Goodbye (Poems)



Grumpy and Awkward <3, Female
Blog Posts:
It's the first rain of the month
And also the end of us

Your lost eyes staring at me
And I can feel heartache growing inside
The cold wind keeps stabbing at my spine
And I can't decipher why I'm trembling

Is it the coldness from the wind?
Or is it the coldness that slowly fills my heart?

Let's say goodbye tonight
Let's end this before the pain cripples us both,
as we're already numb with the fight

This love is getting colder
And I'm tired sitting on the floor,
feeling the cold pain stabbing my heart

There's no point in keeping us
This empty shell of love
The coldness that keeps ripping our hearts
Yet we still refuse to let go

So let's say goodbye
And go to our separate ways
And that doesn't mean that you're alone
As I'll always be there when you need me
It's just...
I'll no longer be yours

Why do we keep holding on?
The scars we are hiding,
they're not healed but festered

We can still remember those laughs
We can still remember those sweet smiles
We can still treasure all of those moments
Be it the ones where we cry of joy, or even the cries of sadness
It's just...
That you'll no longer be mine

But we don't have to be together,
to be able to support each other
And staying together,
can't guarantee that we will always be here

So let's say goodbye
Goodbye towards this empty love

And I know that it will be hard
But one day you will be with someone better
Someone who will understand you
Someone who will love you
Just like I did

And one day I'll also find someone
Someone who will take care of me
Someone who will love me
Just like you did

So let's let go of each other
Let go of this broken line
Let go of this cold string

And let's say goodbye
Goodbye towards our memories
Goodbye towards our past
Goodbye to each other

That's okay if we both cry
That's okay if we're both pained for a while
But we will get through this
We will get better things in the future
It's just that you'll no longer be mine,
and I'll no longer be yours

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