Mystery woman~



[Ani's C☕ffee-mate #3] [Shady Merchant], Male
Blog Posts:
As a tram goes by a woman waves at me enthusiastically through the window.
She’s got a big smile on her face likes she’s seeing someone again after a few years.
I’m making a slightly confused face back at her.
In them brief few seconds so many thoughts are going through my mind.
I search through my memories trying to put a name to that face.
Nothing comes to me. Not even a hint of recognition. Is she waving at me?
I discretely look around to check if the wave is for someone else.
There’s no one who looks happy to see her.
Hmm she looks like a blend of a few people I know.
Maybe I do know her. Could she be...
Ah the trams gone. Oh well she probably wasn’t waving at me anyways~


    1. AMissingLinguist Mar 1, 2020
      Must be an old friend. Childhood friend, maybe? :hmm:
    2. Fluffinya Feb 29, 2020
      That was me, waiting to make my move to murder you.
      Lunaix, DCLXVI and AMissingLinguist like this.
    3. hayyan Feb 29, 2020
      It was me.
      AMissingLinguist likes this.
    4. OnceandFutureLurker Feb 29, 2020
      it was a coffee vendor trying to flag you down to give a free month supply
      AMissingLinguist likes this.