Story Dump (I'm Just the Villain's Minion!)


Arcadia Blade

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!
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Okay, this is just a story dump where i either dump this story idea or will make it. This is just a idea and its free to take if you want to take this idea into your own novel.

This is Part 8 of my work and if you want to see the other works, just head down to the links.


This plays out like a normal Otome game who serves as the Villianess Entourage's butler. He did the task like pranking the Heroine, spreading rumours and even causing trouble for the Heroine and her Harem.

He was even ready to be thrown away for the sake of his master's sake until he discovers a place where a dark ritual had happen which inadvertently misunderstood that the Heroine and the gang that he's the main Villain.

He used the opportunity to make himself even more threatening and tends to praise his mistress and was attacked.

What they didn't know that the ritual had succeeded and the most powerful being was summoned but was sealed by the mob and thought that he would turn himself into a mob boss.

But turns out that he wiped out the group which retreated and begans the story of him being misunderstood being the final boss and him thinking that the heroes were too weak and only thinks that he would try to let them win and be defeated.

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