So Jelly



Well-Known Member
Blog Posts:
People likes to argue and there is nothing wrong about it. We must have different opinions or views over things. It's natural, but sometimes people take the situation too far. Perhaps it's because we want the other party to understand our opinion, or rather we want to win it over. What should I say... hahaha whatever.

Bad arguments are sucks. Hasty generalization, personal attacks, or whatever it is. But yeah, it will be cool if you can pointing out a logical fallacy. It doesn't hurt to learn. People who said, "then you shouldn't read/watch it in the first place" or "it's not related to you, so why even care?", please try to argue smarter (including myself). Well, debate is an art. It's not all about using logic. The way people persuade others is what makes it interesting for me.

By the way, I'm soooooooo jelly with people who went to Gintama Matsuri!! I also want to go!! I wanna see the seiyuus! Sugita!! Nakai-san!! Elizabeth!! I wanna get the merchandise! Uwaaaaaaaaaa!! :blobsob::blobsob::blobupset:
Geez, I wish I could buy the DVD later. :blobspearpeek:



    1. orematcha Mar 6, 2019
      @Blitz lol, that one last chap in Giga? It was great. Did you download the app or just gonna wait for the translation?
      Yeah, DOES and Spyair was there too. Also Chico with Honeyworks! It was such a rare moment for all my favourite to attend the same event.
      Blitz likes this.
    2. Blitz Mar 6, 2019
      Damm even spyair was Going to be there. So I understand your feel
      orematcha likes this.
    3. Blitz Mar 6, 2019
      This reminded me that the latest chap is out. Classic gorilla
      orematcha likes this.