Loneliness, Confidence, Relationships, Friendships and Selfishness.



『Shem's Best Pal ✧ Lexi's Ani ✧ Hamster's Keeper』, Male
Blog Posts:
Have you ever felt Selfish for being Lonely? Maybe felt like you constantly have to put effort into talking to someone, even if you both seem to enjoy the time. Maybe you've even talked to someone every day for years, but felt if you were to stop contacting them tomorrow, you'd never hear from them again?

In your head, you know its stupid. People have their own lives. You can't expect people to fit neatly into your expectations or thoughts. And yet you start to wonder if You're really as close to people as you believe. Or if its just all in your head. If to them, you're just words on the Internet.

They say Communication is Key in any kind of relationship; Work, Family, Friends, Love... but how do you communicate that? The feeling that even in a room full of people, with a smile on your face, you feel alone? That even if you were there or not, it wouldn't really matter to the others. Just another face to talk to, but never really connecting or understanding.

I joke a lot about never having Dated before, but maybe that is one of the reasons I am so Nosy sometimes. Its funny; when I see my friends in happy and Healthy relationships, I can't help but grin ear to ear. It makes me happy to know they're Happy. Like I want to know every detail and story and share in that happiness.

Part of it is the interest, seeing how people interact in a way I feel like I'll never experience. But another part is the relief as well; I see them have someone there for them. Someone who cares that they're there. Someone who would miss them if they're gone. I know they won't have to feel like I do sometimes. I think that thought makes me grin all the more.

Yet, every now and again, I end up back in that corner of the room, alone with my thoughts. Watching the people go by, happy and smiling, wondering why I can't do the same. What is it that holds me back? Even when I start to feel that selfish jealousy well back up, I can feel it poison my confidence.
Even now I don't think I could do what others do. I don't know what it takes to make someone happy like that. To have someone who thinks about you, and to think about them in return. For all of my watching and ideas about what a "Relationship" should be, in the end they are just that. Idea, Opinions, theories. Like its some kinda Puzzle to be solved or game to be won, instead of two people sharing their lives.

Even in Friendships, I find myself falling back into those kinds of thoughts. That I'm not a "Good Friend", that I'm not doing what I should. That if I was REALLY their friend, they'd want me around.
In my own selfishness, I end up doubting and overthinking, trying to figure out the missing pieces and "Fix" the problem. All the while, forgetting that a Relationship in any situation is a project between TWO people.

So in the end, by pushing them out of the equation, I end up truly alone...

*Osa rant over. Nothing to see here people, move along!*

You, Naraina, Pyoo and 10 others like this.


    1. Osamaru Feb 8, 2020
      Loni4ever likes this.
    2. Loni4ever Feb 8, 2020
      *leaves cookie and moves along* :cookie:
      Osamaru and Aquaa like this.
    3. Lurking Feb 6, 2020
      my brothers currently roomates with the internet friends he made in high school...

      so bonds can be worth much?

      i dont think i could acheive that level of friendships tho. but its possible apparently. *sighs*

      *patpat @Aquaa*
      Osamaru, Loni4ever and Aquaa like this.
    4. Osamaru Feb 5, 2020
    5. Emmyy Feb 5, 2020
      Good blog!I really like your honesty!
      I'm intrinsically a happy extrovert who likes to be alone sometimes..I think it replenishes my soul. So being alone doesn't need to equate w/ lonely.

      I took a few moments myself today to reflect on a lost friendship... even though it may no longer have meaning for the other person it doesn't diminish the love you feel still when something reminds you of them. I think a person needs to still engage even if heartache might come your way... living life is better than watching it go by...for every sad moment there are so many more happy ones...:p

      I have to say I haven't been on NUF lately but you made me laugh yesterday! You are an amazingly warm guy who ppl ❤! Its a shame to think you aren't sharing your awesome self irl!
      Pyoo, Loni4ever, Lurking and 2 others like this.
    6. Osamaru Feb 5, 2020
      @Aquaa yup. In my head, I know the questions and doubts are pointless in the end.
      None the less, they come. Make you wonder if the effort is worth it. Worse yet, they can cause you to jump to conclusions, good or bad, and forget to even include the other person.

      That's why I call them selfish. Sometimes I'll find myself daydreaming about some distant, far off relationship, about experiencing the things I see other people have.
      But I forget to think about how the person would think if they knew. Forget to think about what they would want or need.

      XD hahahahahaha, of course that just feeds into the cycle, so it's hard to squash that kind of train of thought.

      None the less, I try and learn and grow. Guess that's all I can really do in the end.
      Loni4ever, Lurking, blues86 and 2 others like this.
    7. Aquaa Feb 5, 2020
      Hahaha , it's just whenever I am all alone, without phone I ponder about my online life, I wonder if I disappear will anyone bother to remember me years later? Or those who I think I am close to,were someone I never understood or didn't mean anything to them.
      I always want to disappear and focus in my rl and become a normie but I can't because of some bonds I made here but then again I think, are these bonds strong enough that they Will remember me for a long time and worth my time and energy and emotions ?

      These questions I think I won't ever get a answer, and Will be left to ponder upon

      It's hypocritical of me to say life moves on I should forget my past and all the friends who disappeared but somewhere I miss talking to them like I used

      So many questions left unanswered so many days to wait..is it even worth ?

      Lurking and Osamaru like this.
    8. Osamaru Feb 5, 2020
      @Aquaa ( ̄▽ ̄) I'm rubbing off on you. (still not old though!)
      Loni4ever and Aquaa like this.