Pokemon Go Progress Update: 6/08//22


Gandire Alea

[Wicked Awesome Translator], Female
Blog Posts:
So, honestly, I don't really have anything to say. This is just that sort of game. I did catch a perfect IVed phanphy and two golden badges for some gyms, but the phanphy isn't a fire type, so it doesn't really count. Same applies to the really good Groudon I got just earlier today. It is a ground type, not a fire type.

There was an event last weekend for the game, but other than walking around and doing raids, I more or less ignored it. I am not going to pay money to play this game. I also still haven't visited every gym on this island, but I am getting there. I know for a fact that I need the ones near the top of the volcano. I should really get to going up there soon. I planned to go today, but there was a bunny farm and I decided to stop there.

Fire type medal: 1678/2500

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