Lazy MC~



[Ani's C☕ffee-mate #3] [Shady Merchant], Male
Blog Posts:
Here we have the lazy MC.

Person A: Things are happening.
MC: Nah I’m not interested.
Person A: People could get hurt.
MC: I told ya I’m not interested.
Person A: People may die.
MC: Too bothersome. It’s nothing to do with me.
Person A: Crap! It’s gotten serious. We need to fix this now.
MC: Someone else can do it.
Person A: It’s a disaster, people have died.
MC: Oh, I better take action.
Person A: It’s too late to fix things.
MC: I’ll just destroy everything then.
Person A: It’s such a shame all this happened.
MC: Yes it is.
Me: .........
Me: I have two word for ya~ fucking idiot!

Not sure if I’m saying that’s to the mc or the writer~

You, Matsurika, Bitter Sweet and 2 others like this.


    1. akki Dec 21, 2018
      @Setra true. And if that was the mc’s attitude from start to end I wouldn’t care too much. But when the mc decides to intervene after a lot of people have died, he’s not obliged to do it then either. Yet he still does it. It’s stupid~
    2. Setra Dec 21, 2018
      Sounds (almost) like The Returner :LOL:
      Then again, just because MC can do things doesn't mean he is obliged to do it.