NU Chronicles - Fantastic Lawsuits And How To Dodge Them



Loves cats and pats and my wife, Male
Blog Posts:
Answer: Be funny and cute like me.

Readers, I am an intelligent person, I understand that you must be getting chased by lawyers at this moment and decided to google "how to escape lawsuits?" and this was the top result.

Hence, I didn't wasted your time and told you the answer.
If you are still here, it means you weren't getting chased by lawyers, which is quite weird. How else did you stumbled upon this blog then?

I can only imagine that you saw a picture of a cute girl and decided to click on it, which bought you here.
So, I shall make that click worth it and entertain you for the time bieng.

Readers, if you aren't living under a rock, surely you must have heard of the famous Agentt vs Togepi case.
I mean, I can't really imagine a scenario where you wouldn't be knowing about this, like, have you even been seeing the news? Even children know of the famous Agentt vs Togepi case.

But, dear Readers, I am an intelligent person. I know there is a chance you are living a 1000 years later from now, in an apocalyptic land. Hence, I am going to brief you about the Agentt vs Togepi case.

First, let me tell you about the dangers of being homeless.
Once, I was in my home, the street. And I saw Nara approaching, the first person who welcomed me into this world, so I greeted her,
"Hi Nara!"
And she stabbed me. She literally stabbed me in the stomach.
I bled, and she kept on laughing, drinking my blood as a maniac and laughing hysterically.

I saw another person approaching, Clumsy Soul. She was the mother of my friend, Napelynn. So I called out to her for help.

And she stabbed me.
She literally stabbed me. She literally stabbed me in the stomach.
I bled, and she kept on laughing, drinking my blood as a maniac and laughing hysterically.

I saw another person approaching. Her name was Glass. She was a member of the Blue Siblings, like Nara and Greed. So I have to admit, I didn't had much expectations. I asked for help,

And she stabbed me. She literally stabbed me in the stomach.
I bled, and she kept on laughing, drinking my blood as a maniac and laughing hysterically.

As I was left to die, I heard a voice,
"Oi kids, doing something rad again?"
"Garanny!" sparkled with joy, all three of them.
In front of me was an old woman wearing sunglasses and pink dress.
She asked my name,
I said, Agentt.
She said,
"Agentt, you don't want to be deadmeat, right? I have a job for you. Accept and you live, reject and you die."
I accepted, and she told the other three,
"This one is my grandkid from now on. Don't bully him."
"Okay~~~♡ grannnyyyy~~♡"

The old woman took me to a corner, and said,
"Listen Agentt, the job is simple. I am a murderer. And that princess Athy wants to get me. All you need to do is give false testimony. Don't be naughty or else you get stab stab."

Well, bieng the righteous citizen I was, I went to the court, and told them the truth.
The truth about how this old woman is threatening me to give false testimony.
Hearing my testimony, the judge said,
"Granny, is it true you are threatening this man?"
"Not at all~~♡" was her answer.
And she was released.
And granny was about to stab me too, but stopped at just the moment.
She said,
"Kid, you are funny. You shall live."

And readers, that's how you escape death by being funny like me. I would continue this, but I kinda don't want to. So let's talk about the Togepi case in the next blog.

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    1. Agentt May 24, 2021
      @Naraina the reason for these blogs is to show how I am the victim. Not the other way around.
      Naraina likes this.
    2. Naraina May 24, 2021
      I'm 100% confident that I did no such thing!
      The only thing I did was to throw a lizard towards you and you pretty much Dodged it.... with that said, I even bothered to throw a lizard cus you first attacked me with a train! :bloboh:
      Ohay! Me is innocent!
    3. Agentt May 24, 2021
      You were pretty happy when you rolled me over with a tank.
    4. Naraina May 24, 2021
      What kind of slanderous abomination is this? :blobcat_hyper:
    5. Agentt May 23, 2021
      @Glass Shard you did tho. This is how I was adopted by softie
    6. Glass Shard May 23, 2021
      Agentt =_= i never stabbed you
      Agentt likes this.
    7. GREED444 May 22, 2021
      this time you got athy name right
      Napelynn likes this.
    8. Napelynn May 22, 2021
      @Agentt youll get 1 star next time if you use ‘write’ instead of ‘right’ again.
      Agentt likes this.