My Thoughts On the Barrier Between Life and Death



one and a two and a bing bang boo!, Male
Blog Posts:

It's also really weird.

So, I know I'm talking about life and death, and you're probably thinking, 'Well, what's this dude gonna do now?' since I really don't make blogs... :blobsweat_2:

Well then, I would like to talk about a very controversial topic that's not that controversial since we rarely bring it up and pay heed to it until it faces us with its fangs bared — at least in my opinion — that I have this weird thought on: The thing that separates something alive from something dead. Nothing religious or anything.

Let's get started...

I think that the barrier that separates life from death is something just like the equator: we know it's there, but we can't see it. It's basically just imagination that helps us feel what's there is there. We cannot see life, and neither can we see death. However, we know it's there. Well, we can see death, by, you know, looking at dead things, but that's not what I am talking about. What I am talking about when I say 'life and death' is the thing that is the very first unadulterated version of the word 'life' or 'death'.

Like, we know one meaning of 'life' is the existence of an individual human being or animal. The other meaning, the one I'm talking about today, is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

The death that I mean here is the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.

So, put simply, I am talking about the barrier that differentiates our existence or non-existence.

Here it goes:

I think that if we needed to know our existence, we'd need to go through time over and over again until we reach this place I'd like to call the 'Beginning'. This Beginning, when speaking scientifically, is the Big Bang. Of course, we don't know if the Big Bang really was the Beginning, but let's just start here for some purposes. The equivalent of this religiously would be any GOD creating something. (But I will not get into this too deeply.)

Now, we have thought of the Beginning, the very first thing that's happened. If I wanted to go through with my logic, I would also now need to ask you this question. 'What happens after the past is in the past?' And no, I am not quoting a line from 'Let it Go'. I am seriously asking you this. :blobsweat:

Imagine this. You are walking. You take one step and completely stop. However, your body is still moving. Your heart is pumping. Your brain is coordinating your body's nerves and muscles. So, did you stop? No. If you truly stopped, you'd be dead.

Stopping means '(of an event, action, or process) coming to an end; cease to happen'. Now, what do we know about 'end'? 'Come or bring to a final point; finish' is a definition. What do you need to 'bring something to a final point'? You need to be able to measure a time. A period of time, to be exact. Even more specifically, you'd need the past.

You cannot bring something to an end after it is ended, right? You need to bring it to an end before it is ended. To do that, you need to end it in the present. However, if you did that, you would be leaning closer to having ended it in the past because it would be closer to the time you ended the specific thing in question than before you ended the thing. Confusing, right? :blobdizzy::blobdizzy:

However, you ended the thing in the 'past'. So, what happened to the thing before the past happened? Basically, after ending the thing you just ended, you would leave for a few seconds and then go back to time to see what happened to the thing in the moments before you left by going back in time. It would probably be frozen in place because the thing in question died in the future, so it is entirely possible that the end for this thing would be the same as the end for the thing in the future — unless you didn't come back to this time before it was ended. So, in layman's terms, because you — an unknown variable — appeared in this timeline things could be altered.... but that's only the case if you are the first you from the future coming back in time...

After all, what's to say that the person in this timeline ends the thing you ended in your original timeline and then also travels back in time? That would mean that you were being watched by your future self while in the present, and then you became the future self when in the past. After you time traveled, since you didn't meet your future self, that person must have become the person who carried on with your life in the future.

You traveled back in time to see yourself in the past traveling back in time to before they ended the item, and then after that person was gone, you took the place of the person who just disappeared, and then that kept happening for an infinite amount of time.

See? You technically were alive for an infinite amount of time, neverending. But... were those people in the other time regions really you? Yes, they were. Just in the past, present, and future. In this way, we can see that you had existed for a limited time after moving in the future.

So, let's get down to the topic now.

I think that every moment of our lives, we are basically replaced with future versions of ourselves after a period of time. For example, I do something, then after I do it, I am replaced with another me of the future. Not like I swapped bodies or anything, but that my actions and thinking processes were replaced.

I was typing this, and I believe that every letter I type and every thought I've been thinking has been already pre-determined by thousands or millions or even billions of future versions of me. After all, time is just this. Past and future versions of creatures and items. This type of thought could also be the origin of the definition of 'destiny'.

Now, who was the first me, though? After all, that person must've been in my past but then also my future, right? I could answer this simply by saying 'To become something, you need to become a part of the space around you.' That means 'go with however the others go'.

If there is nothing there, 'then be nothing'. If there is something there 'be something'. The 'there' I mean is the universe. If there's nothing in the universe, then don't be anything. If there is, then be something. Simple. Being something, you would be the very past and future of who you are. This brings us back to the 'Beginning'.

The Beginning, I am thinking that that really isn't the true 'Beginning'. I am thinking that this Beginning we know is just another one of the thousands of other Beginnings that were brought forth when the 'nothing' decided to be 'something' and we followed along with it. Yes. I am basically saying that reality is sentient. Illusions are the things that were before reality turned into something.

So, to know what is the difference between 'life' and 'death', just think of life as the nothings that followed reality that turned into something, death as turning back into that nothing and then approaching the something called reality to be something again.

This type of thought can work for both people who believe in reincarnation or heaven or nothing. When being turned back into nothing, to get to something, the yous in the future must've also been split and turned into nothings. When something becomes nothing, only then is it free. In this period of time that the self you are at the moment and the selves you are in the future are nothing, you are able to change 'destiny'. You are able to make decisions that you aren't destined to do because of your future selves.

Then, out of all the possible and all the yous that died, you get to choose how you live, where you live, and if you do not live. This 'death' is what I am talking about. In this moment, you can become some other things, something you weren't determined to be. Those yous from the future would become the ones that are now the you in the past and the yous in the past would become the ones in the future.

That's about it. What differentiates life and death. It's your choice that differentiates it, by what I think.

Of course, these are just some weird thoughts, so haha...:blobsweat_2::blobsweat_2:

But hey, I did start off by saying it was weird.... :blobpeek::blobpeek::blobpeek:

Bad Storm likes this.


    1. Agentt May 7, 2021
      Imagine being at poles, someone stabs you and you travel half the world.
      MinUp and CadmarLegend like this.
    2. Bad Storm May 7, 2021
      I think you would have fun reading about paradoxes.
      CadmarLegend likes this.
    3. CadmarLegend May 7, 2021
      or not?
    4. CadmarLegend May 7, 2021
      Soooooooo..... confusing, right?