

Blog Posts:
Okay, so a rant.
My family asks me why do I never interact with them, when they treat me like shit when I do interact with me. My mother constantly compares me to my older sister saying, "why can't you be more like her!?". Bruh, me and my sister are both different people, how the fuck am I supposed to like her? Whenever I say back anything to my family when they are the ones at fault, they are like how dare you talk back like that to your elders!? Honestly, all my family members are so fucking contradictory that I don't even want to talk to them anymore. My mother openly shows favoritism towards my sister, and calls me a mistake (?) Like tf hoe it wasn't my fault you decided to do the deed without protection or your protection broke. Anyways, just because of my braindead family I am not going to stop enjoying life

You and Madain like this.


    1. Halcyon Observer Apr 16, 2021
      Constantly comparing a child to others is a mistake many make in parenting. Not only does it sour relationships between the parent and child in addition to the child's relationships with the children they are compared to, it can completely purge any motivation the child had to do better. Imagine trying your best in something only to be asked why the kid down the street did better than you. If you're not going to acknowledge the effort, why put in the effort at all?

      It makes for trauma and toxic relationships in the future too, because they only learn to see competition, not cooperation. And it strains family relationships that perhaps, could have been a lot closer.
    2. Bobasis Apr 12, 2021
    3. nyamachi Apr 12, 2021
      *pats pats pats*
    4. Naraina Apr 12, 2021
      Everything will be okay.
    5. melomarl Apr 12, 2021
      You can move out once you're old enough. For now, you gotta suck it up
    6. melomarl Apr 12, 2021
      *pats pats pats*
      shaquille oatmeal likes this.