Mom (Poems)



Grumpy and Awkward <3, Female
Blog Posts:
Mom said to never give anyone your entire heart
Always keep most of it for you and God
Thus I may never understand
The feeling of falling head over heels
But not that I want to try it anyway
Sometimes I even wonder,
Does she ever love someone?

Mom said women must be strong and independent
Even as a wife
Because you never know
When the world will turn its back on you

Mom said calmness is the key
Enjoy things as you should
Let everything flows like a river
But don't take anything for granted

Mom said loving yourself is a must
And confidence is something to be used
Yet never be arrogant
Well, unless someone really asks for a slap, she said

Mom is gentle
But she's also a fierce fighter
She's a lover
But she's someone not be messed with
She's more than just a mother
She's a teacher, a friend, a guide

Ah, I wish I could be as sharp as her
Eloquent in words and brave in spirit
I just wish I could always be beside her

Table of Contents

Coffea to Ell and Msmarl like this.


    1. Jevanka926 Jan 7, 2021
      Msmarl likes this.
    2. melomarl Jan 6, 2021
      Sounds like a great and loving mum
      Jevanka926 likes this.