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Silver Snake

Magician of NUF|Show-off|Awkward|Genius
Blog Posts:
burger 4.jpg I'll start from top to bottom.
Toasted buns with mayo instead of ketchup. I mean, I already have tomatoes on the thing.
And over the top patty, instead of pickles I topped it with sliced jalapenos.
The cheese, monterey jack; I like the hint of spice, as you can tell from the prior mention of jalapenos.
And you can already see the rest is onion, tomato, and lettuce.

I think the most difficult part of a good burger is the patty, or patties in this case. Thin patties have crispier, better seared exteriors and thicker ones have rarer centers. They each have their pros, but I think the best type is when you have both. But how do you cook it perfectly as to have both!? Now that is probably the hardest part.
These patties are more so the thin, crispy ones, so I can't really say. Although I made sure not to cook it too long, so the centers weren't dry, but there was little to no hint of the pinkish red interior. However, you do need a thicker patty to make a more perfect burger. That much I am sure of.

I made fries too of course. But the picture I took focused more on the burger than the fries, so they're a bit blurry. They looked just as pretty as my burger, though!


    1. Ruyue Jan 21, 2019
      Oh that looks so good. *drools* Anyways can you please shows us the pictures of the fries. Since the burger looks so good, I want to see how good the fries are.