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Blog Posts:

An idea that probably won’t/can’t be implemented on nuf, gonna let it buried here. :blobcry:
Type : Shop Item
Name : Bomb
Description : Throw a Bomb on user profile
Effect : Countdown 10 mins(example). If users don’t defuse the bomb. User will receive a message on his profile by @justabot telling them they died.
Optional addition : May create a ranking : Number of deaths/bomb defused/bomb thrown.
Usefulness : For fun, use nuffies, friendship up, ...
4 options :
Choose one of the three colors to attempt to defuse it by yourself (try your luck,1/3 chance) or hire an expert and get it defuse for sure. Wrong color = BOOM!
Only the receiver can choose an option to defuse the bomb

Got this idea in my head since i read some users writing « threw a bomb » or leave something on some user profiles sometime ago. That’s great if we can have a higher range of items in the shop. :cookie:
Leave your thoughts if you want. :blobnobully::blobpeek:


Gonna leave random things in this blog from now on i guess. Better than create a new blog each time.


    1. Archaic pickle Mar 3, 2019
      Dancing Tony with Kung Fu action
      AMissingLinguist and sufod01 like this.
    2. rilakkuma Mar 3, 2019
      Woah! Tony is walking :aww:
      AMissingLinguist and sufod01 like this.