Random Question 9~



[Ani's C☕ffee-mate #3] [Shady Merchant], Male
Blog Posts:
Part 9 with questions 161-180. Enjoy~ and answer the questions too if you want

Random question 161: What was the worst present you ever received?

Ioriangel: A dress that was too tiny for me.

Random question 162: What emotion do you hate most?

Balthazzar: hmmm? Any emotion that I cant overwrite with my logic

Random question 163: Which historical figure would you love to see alive in the 21st centuary life?

For everyone~ check the answer on profile

Random question 164: Have you ever cosplayed as na anime/manga character? If not, who would you like to cosplay as?

For everyone~ check the answer on profile

Random question 165: If you had to choose one, what would you say is your favourite sword?

The person didn't answer.......booo~ lol

Random question 166: What is the latest novel you've found that's got you excited?

Kerbasi: Mmm~ I've been searching for new novels lately but none of them have gotten me excited as the ones I've found before.( am just waiting for updates lol. )

One novel would be Dominions End. It always ends in a cliffhanger, and only updates once a month. It tears my heart apart ( ̄Д ̄)ノ

Random question 167 (source @Pyoo): What website do you frequent the second most?

asriu: (≧▽≦)?
my most is my e-mail account
NU and NUF is second

Random question 168: If you could be a main character from any novel on NU/NUF, which would you choose?

Another one that didn't answer......boooo!

Random question 169: What's your favourite colour?

Lovely: green!

Random question 170 (courtesy of @Pyoo): If you can pick up one skill and be a master at it, what skill would you choose?

WeiFish: Time Manipulation. :) I could choose to slow or stop time for those closest to me, yet still give them and myself the choice of death. Of course I could rewind time and do a lot of things again but yeah. ^^

Either that or yeah, ability to have change my chance/luck, random opportunities and lucky chances! Easy life! Funny life too.

Random question 171: Have you ever been challenged/dared to do anything in RL? If yes what was it?

Kami Association: Yes, it was to seduce a completely random girl

Random question 172: What is your favourite movie genre? And can you name one of your favourite movies from that genre.

DCLXVI: psychological thriller
something like this http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1590089/


Random question 173 (credit to the lovely @Pyoo): What's your stupidest (as in funny) regret you keep thinking about?

Frozen ink: Why did I ever think that dank memes work as pick up lines......

Random question 174: Who do you miss most that's not in your life anymore?

Ophious: My beloved childhood friend
My first love
and the first person I lost
I would say she wins this
Though maybe my grandma or aunt too.......

Random question 175 (source @Pyoo san): What is your favourite desert?

Matsurika: flan/anything with chocolate in it/anything considered a tart...


Random question 176: What is your favourite fruit?

It's a long answer~ read it on the profile

Random question 177: What is your favourite season and why?

Miss Ruby: summer

Random question 178: What is your favourite food to eat for breakfast?

For everyone~ click link to see answers

Random question 179: What is your favourite kind of bread?

For everyone~ click link to see answers

Random question 180: What is your favourite horror movie?

DarkBlue: the exorcist

Bielt, BlancFrost and Matsurika like this.