


『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』, Female
Blog Posts:
I think I'm a calm person overall, and I think I can deal with most things pretty well... But... Recently I'm thinking my line is surprisingly low when people lack respect towards me?

I mean, I'm not talking about respecting them as their superior or anything, just... You know... Basic respect you should show towards anyone else out there? Once people start lacking respect I start getting a lot more blunt and getting angered at them really easily.

... That's not very good for someone that GMs a relatively big roleplay I think... But I still have a pretty terrible time handling lack of respect. It's really troubling me. Like... I act in a way and then look at it and think "That's not me", because I'm generally calmer and handle things better... At the same time, I don't even feel bad for mistreating someone that is disrespecting me, so I have a really hard time thinking of a way to "fix" this behavior... I honestly wonder if I should even bother with fixing it though.

I mean, it doesn't promote a good mood for the game for sure, nor does any good for my reputation... But it's just so annoying to look away when someone is being disrespectful... It's just so much easier to call them out on their bullshit. Especially when they pretend to be nice and innocent, yet keep on being a huge pain time and time again... Those types of people are just so darn annoying.

I'm looking back on the fights I had IRL in the past... Pretty sure all of them started because someone stopped showing the basic respect they should have with me... And then I got damn annoyed at them, things usually aren't pretty when this happens.

*sighs* I think I need to fix that, I mean... We're all humans and we all have flaws, but I don't want to be someone that can snap easily at people just because they're complete assholes and deserve every single word I'm telling them.

On the other hand, I wonder if it isn't more trouble than it's worth to keep around people that make me snap... Sometimes we can't really choose that though, we just are forced to deal with them... In this case, might as well learn to deal with it in a peaceful way I guess? Snapping is just soooo much easier though... Bleh.

I just don't get how hard it is to show basic respect towards others though... I mean, it's not that hard, don't badmouth them or what they do right in front of them... If you have a complaint, offer constructive feedback, don't just start lowkey snarking at them. It really can't be that hard... It shouldn't be hard at least.

*sighs* I'm tired and stressed already... Wish this feeling would come after more than just a few days since I ended my break.


    1. AliceShiki Apr 20, 2019
      @Clozdark I have no clue if I'm introspective, justification or what not tbh! xD

      But yeah, I'm the type to hold grudges I suppose. It takes quite some time and a lot of annoyance for me to grow a grudge, but once I have one, it's really hard for me to let go.
    2. Clozdark Apr 20, 2019
      Hmmm in case of another "snap" happen, i think it's better if you know you're the ' justification ' type or ' introspective ' type.
      Looking at your other post, maybe you're the ' introspective ' one, and it going to be a very long time to make you let go the past mistakes,so i think it's better to learn false positive.
    3. AliceShiki Apr 17, 2019
      *hugs @TwilightForest * Thanks... And yeah, I guess we need to learn to respect others... Earning respect is kinda hard though... T.T

      But yeah, I guess that's a way of looking at it, it's not a bad thing to keep in mind~
    4. SummerForest Apr 17, 2019
      It's a pity that respect towards others isn't a natural human behaviour. It's a 'learnt' behaviour, a sort of classical conditioning and sometimes, too much negative feeling is associated with the 'need to respect'.
      On the other hand, respect is something that doesn't come our way naturally. It's something we need to 'earn' the hardest way.
      Some people are just not nice and you can't change them, really. They don't know the value of peaceful co-existence and they'll never learn it, I guess.
      Think about the people who value you for your qualities. That should act as a soothing balm :bloblove: