People don't think of you as lowly as you think they do



Nyartist, Female
Blog Posts:
"You" here is more like me. What I have been learning more and more these days is that, confidence about yourself
  • Cannot be forced. One can't just force you to be confident and call you a loser for being unconfident. That kinda thing kinda has the reverse effect imo. It's like, we can't be ourselves. But if its said with a praise, it usually does the work for me.
  • Is the key to your social connections.
I won't start speaking of overconfidence as I don't think I have traveled that way yet... Have I? Haha maybe a bit at studies, "It'll be fine, I know things". But I am talking about confidence about ourselves as a person in a society.

But the problem is if we live for too long in a society which has been letting you down, judging you, watching you, you kind of tend to think that everyone is like that, and all the time they are like that. What I understand is that people don't care/ worry much about anyone apart from themselves.

Yes, they may make a comment. But it shouldn't be taken until it affects you or you affect them.

On the other hand, if it's someone close to you, and express that they dislike a certain part of yours then you should definitely pay attention to it. Even though comments like "You need to change! You shouldn't do this!" Can be annoying, but they usually say it for our own good. Even though, it may necessarily not affect them, except emotionally. They say it more because they are afraid of the negative consequences we may face.

But, if something is said repeatedly to someone, and they don't realize it, it will be distressing for both the parties. Like "Please stop already! I won't change...". Like my mom nagging me about my weight. She is afraid that I may not fit in clothes, not get a good guy to love me... But guess what. Many good guys don't even consider ideal media looks for actually having feelings for someone. And anyways, a person with annoying personality is disgusting no matter how good she looks. Just like if a hot guy is an asshole, I would prolly say "What a waste of looks..." Lol

Do the people who make these kind of comments look down on you? Not essentially, though I think they feel a sense of responsibility towards us... If something bad happens to us, they can't take it. Sort of... But they miss out the point is they want you to do what they (along with the society) thinks is right...

But then, again if you change societies, you may be viewed with a different perspective. Don't let your negativity overpower your positive ways at first impressions. That's something we should note... Don't let a person think you're ugly t first impressions. If that's so, and they stay with you for a long time, the next moment, next hour, next day you meet them, look at them confidently, and smile! Like you're the happiest person with yourself...

You, AMissingLinguist, Lonelycity and 9 others like this.


    1. Nom de Plume Nov 27, 2019
      How to say this... most people don’t care beyond how it relates to themself. The ones who nag are trying to care and might even love you. The ones who put you down either lack empathy or lack confidence themselves. A lot of bullies can only feel good about themselves when they can compare themself to someone they put down. Pay attention to *how* someone criticizes you. Many unasked for criticisms from strangers are meaningless or untrue.

      It can be hard to be confident, it’s easier to find a few points about yourself that you feel confident in and build from there. Learn to like and even love your own quirks. Work on improving the bits of yourself you think are lacking (like going on walks if you stay inside too much).
      Nyann and Loni4ever like this.
    2. Donutmindme Nov 26, 2019
      How did this go to the price of a kidney?
    3. Effugium Nov 26, 2019
      @hayyan woah, i didn't know kidney is that cheap... Smh, i guess I'll just use makeup u.u
      Nyann likes this.
    4. hayyan Nov 26, 2019
      hariett98 likes this.
    5. Effugium Nov 26, 2019
      @hayyan surely it doesn't cost as much as a kidney?
      hariett98 likes this.
    6. hayyan Nov 26, 2019
      hariett98 likes this.
    7. Effugium Nov 26, 2019
      @hayyan you are right, i really should change that part of me.... I'm gonna have a plastic surgery
      hariett98 likes this.
    8. hayyan Nov 26, 2019
      hariett98 likes this.