Hero: The Story of Nobody

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Bad Storm

no thought, head empty
Blog Posts:
There are monsters everywhere
Humans are the worst monsters
I bash them with a shield,
They smile to your face
Slay them with swords
But kill you with words
Their blood waters the earth
Your heart numbed by pain
Dying screams echo in the valley
Your shout without a voice
This is where I belong
You belong nowhere
High mountains, ferocious seas
Living in the fringe of the city
Seeking adventure
Finding trouble

In this life

In this life
The finest things come free
Nothing's free but misery
Feasts lay bare for the taking
Cup noodles again for dinner
Sweetest nectars for drinking
Soda cans on the floor
I am the Hero
You're nothing, a nobody
Loved by the kingdom
Scorned by society
My destiny is in my hands
Just a little stringed-puppet
And I'm saving the world
The world won't save you

"Hero: The Story of Nobody"
Courtesy of the ʂɬơཞɱ ɠųıƖɖ
This poem is brought to you by @Effugium. Thanks for your patronage~
(Though really, I think my writing diverged a bit from the original intention :blob_blush: )

@SummerForest, this was the poem I was stuck to. I'll write the reverse poem later. And you know, I just realized that I could have ask @Bielt for tips in writing this... Why didn't I realize that earlier? :blob_catflip:

You, Emmyy, XXOOMEPLS and 8 others like this.


    1. Bad Storm Jun 13, 2019
      @Bielt those are some nice good points. Thank you~

      Personally I had an easier time writing it all in one go. Before doing some editing. Helps me keep the cohesiveness. But the trouble I had was the flow progression (?) so I needed to do some rearranging and even cut the stanza where I did.

      I actually tried to center "In this life"... I didn't like how it doesn't seem to fit in either poem! It's like seeing a misaligned domino in the center... :sushi_dead:
    2. Bielt Jun 13, 2019
      @Bad Storm the poem is really good!
      I specially like the nobody side as it's pretty deep and it touched some points which many people feel or has already felt~
      Really good

      About both together they are really good hero part managed to increase the depth of the feelings of nobody's side because they contrast each other so much~

      @SummerForest XD
      Well I am not that great at it myself~
      And the process of creation of that kind of poem is quite heretic~

      I think that making both poems have the same level of deepness is really hard and the main obstacle on the writing process

      Besides that I personally like to separate poems with this style of play into 2 divisions based on what you intent it to pass.

      1st is contrast, when you want them to increase the deepness of each other but not exactly interact with each other
      I believe this one fall into it and must say it was done superbly~
      The biggest issue on writing this type of poem is that sometimes the contrast doesn't work both ways~ so it makes it look like that one side is only there to support the other.

      The 2nd divisions is interaction, when you want them to be able to be read separated or together, be it in the form of a conversation or as complement of each other.
      This type is very complex because you want to actually make not 2 poems but 3, the lines need to make sense alone and with the line of the other poem mixed in.
      What I can give as tip is to rewrite, and use thesaurus or other dictionaries as much as possible~

      What I normally do is to make up an general idea for the 3 poems and what I want them to pass, then I start to write one side while already thinking of the other, I normally work with 3 pages open, 1 for each side and one for the mixed version.
      And whenever I add a line I put it on the mixed version to see how it will get.
      I usually start writing only 1 but fastly end writing both sides at the same time, cause it's important to not forget any idea for lines you get~

      After having both sides looking good, I focus on the mixed version and start to alter the wording and even the position of each line to make the flow better (this part is where I use thesaurus the most since I usually need to find more ambiguous words for many lines), but it's also Important to keep checking the separate version to see if their meaning are still good~

      Another tip I can give is that you really should abuse but tools while making the layout of the poem~
      How the poem is delivered is really important for any of the 2 types~
      It can alter the flow of reading~

      For example on your poem you could have put the line "in this life" which appears in both sides, on the center of the page and not change it's color.
      That way it would appear in either nuf theme, and it could give the sense that the poems have a deeper interaction since there would be no need to place the same line two times on the blog~
      Flamer, Bad Storm and SummerForest like this.
    3. Bad Storm Jun 12, 2019
      Bielt and SummerForest like this.
    4. SummerForest Jun 12, 2019
      It's a nice one. Loved it. Asking for tips from @Bielt is a good idea. Go on~
      Bielt and Bad Storm like this.