Random poems by this Hamster


The Hamster Overlord

Mad scientist/Revered wizard/Alleged antichrist
Blog Posts:
I feel like I'm falling apart,
Buried in dust and embers.
The end is determined at start,
The now is so fleeting and tender
The heart is impaled with spears
It's yearning for freedom in vain,
It's bleeding with bitter tears,
Their salt cauterizes the veins.
You'll never come back,
The roads are hidden in snow
You won't know, you only look ahead
Time will pass, days will come and will go
I don't know what I feel anymore
All the words I should say I forget
Only empty sounds can come fore
And a quiet sobbing regret
Am I a shadow, a husk, a remnant
Of what once used to be someone?
Is there place in my heart where the flames
Are still burning and blazing now?
Am I living or dreaming a life?
Is here anything real in me left?
Why do tears cut worse than a knife?
Makes me want to escape with haste.

You, Eru101 and Tech is life like this.