Arcadia Blade(Internet Side) Part 2


Arcadia Blade

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!
Blog Posts:
Its been two days since I posted the first part and took sometime to try and post another part. This part is kinda weird as it mostly relates to me having a disease but I don't think I have a mental illness though I never gone through a check-up to know.

Also, if you haven't check out Part 1, let me give you a bit of summary just in case you get confused.

I was still an aspiring writer who wanted to make do with my writing skills and stumble to NUF by chance and began my journey to the crazy family that is NU and NUF.

I think that summarize it so I'll begin part 2.


Part 2: Dog Lovers, Schizophrenia and the start of my Dark History

I had a hard time adapting to NUF as not only is my english bad, but I was anti-social and hard to mingle with the people here.

Writing my original, getting feedback and even surfing for novel, I didn't actively join here and after introducing myself at a thread, I begin to notice that most people here have a 'Young Master Syndrome'.

"These people here are kinda arrogant on the internet." I was new to the internet and didn't know the craziness of what I've going to delve into but a sudden thought occured into my mind....

Is there a place where I can connect to here? These was such a thought that soon made my decisions a stupid one and started to drag me into making my black history...


I stumble on to making a fake persona like the rest of the people and thought I wouldn't regret my decision....

Boy, how I had dug myself into a hole that day...

Dog girls, creating a crazy personality of a chuunui, being dragged into the crazy world of the NUF family tree and even advocating my own religion where people had more cults here than my puny religion could do.

I was kinda happy, stressed and even enjoying myself, not knowing I would regret it in the near future at that time but I made new friends, some enemies and even a part in the family.

Now this is where I'll leave it here since part 3 focuses on the Nuffians that had made me stick a bit longer that took me sometime to leave NUF.

'Family, a strange relationship and misunderstandings'