I did a poem

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°˖✧Aho desu ga, Nani ka?✧˖° 《Liking Fiend》, Female
Blog Posts:
Within my soul
Resides a tune
One so dysfunctional
Yet strangely attuned
To the hymms that bounce of my lashes
And leave me in wisps of exhales
To the words I scream during my crashes
On lonely summer days

She caresses my organs
And incorporates their tones
Their innermost prayers
To itself, to the tune
She gives heed when many would rather
Carry on, unaware
Of the battles each fleshy organ
Bears within its stare

Within my soul
Resides a tune
Of tones and hymms and prayers
Of barely uttered sentences
Of never expressed swears
The tune whispers to the wounds
Promises of better days
And the wounds in turn believe and ache
Waiting for even a little exhale

She then gathers way within me and tangles with my soul
In their tango of woe and joy, in familiar steps of their own
Her murmurs of hope, remain steady
Forever leading the way, on dawns and dusks where despair leaves my mind frayed.
My crashes eased, my screams released.
Fire within me renewed.
I once again rise to take, the world on anew.

I tried to do poetry?


    1. amilhs Mar 16, 2021
      Np. ;))
      Y hide though?kek
    2. melomarl Mar 16, 2021
      Yessh I have it saved for a long time in my pins. It's not mine btw but it's very pretty.
    3. Ahodesuga Mar 16, 2021
      @pandanonic oooo, tea, gimme gimme.

      @melomarl that's a beautiful drawing wow.

      @amilhs arigato.:blobpeek:

      @Jevanka926 that's what I was going for. :aww::blobnom:
      amilhs and melomarl like this.
    4. Jevanka926 Mar 15, 2021
      It's so good, calming yet fiery :blobpeek:
      Aho likes this.
    5. amilhs Mar 15, 2021
      Aho likes this.
    6. melomarl Mar 15, 2021
      A photo to accompany the artful lines~
      Aho likes this.
    7. Pandamonic Mar 15, 2021
      Enjoyed this with a cup of coffee.
      Aho likes this.
    8. Ahodesuga Mar 14, 2021
      @Cutter Masterson it's my very fist poem, I hope to improve. Thank you for the comment. :blobnom: