Bills and Dates


Tachi Works

Not a very well known member
Blog Posts:
Netflix - Auto deposit - cancel
Student Loan - Autodeposit - figure out date
Phone bill - Autodeposit - figure out date
Storage unit - figure out date - deposit day of invoice or predeposit
Bank Fee - auto deposit - figure out # of daily transactions/date of fee/research credit cards

Aquire credit card to begin building credit. Pay student loan with credit card? or unsafe.

Bus - Buy a monthly pass in December

Loan 9375.43
Pay 760.02 bi-weekly

56.50 transit
106.00 loan
107.35 storage
84.75 phone
20.95 bank fees ($4 overdraft protection)
375.77 bills
9.99 netflix
385.54 bills - once a month

1134.5 a month..

bills are 279.54 without student loans so 1502.04 per month income
9375.43 loan if per month 1350 goes to loans i can pay off student loan in roughly 7 months with 130.89 a month left over for pocket money

if i spend 60 and save 70.89, i can save 496.23 of pocket money for 7 months.

Loan Repayment Estimator
$ 9,597.9 total paid (due to interest)
$ 1,371.13 a month
7 months

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