War of the Worlds: Online(video game)



Heaven Refining, Male
Blog Posts:
Summary: War of the Worlds: Online, abbreviation; WWO, is a Virtual Reality Real Time Strategy game where 1 to 5 players in one team are fighting against another team with equal number of players in order to complete certain objectives depending on the game mode.

Developers: Centurion Studio, DVRi Studio

Publisher: Sheffield Games Entertainment

Date published: February 2128

Size: 58.75Tb

Number of active players: 1.2billion people

Game mode:

Locate and assassinate enemy leader to win the game

Locate and eliminate all of the opposing players to win the game

Invade and destroy all of the enemy forces on the targeted land, then defend for 10 minutes to win the game

Infiltrate and investigate enemy's nuclear launch code, plant a chip on a nuclear bomb and then evacuate to safe zone. Detonate the bomb to win the game

Total War
Completely annihilate the enemy forces to win the game.


Ancient Earth;
Time period: 3,000 BC – 1990
The wars in the game taken place during this era are sometimes real events

Note that the word ancient is being used loosely here.

Modern Earth;
Time period: 1990 - current
The wars in the game taken place during this era are sometimes real events

Futuristic Earth;
Time period: 500+ years later
The wars in the game taken place during this era are completely fictional

Alternate Earth;
A world where sword and magic exist, as well as the mythical creatures such as; elves, dwarves, beast people etc.
The wars taken place in this world is completely fictional

Non-Playable Characters:

Low tier NPCs;
Mostly consists of normal civilians, low-ranking soldiers, low-ranking police and wild animals.

Mid Tier NPCs;
Mostly consists of military officers, high-ranking police officers, local officers, small business owner and state officials

High Tier NPCs;
Mostly consists of high-ranking military officers such as Generals, high-ranking politicians, shareholders, huge businesses owners and celebrities.

Hero NPCs;
A special type of NPCs. Just like in history, there were bound to be several people whose names would be remembered forever for what they had achieved with abilities many times better than average people during their service.

Chances of appearing:-
Lowtier NPCs - 1.73% of every 5 millions
Midtier NPCs - 23.78% of every 5 millions
Hightier NPCs - 0.12% of every 5 millions

Player-owned NPCs;
NPCs that are specifically created by the players to assist them in their game. Only 1 is allowed for every player.

How to play:


Players will automatically have the highest authority in the area they are given to govern

At the start of the game, players were randomly given a base to defend, construct and rule. Faster construction will have advantages over others

Then, they themselves will decide what will their game mode be. Note that the enemy team will probably have different objectives. For example, team A chooses Assassination while team B choose Total War. Whichever team to complete their objective first wins the game.

Before the game:

Select find match, then select parameters if you want a specific era. Note that you may not get what you want.

At the start of the game:

You and the others will command NPCs to construct whatever you deem necessary.

Then you and the others will create an army suitable for your objective

Once you judge that your defend is solid, you may execute your plan. Note that nothing is stopping you from not creating a defense.

It is recommended that 2 people are on attacking, or in another, the ones who to complete the objective, 2 people on defense, to prevent enemies from achieving their objective and 1 person to oversee the war.

Climax of the game:

Confrontation is hardly avoidable, send NPCs under your command to defend or attack.

Note that you can actually change your objective midgame if all the players agree to it.

Player ranking:

You will be judge based on your performance in the game. You will either be rewarded with honor or lose honor.

0-500 honor

501-1000 honor

1001-2000 honor

2001-3000 honor

3001-3500 honor

3501-4000 honor

4001-4500 honor

4501-5000 honor

5001-6000 honor

6001-7000 honor


My rough VR esport game for the novel I'm gonna write. Gonna make lots of improvement later.


    1. conscript117 Mar 26, 2019
      It looks interesting...
    2. AMissingLinguist Mar 25, 2019
    3. AMissingLinguist Mar 25, 2019
      Tb is Terabits, while TB is terabytes. Tb is for the speed of connection, like Tbps, while TB is for storage space. This is technical stuff to know.
    4. SoulZer0 Dec 31, 2018
      It's quite hard to create a game, even when it's completely fictional, haha. When you see an error or contradiction, feel free to point it out
    5. Silver Snake Dec 31, 2018
      AMissingLinguist and R00 like this.