Creating a language part IV



Loves cats and pats and my wife, Male
Blog Posts:

An upside down woman who bullies watermelons once said to me

I hope you enjoy creating hundreds of thousands of words and a completely new grammar structure.....

And, well, it is a problem.

But it also has a very simple solution.

We are going to generalise like hell.

Joy? Happy? Good? Healthy? Fix? Excitement? Repair?

All are one word. That word would be decided later on, or you can give recommendations now, and it would be defined as

Anything positive.

Same with

Sad, depressed, sick, ill, hurts, wounded, dead....

Okay, we probably need a few more words.

Dead definitely needs its own word, give recommendations.

And coming back to negative words

Sad, depressed, bad, useless, ill, broken

All will be same word. Give recommendations what, and it would be defined as

Something bad.


If you are sad, sick, depressed, same words will be used.

If your bone is broken, if your house is burnt, if your friends betray you, the same word would still be used.




We need some adjectives.

Very, excess, big, etc, will be one word. Decide what it would be.

Small, little, few, etc will be one word. Do your thing now.

Also, one thing I saw in Toki Pona,

The meaning of nibble is same as little.

And meaning of glomp is same as big.

Weird, right?

So, about pronouns.

Even though they will exist(probably) I rather not use them. Let's have that unless its not confusing, pronouns can be skipped.



Should be enough to say "I am Agentt."

Or so I hope...


This is a bit late but, about consonants, I searched and found that 'p', 't', 'k', 'm' and 'n' are almost universal consonants.

That is, they are found in almost all languages.

So...hopefully, these 5 consonants will be enough.

I know they won't be. So, let's include B, D, V, S and K as well.

Also, regarding the vowel system, I have decided to use

Aa, as an AAAHHH

Ow, as in cow

Au, as in awe

O, as in Oh

Oo, as in gloom

Ae, as in Hey

I, as in wryyyyyyy

So....get to work people. I need some new words.

Isaac20 and SylviaViolet like this.


    1. SylviaViolet Jun 19, 2021
      Pfft... I was just wondering what happened if your husband broke a bone and you understood it as he was cheating on you......
      Agentt likes this.
    2. SylviaViolet Jun 19, 2021
      So are you creating this language or making people create it?
      Agentt likes this.
    3. Agentt Jun 19, 2021
      Now that I think of it, "Bone sad" can mean both, depending on how perverted the other person is,

      I need some help!
      SylviaViolet likes this.
    4. SylviaViolet Jun 19, 2021
      I don't have a solution for your crazy generalization system but for words, just throw the consonants into a program that gives you all permutations and add vowels as required. Then match them with words you need to create as per the dictionary order. Well you'll end up with a code-ish language but it's better than personally creating so many words.
    5. Agentt Jun 19, 2021
      Ala, spam alert
    6. Agentt Jun 19, 2021
      That was a real amazing suggestion. I would do that a lot.
      Because of your suggestion, I now have 1 less reason to give up
      But still, you all are free to create a word! Like, isn't there excitement?
      SylviaViolet likes this.
    7. Napelynn Jun 20, 2021
      The category is art?
    8. Agentt Jun 20, 2021
      What else but art can be used for this historical moment?