one joined, other things were just too unremarkable, yet left an impact in the game in one way or another.
Those are the generic ones I can think from the top of my head, maybe there are more, but that's besides the point... In any case, I kinda needed to solve those in order to try making a story... And well, there isn't really a clean solution for this if you want to adapt the roleplay into a story, there plain and simply isn't... That said, it's not like I wanted to adapt the Adventurer's Guild itself into a novel... No, not really. What I wanted was to adapt the story of my character, Hikari, into a novel. That seemed a lot more feasible.

As I thought of the details of the story, I ended up realizing that almost everything that was core to the roleplay had disappeared in the process... It felt a bit sad because there were so so many things I enjoyed there, but at the same time, they just felt like natural cuts, really. They were things I was getting rid of because they didn't really add anything to the narrative I wanted to tell.

Essentially, what the story ended up shaping up as, was a story focused entirely on Hikari's point of view. The people that were particularly close to Hikari still appeared and interacted with her... The rest of the players were either scrapped altogether or became nameless NPCs.

Basically every plot of the game was also scrapped, because quite frankly... None of them were particularly relevant to Hikari herself. Usually I'd just use the game's events as an excuse to drag Hikari into some side plot and develop her own story throughout the course of the game's gameplay. She was extremely participative in basically everything that happened, and yet none of it was particularly relevant for her. So at this point I figured there was no point in using big wars or whatever for the sake of developing Hikari when I could use much smaller and self-contained things that would not derail the story I actually wanted to tell.

I also had to change the base concept of Hikari, because like... She was an Alchemist Magical Girl, who later lost her memories and became a priestess, who later became a goddess... Her concepts were kinda all over the place, and part of those changes were just made for OOC reasons anyways, so I decided I could very easily change her to a priestess from the getgo and make things a lot easier on me.

Other stuff that I needed to change was the power level, because... Well, we had some players that could destroy the universe if they wanted... Hikari herself became a Goddess and she wasn't particularly OP in any way, so like... I definitely needed to curb the power level of the story to make a sensible novel.

And then there is the fact I just don't like writing about fights in general, and am not very good at it... Yet Hikari consistently participated in battles all the time, because that was just a strong part of the Adventurer's Guild concept. But uhn... I didn't really need the guild itself to be a particularly relevant part of the plot, so I could just... Take her away from the battles altogether. Hikari doesn't need to fight in order to make a novel about her, I just need to adapt some thingies here and there.

And after going through all those changes, I just kinda realized... "Wow, that's nothing like AG, is it?" I mean, I surely went through tons of changes in order to tell the story I wanted... And at the same time, it was totally like AG, and anyone that read my stories in the game would definitely recognize the aspects that I was pulling from when making the AG-based novel... It's just... It wouldn't really be an AG adaptation, it would be more of a loose adaptation of the story of a single character within the AG world.

And then... There was also one problem that I kinda wanted to leave for last. There were also some really remarkable character-defining occurrences that I absolutely wanted to portray in a novel... That were done only in PMs. Those moments were extremely personal and really special to Hikari, and since Hikari was a big self-insert, those moments ended up also being very important to me... But well, they're private, and they involve more than just me. It's not really something that I could put in a novel without asking the involved parties, because those things happened to them as well, and it was also important to them just like how it was important to me... It's a big complication.

So well... I just kinda wanted to throw all those thoughts out there I guess... I mean, I just started realizing how hard it is to adapt something into a different medium. AG and Novels may both be written stories, but the nature of Roleplays and Novels are completely different, so you end up needing to make TONS of changes to make things work out... To the point that the essence of the Roleplay may very well be lost.

I mean, I'm just thinking about it now, but this already happened with me before. I made a novel loosely based on the Magic Association roleplay... Except it wasn't. While the premise of the novel was to play around with the Magic Association (Heroes' Guild) concept and how throwing a "normal mage" into the middle of a bunch of OP characters ends up leading to crazy things... What ended up happening was that I told a love story between a girl and her fairy familiar while basically ignoring the entire original concept of the novel... It ended up getting so far from its original concept that I actually wanna rewrite the whole novel while excluding this concept altogether and working with something else so as to not detract the novel from the love story I'm trying to tell.

I wanted to close this blog with a line of thought... Just how much work goes into adapting things? Like... Professionally. Adapting books into movies, for example. Just how much do you have to cut? What parts need to remain? What parts need to be completely changed? At what points does it ruin the essence of the book and become something else entirely? Those are interesting questions to think about. We usually just bash movies that make a poor adaptation of a book, but they honestly have a pretty hard job, and I'm starting to understand why things might not always come out in a way that we expect or that might please us, they just don't have the means to tell the story in the same way that the book originally told.

... Though I'm not saying stuff like Eragon and DBZ Evolution are forgivable. They're not. I'm fine with loose freeform adaptations, but not with garbage disguised as a movie.

Oh well, that's all I had to say on the topic~ *rolls out*


    1. AliceShiki Apr 23, 2021
      *hugs @Ai chan* Thanks for the almost-offer, but I wasn't really looking for help tbh! xD
      ... Especially because I like doing my writing alone without anyone editing it or whatever... I'm fine with roleplaying with others, but when I write novels I like doing it by myself, I have more freedom this way~

      ... I totally get the feeling of wanting more money though! Someone give me tons too! \(^^)/

      And good luck with all this many projects! I hope it goes well! >.<
      Ai chan and Hitedo like this.
    2. Ai chan Apr 23, 2021
      Ai-chan has never been part of the adventurers guild thread, but Ai-chan remembers roleplaying something similar a long time ago. The stuff we copy pasted from the thread alone could fill 1000 pages of a young adults book.

      Ai-chan would like to help, but Ai-chan is afraid that it will be more than Ai-chan could munch on. Ai-chan has promised to edit another author's book, which Ai-chan hasn't done yet. Ai-chan also is trying to break into the CYOA scene, to finish The Hounds of Hell, and to start work on Starship Supermall. The visual novels are currently postponed indefinitely because Ai-chan lacked funds to commit to it.

      Uwaaaaah! Somebody give Ai-chan lots of money please!
      Hitedo and AliceShiki like this.
    3. AliceShiki Apr 20, 2021
      @A5G_Reaper Well, I did read almost everything, pretty much the only things I skipped were from the first month of the game... And even then, I did read a fair bunch of them... >.>
      So if someone could be aware of everything, that someone would be me! xD

      I agree with your point nonetheless, nothing wrong in focusing on the stuff relevant to my own character~

      And yeah! Making it not annoying for the people that know the original while making it easily digestible by new viewers is definitely a super hard challenge! >.<

      @kyoshijiro Nothing wrong with Chibi style I say! I love those! \(^^)/

      And gz on making it into a comic, must have been a fun experience! ^^)/

      ... Though yeah, adapting novel/game characters into roleplays is usually kinda messy... Some people did that in AG and it usually ended up leading to something that was either utterly broken, or ultra boring, or that didn't mesh well with the setting as a whole... Or all 3.

      @pass1478 I did that with my first novel and MA, but that's not really what I'd want on a story with Hikari as the protagonist, because she is a very special character to me that went through a lot of very meaningful experiences that I'd like to portray~
      Hitedo and kyoshijiro like this.
    4. pass1478 Apr 20, 2021
      I'd personally just make a whole 'nother story that somewhat includes or references happenings from the AG, 'cause if you were to write a novel based on selected, specific events from the roleplay, then try to write around those events, I think it would come out as forced and not "natural." Though, that's just my opinion.
      Hitedo and kyoshijiro like this.
    5. kyoshijiro Apr 20, 2021
      Adapting from one media to another always changes things a lot. My best experience with this is the opposite of what you are doing now, I tried to adapt characters from novels I read into DnD characters to rp as. But there is a huge problem that most novel protagonists (at least those i read) tend to be loners, or have all sorts of OP or varied abilities that just break any balance in the gameplay and don't mesh well with the other players (at least with my crappy rp skills).
      Though i did try making a comic out of my first dnd adventure, i quite liked how it came out (i had to make everything chibi cause I couldn't draw that well) but it wasn't really a story, there was no real plot or conclusion.
      AliceShiki likes this.
    6. A5G_Reaper Apr 20, 2021
      I honestly dont think it's possible for anyone to be aware of everything going on in the whole AG. Everyone would only be familiar with what's immediately relevant to their characters, and maybe a few other points of interest. Nothing wrong with novelizing from your own view, you'll never get to put everything in.

      Adaptation is difficult because you have to balance so that people who are aware of the original materials aren't pissed off, while people who are not aware will be able to follow. I think it's most prevalent in books to movies, since there's a vast difference in the amount of content each can display. In contrast, RP and novel are both written media. It only requires a change of focus, your character going under the spotlight and everyone turning into support cast. The ending should be relevant only to your character while everyone else could still go on.

      DBZ is unforgiveable indeed. Or that Avatar movie (the airbender one not the blue people one). Among other things.
    7. AliceShiki Apr 20, 2021
      @Isaac20 I have one written in Scribblehub! It is linked somewhere in the middle of this blog post and in my signature as well.

      ... It's not thaaaat great of a novel in all honesty, I made plenty of mistakes that I wish I had done differently, but I'm still happy with the final result~
      Isaac20 likes this.
    8. Isaac20 Apr 20, 2021
      I didn't know ya were a writer.:blobpats: But once I found out I wanted to read one of your novels. It'll be a different experience since ya know the person who wrote it. So I hope to read one someday.:blobokhand:
      AliceShiki likes this.