Some books and shows should be paired with water and tissue.


25th bamm

A Self-proclaimed Normal Reader and Tea lover, Female
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Recently I've been crying over a lot of shows and books. Now it's normal for me to cry over things like shows and books, like if a character dies or a character's past is revealed. However recently its been quite often. I just finished reading the last 20% of Maybe You Should Talk To Someone by Lori Gottlieb. I cried my eyes out during those chapters. The type of crying where you need to get up and grab a tissue box if you want to keep those clothes clean. It was quite weird because I was in a room with someone else in it. Usually, I don't cry in those situations but I did because of this book. I'm pretty sure I would have cried over this book even if I read it at another time. The author is providing some insight into what happens in a therapy room from both sides of the room, as a client and as a therapist. The book talks about what it means to be human, the faults and flaws as well as the beauty of it. The book is very heartfelt and perhaps that is why I cried so much during it. I feel like most people would cry over it and it is normal that I did, now I have cried over certain things that not quite everyone would cry over. It's something that's probably due to personal insecurities. Who knows, maybe everyone has this insecurity but for some, it is stronger for them than others. One particular instance is when I was watching Merlin and one of the character's dads said: "I was never disappointed in you." or something of the sorts. This one line wasn't meant to be a big moment for the character, it was more of a moment for the episode not for the whole show. The father quickly walked away and the camera lingered on the character, as he digested the information, for a few seconds. This simple sentence was enough for me to cry. It wasn't late at night, I wasn't delirious or under any influence but that made me cry. If that isn't due to my personal problems I don't know what is. I was intrigued because I didn't know I had that insecurity. However thinking about it now, it isn't that surprising or random. I know it isn't groundbreaking knowledge that "The way you react to something says something about your self". I was just thinking about that and thought it would be nice to write about it. Now I might need some water after all that crying haha. That's all, thanks for reading this far. I'm not sure what I will title this but I guess I'll figure it out haha.

Bad Storm likes this.


    1. 25th bamm Jun 3, 2020
      Well it’s something not a lot of people know about but everyone has their own preferences on how they like to read. I just checked and the app is supposed to be compatible with ipad but I have never used it on there. I know you can read it in the app or use kindle and on the computer you can do the same but I don’t know if that helps you. Happy searching!
      Achievemint likes this.
    2. Achievemint Jun 3, 2020
      @25th bamm I normally download them in Epub form so I can read such stories using Books on iPad. However, I appreciate your tips! I will see if I can get this book for free. LOL
      25th bamm likes this.
    3. 25th bamm Jun 3, 2020
      I’ll check it out! Luckily I had a supply and of tissue before this whole mess! Unfortunately, my area still has some hoarding but it’s only on some days. I use Libby (for mobile) or Overdrive (for PC) for reading books, you should check it out if you enjoy audio books or e-books. They are online library or more specifically apps that will connect to your online library.
      Achievemint likes this.
    4. Achievemint Jun 3, 2020
      Wow, what a thought! I will see if I can legally borrow this book from a library unless this was free on some websites? Try Robert Fulghum's All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten if you haven't already. My dad said it was pretty good and my older friend said it was eye opening. Hmm, I should start reading that one too. Buy more tissues! I am sure the hoarding finally stop now. :whistle:
      25th bamm likes this.