College Psych Series: Homework #3



Cocooned in a Life transition, Male
Blog Posts:
Well this was a lengthy questionnaire. Literally 240 questions, but it did give me a good idea on my general mindset of things.

It's the same website from Homework #2. Authentic Happiness by University of Pennsylvania. Just that the questionnaire this time is VIA Survey of Character Strengths.

VIA Character Strengths.png

1) Do you Agree with the results, explain your reasoning?

After taking the Strengths survey, I agree with the 5 strengths that are brought forth. Curiosity and interest in the world, appreciation of beauty and excellence, citizenship, teamwork, & loyalty, followed by judgement, critical thinking & open-mindedness and last love of learning. All of these things correlate to what I’ve experienced and done so far in my life. I’m free spirited and I have many interests. I dabble in art, drawing, crafting, building things. I enjoy taking in the scenery of things as well as appreciate the beauty of other people. I have a great desire to learn and would always read books, article, little snippets of stuff, whether they be in English or another language. Loyalty and teamwork are ingrained in me with my various life experiences. And throughout my life so far, I focus on trying to keep an open mind, and utilize critical thinking and judgement. I try to live authentically, making decisions in this absurd world.

2) What do you think about the Test itself?

Taking this survey was pretty lengthy in regards to time, but nothing bothersome. To me, after seeing the results I felt that the whole thing was worthwhile, At first I didn’t feel that way, but at the end my feelings for it changed. I was demotivated when I saw 240 questions at the top, but finishing it and reading my strengths made me feel really good about myself.

3) How could you apply this information in your life?

As for how could I apply this information to my life. I am already using my strengths in a majority of things I do. The teamwork and critical thinking thing is job-related, I indulge my curiosity and love of learning by immersing myself in various written, visual and auditory content, and enjoying & appreciating beauty is second-nature to me. There are areas in my life to improve on, but I may not get around to it until it comes up.

Overall the 240 question survey took me 30 minutes, to complete. That's like 6 questions in a minute or 1 question for every 10 seconds. But thanks for passing by and have an awesome day!

You and Kalto like this.


    1. Kuro_0ni Sep 22, 2019
      @Haerether I guess i'm used to the whole SAT/ACT time management thing. Efficiency is partially ingrained in me.

      I mean I just responded in a way, of whatever first came to mind. I just answered how I felt, which really surprised me in the end. I think If I overthought each question and deliberated it. I might have taken an hour or more to complete the whole thing.
    2. Haerether Sep 21, 2019
      Just wanna say.. you’re really good in answering the questions. They’re short-but-straight-to-the-point answers. If it were me, they’d be lengthy but I’d be answering in circles. :blobsweat::blobjoy:
      Kuro_0ni and Kalto like this.