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Quick transmigration, Fast wear, World Hopping: A genre in which the MC travels to multiple worlds, realms, or dimensions

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QuickTransmigration[Female!MC] [BG] / [No CP]

I am a full-time playmaker (Quickly wear) 专职加戏的我(快穿)
Bai Yueguang [White moonlight] breaks up everyday 白月光分手日常

Accidentally robbed the system [Quick Wear] 不小心夺舍了系统[快穿]

[No CP] Female partner is addicted to science [Quick Wear] 【无CP】女配沉迷科学[快穿]

Quickly wear and hunt the black villain 快穿猎捕黑化反派

The goddess of war's black packet group 女战神的黑包群

Fast wear: villain, you are poisonous 快穿:反派女配,你有毒

Fast wear: The villain's salvation plan 快穿之反派男主救赎计划

Quickly Transmigration Su Daji: Male god, tease one! 快穿苏妲己:男神,撩一个!

Quickly wear to pamper the male host: My host is sick Jiao 快穿宠男主:我的宿主是病娇

Quick transmigration the little expert: the mysterious BOSS keeps stalking BOSS - 快穿小能手:神秘BOSS撩不停

The people I've scumbag fall in love with me 被我渣过的人都爱上我了

I can always find a better next 我总能找到更好的下任
The happiness of the villain 快穿之反派的幸福

Quick transmigration the little expert: the mysterious BOSS keeps stalking BOSS - 快穿小能手:神秘BOSS撩不停

The people I've scumbag fall in love with me 被我渣过的人都爱上我了

I can always find a better next 我总能找到更好的下任

I am the paranoid villain harvester [Quick wear] 我是偏执反派收割机[快穿]

Quickly wear it: Help, the hero is all broken! 快穿:救命,男主全都崩壞了!

The Protagonist's Halo [Quick Transmigration] 主角光环[快穿]

穿成男主白月光[快穿]- Male lead’s First Love

龙傲天争着当我爹[快穿] - Baby panda Mc reincarnation as a human baby. It’s a funny slice of life, romance QT story.

Grandma Transmigrated As A Cannon Fodder (Quick Transmigration) 穿成炮灰配角的奶奶(快穿)

Women's Splendid Ronghua (Quick Transmigration) 女配锦绣荣华(快穿)

QuickTransmigration[BL] [B!MC] / [T!MC]

I'm sorry, I'm cold here [Quick wear] 不好意思,在下冷淡[快穿]

Scum attack, you don't understand love [Quick pass] 渣攻你不懂爱[快穿]

Male with a high position, kicking the male lead [fast wear] 男配上位,踹飞男主[快穿]

He heard his lover discussing with the system how to attack him 他听到爱人在和系统讨论怎么攻略他

[No CP] The gluttonous food collapses the plot [Quickly wear] 【无CP】饕餮吃崩了剧情[快穿]

Volunteer to be a male match [Quick Wear] 自愿做男配[快穿]

Interstellar Most Wanted [Quick Pass] 星际第一通缉犯[快穿]

[No CP] [Comprehensive Martial Arts] My life will stop 【无CP】[综武侠]吾命将休

QuickTransmigration[male!MC] [BG] / [No CP]

The male god only wants to serve the country 男神一心只想报效国家[快穿]

Male with a high position, kicking the male lead [fast wear] 男配上位,踹飞男主[快穿]

He heard his lover discussing with the system how to attack him 他听到爱人在和系统讨论怎么攻略他

[No CP] The gluttonous food collapses the plot [Quickly wear] 【无CP】饕餮吃崩了剧情[快穿]

[No CP] [Comprehensive Martial Arts] My life will stop 【无CP】[综武侠]吾命将休

[Sword Three] Nothing to Do_Xiaohu Xili [End] [剑三]闲来无事_小狐昔里【完结】

Hardcore Quick Wear_Little Fox Xili [End + Fan Wai] 硬核快穿_小狐昔里【完结+番外】

[Comprehensive] Zhao Ru Sun and Moon_Little Fox Xili [End + Fan Wai] [综]昭如日月_小狐昔里【完结+番外】


    1. nomama Jun 23, 2023
      Can you suggest qt novels with female mc? I have read most of them you wrote. You are really really a person with a good taste in books, ı think you are best one (kissss :DDD)
    2. NightmareSeller Nov 7, 2021
    3. pleasepickthisup Nov 6, 2021
      Hey NightmareSeller, do you mind telling me which ones of these you personally enjoyed the most?
    4. NightmareSeller Nov 30, 2020
      Male MC [But they are without CP, neither BL nor Bg]
      Male with a high position, kicking the male lead [fast wear] 男配上位,踹飞男主[快穿]

      He heard his lover discussing with the system how to attack him 他听到爱人在和系统讨论怎么攻略他

      [No CP] The gluttonous food collapses the plot [Quickly wear] 【无CP】饕餮吃崩了剧情[快穿]

      The male god only wants to serve the country 男神一心只想报效国家[快穿]

      [No CP] [Comprehensive Martial Arts] My life will stop 【无CP】[综武侠]吾命将休

      [Sword Three] Nothing to Do_Xiaohu Xili [End] [剑三]闲来无事_小狐昔里【完结】

      Hardcore Quick Wear_Little Fox Xili [End + Fan Wai] 硬核快穿_小狐昔里【完结+番外】

      [Comprehensive] Zhao Ru Sun and Moon_Little Fox Xili [End + Fan Wai] [综]昭如日月_小狐昔里【完结+番外】
      Anirose likes this.
    5. Klazy Labbit Nov 30, 2020
      I do like qt novels but I only read ones with male mc or gl qt. How many fit these two types in this list?