Stigma attached to being an introvert



Nyartist, Female
Blog Posts:
"Why do we have so many "motivational" quotes for introverts to open up more, but no such thing which asks an extrovert to shut their fuck up for a single second?"

Why is introversion viewed negatively? Why is introversion related to being sad, lonely, depressed, anxious, humiliated, socially excluded etc? An introvert might just want to speak less because they don't feel like talking? If right to speech and expression exists, then right to stay quiet should exist as well. An introvert may stay silent because they enjoy listening more than speaking, or they like to think a lot or whatever their business might be. It's just a type of personality. Why does the society view it negatively, and secondly why does it force it's ideals for an introvert to be "more open"?

An introvert may be reserved in expressing themselves, but that doesn't mean their brains are silent, or that they don't have an open mind.

Why is it that my friend asks me why do I not talk to seniors or other classmates much, and why does she view it negatively? I just like not to talk much. I like to choose who to talk to and I also know I have my own business than to waste my time talking to people.

And also, why do people relate the fact that being active online means that we are lonely? Aren't people online people as well? What's wrong with talking to people that I want to talk to than pretend to enjoy a conversation about a topic with people I don't wanna talk to? Just because we talk to someone irl doesn't mean we are more close to them than we could be to someone online. What's the problem in not talking to a stranger sitting next to us but talking on our phone? Why can it not be viewed objectively instead of negatively? Humans being are social animals but it doesn't mean it has to be a physical person next to us. It's just that the times have changed, it's not like what was there back in those days was any different. Did the previous generation live happier lives than us? Do extroverts actually feel happier and less lonely than introverts? Are people sure they are only talking a lot of bullshit to keep their minds shut from bad thoughts? There can be so many things.... Also, an introvert can also be a part of the conversation. By listening. If everyone speaks and no one is ready to listen, then what's the point of speaking?

I wonder when will the social stigma attached to the minorities and whatever is new will reduce ....

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    1. Passerby Soysauce-sama Feb 19, 2020
      @Nyann senpait~ they're not the only ones who are entitled to impose their personalities on people, though. We, too are entitled to ignore them (if we want to). Er how do I say it~ spray some toxicppl repellant on you to shake off those narrowminded creatures who do not respect both your words and your silence.

      More than extroverted-ness, or social participation, people generally want to know what's in the minds of introverts (how we see them and our peers/our ideas or suggestions). As introverts, we tend to keep those impressions/ideas to ourselves and that irks people. Our intentions are either seen as aloof or detached, but thats not the case~ sooo they generalize introverts into this "stigma" to define the mystery, instead.

      I have some occasional spurt to share all those buried thoughts, then go back to being a recluse for a bit to recharge (and regret). But it changed so many things in my life, including having [The Courage to be Disliked].
      <That's a badass book abt Adlerian Psychology>
      Vampire Maiden and TokioftheBel like this.
    2. Nyann Feb 19, 2020
      But @Passerby Soysauce-sama what if I don't *want* to talk? It's a different story when I actually want to talk and don't get the opportunity, but what if I don't simply feel like talking to certain people? Why should people impose their personalities on me?
      Vampire Maiden likes this.
    3. Passerby Soysauce-sama Feb 19, 2020
      While there is constant trend on establishing social skills to ''fit in", I do think that, as introverts, we still need the skills to express ourselves and deliver our ideas fully. Otherwise, our ideas are all for naught.

      Definitely watch some TED Talks about it, Senpai. :blobpopcorn: I'm bad at this omo:sushi_hide:
      Vampire Maiden likes this.
    4. Lurking Feb 19, 2020
      was just making sure.

      didnt say one was better than the other, and i thjnk both are good.

      but sometimes there are folk who are just like, "nah all i need is the internet, i dont need to talk to people in person" and thats unhealthy
      HNCKrstl, mir and Nyann like this.
    5. Lazriser Feb 19, 2020
      @Nyann Modern society demands absolute transparency, because... you know? It does not like introverts, because information is kept secret and alignments are not open for discussion or criticism. Leverage is only possible if there is something to levy. Not everyone are extreme introverts, but everyone has both introverted and extroverted qualities inside them. Humans are after all... social creatures. Extroversion is just as worse as introversion is painted out by modern society.

      A baby cries. A stillborn dies. A human screams for help. A corpse remains silent. A fortunate soul passes on. An immortal demon is born.
      Vampire Maiden likes this.
    6. Nyann Feb 19, 2020
      @Lurking no one is a substitute for the other. Can we stop pretending that talking to people irl is more beneficial than online? They are different platforms. And I do talk to people irl lol
      HNCKrstl, Lurking, Arash1 and 2 others like this.
    7. Lurking Feb 19, 2020
      phone interaction and social media is not a replacement for face to face human interaction

      face to face human interaction is very important, take at least a few hours weekly dosage of it with friendlike entities with no task to be done. can help your mental health.

      dont need to be talking? but be in friendly company for reasons other than that you must.
      HNCKrstl and blues86 like this.
    8. AliceShiki Feb 19, 2020
      I agree with @mir-chan. The people that do most of the talking are extroverted, so... It gives an impression that the "normal" is being extroverted because... Well, the people that you hear are the extroverted ones in the first place.

      Personally speaking, I'm quite extroverted, but I went through a big introverted phase when I was younger, so uhn... Well, I kinda prefer being extroverted, so I can understand why some people would try convincing others to be more extroverted... Doesn't mean I'd ever try to make someone change like that though~