Hero City


Silver Snake

Magician of NUF|Show-off|Awkward|Genius
Blog Posts:
This is Hero city. It was called something else a long time ago. It was a real name, instead of the almost comical one it has now. But it's the epicenter of all things weird and out of the ordinary. Not only is it the home of the most advanced scientific studies, but if aliens were to invade then this is the place they would always start (probably because of the machines(weapons) that used to only appear in science fiction here), and if anything stranger than aliens or science - bordering on magic - were to happen then you can bet it the real deal, magic that is, did in fact pop out of thin air.

There's nothing like the whistle of the wind amidst the cold night air. I'm overlooking the city on a ledge of one of the shorter skyscrapers, aside a gargoyle perched along the building's corner. How did I get up here? Well, I used my trusty grappling hook gun. Yes, exactly like the one batman uses. Ah, but it doesn't have a bat sign on it and it's not in the shape of a bat either, so not exactly I guess. I'd probably get sued it had anything bat-like on it. But it works just as well...probably.

Why am I up here? Well, I'm a superhero and what better way to find trouble other than going up somewhere high and looking around? What do you mean that sounds like something a kid would do? That using police scanner would be far more practical? *sigh* That's what being practical gets you these days. A bunch of people waiting in a room for the radio to tell them to do their jobs. Fine, it's not technically a job, since I don't get paid for it; suppose it's a hobby then.

Anyways, my point is it's boring and lacking in any romance. Overlooking a sparkling metropolis is simply a must for a superhero. Maybe I will try that radio thing out. It's actually pretty hard to notice much being so up high from the ground, but the view sure is pretty, but it is getting pretty boring. Oh, look over there! A guy in a mad scientist getup is directing a bunch of muscly minion-looking fellas with a gun the size of a small child! It's my time to shine! I drew my grappling hook gun from it's holster, fired it at a semi-nearby building, tugged on it - safety first - , and swung down to the sidewalk across from the probable supervillain.

Hm, thinking about it now, I haven't really landed all that often. "Oh god!" *BAM* Ugh, why is there so much crap on the sidewalks these days. I know people need to advertise their businesses, but isn't that what the store window's for? I slammed right into a folding sign advertising cashback on used cars. What a rip is all I could think. I mean, there's no way it's not a scam, right? "What was I doing again? Oh, yeah." I got up. "Oww! My back!" Or tried to. I might not be cut out for this hero business. The supervillain, focus on the supervillain. I looked across the street. Already gone. Great, just great.


    1. Silver Snake Dec 21, 2018
    2. UnGrave Dec 20, 2018
      Ah, I see now what that post on my thread was about. Nice work.
      Silver Snake likes this.
    3. Silver Snake Dec 20, 2018
      Archaic pickle likes this.
    4. Archaic pickle Dec 20, 2018
      Cool? Feels like a Batman one-punchman crossover
      Silver Snake likes this.