PC is an addiction



I miss my PC
Blog Posts:
I spent half to the entire month without a PC.
At first I was alright, finding the time to exercise, read novels and stare out into the abyss.
A week passes and my thoughts drift towards rebuilding it. I started missing my games, the ease of access and last but not least, the unlimited free porn viewable on a big ass screen.
Two weeks scramble along and I'm already thinking of stealing components from the shop or how nice it would be if my brother donated that new PC he bought a while ago to me...
Three weeks crawled through and I'm wishing a natural disaster, a riot or a bomb destroys a large part of my city just so I can scavenge PC parts from the remains...
And here I am, at the edge of the new month, feeling my innards shaking from withdrawal, almost willing to sacrifice a million virgins to the endless darkness of the abyss just so I can play a goddamned game of Mount & Blade!

PC is an addiction and I'm craving it dearly.


    1. AMissingLinguist Jul 1, 2018
      I recommend reading more solid books or finding a new hobby. I recommend fishing, hiking, walking on the beach, talking to strangers, contemplating your meaning of existence, and sleeping.
      Harfang, CDLevit and Bad Storm like this.