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Kadupul flower* blooms at midnight*dies at dawn, Female
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@Bad Storm "you look your greatest when you feel like a damn queen"' :p.. we are all just playin a game tryin to win at life.."
Back from your poem..too sad!..

Bad Storm likes this.


    1. Emmyy Nov 6, 2018
      @Bad Storm I thought your poem's title all in caps made me say WHAT? Lololol
    2. Emmyy Nov 6, 2018
      @Tycheri owwww! How long for recovery? I will check out your story!
      Bad Storm likes this.
    3. Emmyy Nov 6, 2018
      @Tycheri HAHA.. I also found inspiration..I always pretend like Im a ninja in the Jianghu when Im roughing it lolol..might write a are yours coming?
      Bad Storm likes this.
    4. Bad Storm Nov 6, 2018
      Oh, I didn't notice that '-'
      Emmyy likes this.
    5. Emmyy Nov 6, 2018
      @Tycheri I love hiking..I always feel so alive when I go..come back refreshed..I think an inexperienced hiker might feel it draining:)
      Tycheri likes this.
    6. Silver Snake Nov 6, 2018
      Were the mountains hell? I hear that the high altitude can be... draining.
      Emmyy likes this.
    7. Bad Storm Nov 6, 2018
      Haha the last one? But the words are simple, the implications are a bit vague, too, the rhythm is barely there, is or really sad?

      Nice song btw
      Emmyy likes this.
    8. Silver Snake Nov 6, 2018
      I don't think too long, one to two weeks. I can almost type like I normally do without much pain.
      Emmyy and Bad Storm like this.