Outside the Box - #11- Strength and Weakness



『Shem's Best Pal ✧ Lexi's Ani ✧ Hamster's Keeper』, Male
Blog Posts:
What does it mean to be "Strong"? What does it mean to be "Weak"? I've been thinking about that alot lately. I'll admit, I've not been feeling very "Strong" lately. But I can't let myself be "Weak" either.
It's a strange place, the back and forth tugging between the call to give in to weakness, to sit down to rest, and the responsibility to be strong and press on despite the weariness.

It seems like people like to come to me when things are rough. Family, friends, even here. And I try to do my best to help how I can. I'm not a Wise man by any means. In fact, I'd venture to say alot of people have more Common sense and wisdom than me. So all I can do is based on my own experiences. Lessons I learned when I was in the same Valleys they are.
Keep Walking on.
Keep Smiling.
Don't give up.
Don't let things feaster.
Be "Strong".

But then at times, I feel like a hypocrite, trying to help others when I can't even "be Strong" myself. Letting wounds fester because I think it'll upset someone. Selfishly trying make myself feel better by helping someone else feel better. So it turns into a "drug". that momentary high and happiness when you see someone else smile, then that slow fall back down because you're just ridding on someone else's coattail.

Over and over. Looking for your own, but never really finding it.

But you can't show it either. You have to keep on Smiling. Keep on pressing on. Because if you don't, it makes everything you've done, pointless. Just Empty words with no real meaning. Ya, there have been times I've tried. Time's I've taken my worries and scars to other. But in doing so, I've lost friends, lost people I thought of as family. All for a moment of Weakness.

Maybe I just get to attached to people, to easy. Like a Drowning Man, I latch onto even a tiny bit of Stability, but in the end, just end up dragging them down with me. Pushing and prodding till eventually, they get annoyed and shake me off. Hahahah, Its ironic, really. I'm so desperate for someone to simply be comfortable and happy around me, to want me around, that I chase those very people away.

Eventually, I just stopped trying.
I know I'm not a very "popular" person. I'm not someone people enjoy being around alot or are very comfortable around. People don't "think" of me very often, and when they do, Its often as a Joke or an afterthought.

But I've decided I can't let those petty and selfish concerns control me. I can't let them keep making me "Weak". All that will do is drag others down with me as well. I have to keep being "Strong". Because if I don't, then that will just prove all of my demons right. I really don't know what else to do.
Maybe one day I'll find what I'm looking for, some stable land where I don't have to worry about such petty things anymore.

But till then I'll just have keep on keeping on.

You, Bad Storm, Silver Snake and 4 others like this.


    1. Arexio Feb 21, 2019
      Oh man, I really dig this prose.

      I feel this. A lot. I've gotten expectations piled up and up onto me, people thinking I can do everything. Myself, trying to please everyone.

      Now? Now, I'm broken. Shattered. Scavenging the pieces and seeing what's left.

      Just wanted to let you know your piece really spoke to me, and it helped a little is all. Thanks.
      Silver Snake and Osamaru like this.
    2. Emmyy Mar 20, 2018
      Wow.. that was really a heavy read.. I can relate to parts of that.. Just because I pretend to have it together doesn't mean I do.. its kinda scary when my friends look to me for answers and inside I feel my facade is too good..WTF do I really know..how can I help them..I just do my best which it looks like you do. You seem like an awesome person who takes things to heart.. Your friends comments show how much they care about you..Also being 'popular' is overrated.. some of my 'very popular' friends don't like to be alone w/ themselves..so they constantly surround themselves w/people who adore them.. seems like they have to see their reflection through other peoples infatuated eyes
      Silver Snake and Osamaru like this.
    3. AliceShiki Mar 9, 2018
      @Osamaru Everyone is a hypocrite! :blobhero::blobhero::blobhero::blobhero::blobhero::blobhero:

      Just make sure your hypocrisy doesn't hurt others, in particular, try to avoid being a hypocrite with children.
      Osamaru likes this.
    4. Osamaru Mar 9, 2018
      True @AliceShiki, but it makes me feel like I can't, sometimes.
      like how can I tell someone to not take things to hard, to speak up when they're bothered, when I can't bring myself to tell someone off because I'll make um mad.
      Or to smile when I'm feeling depressed myself?
      It makes me feel fake, like a Hypocrite.
      Maybe I'm just not good with dealing with people.
    5. AliceShiki Mar 9, 2018
      *pat pat*

      You know... You don't need to be strong to help others become strong... I already gave love advice to people while I have had no luck in my love life.
      I already helped people cheer up when I was feeling horribly depressive.
      I already helped people moving on when I myself hadn't...

      Everyone always needs help, it doesn't mean we can't help others.
      Osamaru likes this.
    6. Clozdark Mar 9, 2018
      Expectation is really a shackles
      Osamaru likes this.